"Allowing more immigration of refugees would be good both for refugees and for the economies they come to." Discuss. What should be included in the refugee's perspective? Which economic theories relate to this topic?Answer
As usual, the answer to such a complex question is “it depends” since not all refugees are equal and the reasons for relocation can also vary. In most cases, refugees need special services from the receiver population such as emergency shelter, food, and legal aid. From the standpoint of a refugee, one would assume only good could result from leaving behind political oppression or economic hardship; however that would only be a partial picture. For instance fleeing their homeland and leaving family members behind can lead to psychological trauma complicating refugees’ adjustment to their new environment. Other factors such as age, culture, religion and ethnicity can play a crucial role in the integration process of refugees (Todaro, 1969). For instance, as can be observed in the current migrant crisis affecting Europe, religion has actively worked as a barrier to integration. Negative consequences that can stem from these obstacles include the marginalisation of refugees, which can lead to the creation of ghettos and the escalation of crime as refugees are left out of the labor force (Sassen, 1988). There exist a number of economic theories that address the migration process including Ernst Ravenstein’s Laws of Migration (1889), which represents the mechanism as a “push-pull” process in which the primary cause for migration is better external economic opportunities. Furthermore, the neoclassical economic theory (Sjaastad, 1962) suggests that international migration is related to the global supply and demand for labor, while the segmented labor-market theory (Piore, 1979) argues that First World economies are structured so as to require a certain level of immigration to fill jobs that are necessary for the overall economy to function but are avoided by the native-born population because of the poor working conditions associated with the secondary, low-wage labor market. For further information, please visit our UKEssays website link provided in the references.References
Piore, M. J. (1979) Birds of passage: Migrant labor and industrial societies, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. Ravenstein, E. G. (1889) ‘The Laws of Migration’, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 241-305. Sassen, S. (1988) The Mobility of Labor and Capital, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. Sjaastad, L. (1962) ‘The Costs and Returns of Human Migration’, Journal of Political Economy, vol. 70, no. 5, pp. 80-93. Todaro, M. (1969) ‘A Model of Labor Migration and Urban Unemployment in Less Developed Countries’, The American Economic Review, vol. 59, pp. 138-148. UK Essays. (2013). The Social And Economic Implications Of International Migration Economics Essay. [online]. Available from: [Accessed 9 June 2016].
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