Application of Human Resource Management to a Business

University / Undergraduate
Modified: 5th Feb 2025
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P1. Explain the purpose and the functions of HRM, applicable to workforce planning and resourcing XYZ Ltd.

Define Human Resource Management: Human Resource Management (HRM) is the term used to describe formal systems devised for the management of people within an organization. The responsibilities of a human resource manager fall into three major areas: staffing, employee compensation and benefits, and defining/designing work.

Explain the main functions and activities of HRM using an organisation such as XYZ as an example: A proficiently run HR office can give your association structure and the capacity to address business issues through dealing with your organization’s most profitable assets – its representatives. There are a few HR orders, or territories, however HR specialists in each teach may perform more than one of the more than six basic capacities. In independent ventures without a committed HR division, it’s conceivable to accomplish a similar level of proficiency and workforce administration through outsourcing HR capacities or joining an expert business association. Some of the main functions are; Recruitment The success of recruiters and employment specialists generally is measured by the number of positions they fill and the time it takes to fill those positions. Safety Workplace safety is an important factor. Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, employers have an obligation to provide a safe working environment for employees. Employee Relations In a unionized work environment, the employee and labour relations functions of HR may be combined and handled by one specialist or be entirely separate functions managed by two HR specialists with specific expertise in each area. Compensation and Benefits Like employee and labour relations, the compensation and benefits functions of HR often can be handled by one HR specialist with dual expertise.

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Explain what you understand by workforce planning and human resource planning: Workforce planning is a set of procedures that an organization can implement to maintain the most efficient employee/management team possible, maximizing profits and ensuring long-term success  is a continual process used to align the needs and priorities of the organization with those of its workforce to ensure it can meet its legislative, regulatory, service and production requirements and organizational objectives. Workforce planning falls into two broad categories: operational and strategic.

Human resources planning is a process that identifies current and future human resources needs for an organization to achieve its goals. Human resources planning should serve as a link between human resources management and the overall strategic plan of an organization.

Explain what you understand by the “The hard and soft models of HRM”

There are a variety of ways to approach the management of HR in a business. The business textbooks like to describe two broad approaches to HRM which are explained further below:

  • “Hard” HR
  • “Soft” HR

Hard HRM: Regards workers just as an asset of the business (like hardware and structures) Solid connection with corporate business arranging – what assets do we require, how would we get them and how much will they cost Centre of HRM: recognize workforce needs of the business and select and oversee likewise (procuring, moving and terminating)

Key components

  • Here and now changes in representative numbers (enlistment, excess)
  • Insignificant correspondence, starting from the top
  • Pay – enough to enrol and hold enough staff (e.g. the lowest pay permitted by law)
  • Little strengthening or assignment
  • Examination frameworks concentrated on making judgements (great and awful) about staff
  • Taller authoritative structures
  • Suits totalitarian initiative style


Regards workers as the most imperative asset in the business and a wellspring of upper hand Workers are dealt with as people and their needs are arranged in like manner Center of HRM: focus on the requirements of representatives – their parts, rewards, inspiration and so forth

Key elements

  • Vital concentrate on longer-term workforce arranging
  • Solid and standard two-way correspondence
  • Focused pay structure, with appropriate execution related prizes (e.g. benefit share, share choices)
  • Workers are enabled and urged to look for appointment and assume liability
  • Examination frameworks concentrated on distinguishing and tending to preparing and other worker advancement needs
  • Compliment authoritative structures
  • Suits popularity based authority style

Educate members of management by explaining which approach will be more appropriate for the work force planning and resourcing of XYZ Ltd using these two points The ‘Best Fit’ approach vs ‘Best Practice’.

The ‘best fit’ way to deal with vital human asset administration (HRM) investigates the cosy connection between vital administration and HRM by considering the impact and nature of vertical coordination. Vertical joining, where use is increased through the nearby connection of HR approaches and practices to the business goals and thusly the outer setting of the fir, is thought to be key subject of key HRM. “The resoluteness of ‘tight fit’ models in a dynamic, changing condition was assessed, and thought was given to accomplish both fit and adaptability through integral SHR frameworks.” Julie Beardwell and Tim Claydon (2007).

The ‘best practice’ features the connection between “sets” of good HR rehearses and hierarchical execution, for the most part characterized as far as representative duty and fulfilment. These arrangements of best practice can take many structures; some have supported an all inclusive arrangement of practices that would improve the execution of all association they were connected to. Pfeffer ( 1998) Pfeffer, J. (1998). Seven Practices of Successful Organizations. California Management Review , 40 (2), pp. 96-124. , recorded seven HR hone for upper hand, ” Employment security, particular procuring, self-guided groups, high pay dependent upon organization execution, broad preparing, decrease of status contrast and sharing data”. Tim Claydon (2007), contends that: ” A key component of best-hone is even joining and coinciding between strategies.”

Having characterized the two frameworks, we should now take a gander at the understandings focuses between ‘best fit’ and ‘best practice’. The two speculations expect to accomplish elite in associations. Sparrow and Hiltrop (1994) guarantee that these models could be delegated ‘coordinating models’ a direct result of their regular point is to coordinate the HR technique with that of the company.


P2. Explain the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection.

Explain what is meant by recruitment and selection: The enrolment and choice process is vital for new and built up organizations alike. Your HR division has the help and skill of business authorities who help enlisting supervisors with the methods to guarantee your company's pioneers are settling on shrewd employing choices. There are a few pieces to the enlistment and choice process: sourcing hopefuls, checking on and following candidates, directing meetings and determination for work.

Explain the main methods of selection and recruitment approaches  using 6 points to be considered- Identify and analysing job vacancies , Prepare for Job Analysis,  Advertising the vacancy (the right channel),  Managing Responses (CVs and Applications),  Short listing the Suitable Candidates,  Arranging and Conducting Interviews,  Selecting the right candidates. This section looks at the process of selecting candidates. A variety of methods are available and consideration needs to be given as to which are suitable for a particular role. These include: Application forms and CVs, Online screening and short listing, Interviews, Psychometric testing, Ability and aptitude tests, Personality profiling, Presentations, Group exercises, Assessment centres and References. Structured interviews are the most effective type of interview. The interview process is formed through identification of the key requirements of the job and a list of questions is drawn up. A panel of interviewers works through each set of questions with each candidate and scores them on their answers. At the end of the interview process the overall scores are considered and the best candidate chosen

Explain strengths and weaknesses of each of your chosen approach putting into consideration there Reliability and validity as key criteria.

Internal and outer strategy typically used to enrol representatives. In the event that there has qualities of this technique, at that point has shortcoming also. The qualities and shortcoming of inside strategies are given underneath.

Brisk basic leadership is one of the most grounded quality of inside enrolment. By coordinate arrangement or giving advancement by administration is one of the strategies to take brisk choice. As it realized that inner enrolment initiates representatives who is as of now chipping away at a similar business or used to work there. For the most part administration advance their representatives as reward and make more work adequacy. Here and there administration exchange their representatives starting with one office then onto the next division as an aspect of their responsibilities pivot program. To give key abilities to their representatives, they exchange their labourers and furthermore to recoup their opening. Its additionally streamline of enrolment process as well. (R. L. Compton, Alan R. Nankervis. P-49)

As a result of inside recruit it’s additionally spared cost of preparing are the for the most part impressive. Yet, it settles on help to take quick choice. It additionally holds valuable workers on business, diminish enrolment cost and furthermore guarantees a return interest in preparing and administration. It inspire advance worker and different business representatives as well. Inward enlistment likewise lessens cost and time for acceptance. What’s more, it’s for the most part speedier and less expensive than outer enrolment.

external enlistment brings fresh recruits, new face to the association. Which implies association will get new thoughts from new candidates and furthermore must be wide advantages. Outer hopeful originates from outside the business, with the goal that competitor or in associations they don’t have any top choice. Adjacent to that, as outside enlistment have wide range and its cover a wide zone’s occupation request, so administration of the associations can check and can choose which suites best. Outer enlistment applicants ought to be more powerful with workforce. Possibility to protect their place and position they will work with more energy. (D Torrington, L Hall, S Taylor)

Outside enlistment is a long procedure. It expends a considerable measure of time and vitality from the HRM Function to deal with all the occupation applicants in the determination procedure. And furthermore extensive variety of competitors apply for employments, so administration truly must be more cognizant about choice and this preparing takes longer time than others.

Because of notices and meetings required for outside enlistment, the procedure gets more costly. To discover the most ideal applicant, now and then it takes a considerable measure of looking and screening. To promote remotely about employment opportunity, administration needs to publicize in each conceivable part. Reason for that they need to hold up under more costs, labour and so on just to publicize their opening. Also, which conveys a gigantic measure of costs to the association.

Explain the Sources of recruitment using the points to be considered: internal (Current employees  Former employee,  Database of applicants,  Referrals from, employees  Internal job vacancy)  vs external recruitment- consider 3 points from each category – (Advertisement  Job Centre Plus,  Employment Agencies,  Referrals from friends,  College recruitment,  Company’s website). h2

SOURCES OF EMPLOYEES: Internal v External Recruitment


Positions may be filled in a variety of ways – internally and externally (advertisement externally). Internal recruitment includes:

  1. Promotion by seniority
  2. Direct appointment or promotion by management
  3. Lateral transfer of an employee from one section or job to another.
  4. Demotion (rare)
  5. Internal advertising

Both internal and external recruitment have their advantages and disadvantages.

Internal v External Recruitment

Pros Cons Pros Cons
May aid morale Danger of inbreeding New blood May not fit in
Easier to assess applicant’s ability Discontent among those not promoted No favourites from inside leading to resentment Morale of those passed over
Good performance is rewarded Political infighting for promotion Outsiders bring in fresh ideas to old problems More training required
A succession plan for promotion is developed Strong evaluation program needed Forces insiders to compete — remain updated in skills, education A longer orientation period necessary
Necessary only to hire at base level Criticism from those outside organisation   Can be very expensive
Avoid “leak plugging” strategy      
Less costs      

Explain how Job analysis, job descriptions, personal specifications and competency framework can be used  during selection and recruitment in a company such as XYZ

The person specification is a description of the qualifications, skills, experience, knowledge and other attributes (selection criteria) which a candidate must possess to perform the job duties. The specification should be derived from the job description and forms the foundation for the recruitment process. You will use the person specification as a basis for your selection decisions at short listing, presentation/test and interview stages. Interview questions and selection tests should also derive from the person specification and be designed to elicit more evidence on candidates against the criteria. The person specification should also be used to write your advertisement for the position. Competencies

Describe the behaviour that the person will need to perform the role effectively such as the ability to work independently with minimal supervision or the ability to use initiative and be pro-active.

Briefly explain the possible issues that could affect the successful induction and socialisation of employees in an organisation.

Induction of Employee is the initial move towards picking up a representatives’ dedication, Induction is gone for acquainting the occupation and association with the select and him or her to the association. Acceptance includes introduction and preparing of the representative in the hierarchical culture, and demonstrating how he or she is interconnected to (and related on) every other person in the association. .- – Business

The new representative’s initially contact with his or her physical and human workplace is critical, since it will condition his or her association with the organization. The worker must feel bolstered and imperative. The main individual he or she will meet is the prompt boss, who should introduce the corporate profile notwithstanding giving data on the association’s experience, values, customer base, administrations offered, staff, and expected conduct. The prompt unrivalled will likewise determine the newcomer’s part. The focuses recorded underneath ought to be secured amid this meeting. Armstrong (1982).

Reason and Need

A worker needs to work with kindred representatives and his chief. For this he should know them, the way they work and furthermore the strategies and practices of the association so he may coordinate himself with the undertaking. Any disregard in the territory of enlistment and introduction may prompt high work turnover, disarray, sat around idly and use.

M1. Assess how the functions of HRM can provide talent and skills appropriate to fulfil business objectives

Explain the various functions of HRM within an organisation and link these factions to the HMR functions of XYZ LTD ( Refer to assignment brief)

Recruitment and selection

Recruitment is the process of captivating, screening, and selecting potential and qualified candidates based on objective criteria for a particular job. The goal of this process is to attract the qualified applicants and to encourage the unqualified applicants to opt themselves out.


Many organizations do not provide a thorough orientation to the new employees. This is the fundamental step to help a new employee to adjust himself with the employer and with his new job. Employee orientation program should include the objectives and goals of the organization and how the employee can help to achieve the long-term and short-term goals of the organization.

Maintaining good working conditions

It is the responsibility of the human resource management to provide good working conditions to the employee so that they may like the workplace and the work environment.

Managing employee relations

Employees are the pillars of any organization. Employee relationship is a very broad concept and it is one of the crucial functions of human resource management. It also helps to foster good employee relations. They have the ability to influence behaviours and work outputs.

 Training and development

Training and development are the indispensable functions of human resource management. It is the attempt to improve the current or future performance of an employee by increasing the ability of an employee through educating and increasing one’s skills or knowledge in the particular subject.

Explain how the process of HRM  can provide talent and skills appropriate to fulfil business objectives using any 5  points to be considered from- Aligning business objectives and HR strategy , Analysing labour market trend/environment,  Attracting the best candidates, Motivating workforce, Training workforce,  Retaining workforce,  Rewarding workforce  ( Link points to the provision of talent skills appropriate to fulfil business objectives in XYZ LTD.


6. The extent of HRM alludes to every one of the exercises that go under the standard of HRM. These exercises are as per the following 1. HR arranging :- Human asset arranging or HRP alludes to a procedure by which the organization to recognize the quantity of employments empty, regardless of whether the organization has abundance staff or deficiency of staff and to manage this overabundance or lack. 2. Occupation examination plan :- Another essential territory of HRM is work investigation. Occupation examination gives an itemized clarification about every single employment in the organization. In view of this employment investigation the organization gets ready commercials. 3. Enrollment and determination :- Based on data gathered from work examination the organization gets ready ads and distributes them in the news papers. This is enlistment. Various applications are gotten after the commercial is distributed, interviews are led and the correct worker is chosen in this way enlistment and choice are yet another critical zone of HRM. 4. Introduction and enlistment :- Once the workers have been chosen an acceptance or introduction program is directed. This is another vital region of HRM. The representatives are educated about the foundation of the organization, clarify about the hierarchical culture and qualities and hard working attitudes and acquaint with alternate representatives. 5. Preparing and advancement :- Every worker goes under preparing program which causes him to set up a superior execution at work. Preparing program is additionally led for existing staff that have a ton of experience. This is called refresher preparing. Preparing and advancement is one region were the organization spends a tremendous sum. 6. Execution evaluation :- Once the worker has put in around 1 year of administration, execution examination is directed that is the HR division checks the execution of the representative. In light of these examination future advancements, motivating forces, increases in compensation are chosen. 7. Pay arranging and compensation :- There are different guidelines in regards to remuneration and different advantages. It is the occupation of the HR office to investigate compensation and remuneration arranging. 8. Inspiration, welfare, wellbeing and security :- 6

7. Inspiration winds up noticeably essential to manage the quantity of representatives in the organization. It is the occupation of the HR division to investigate the distinctive techniques for inspiration. Aside from this specific wellbeing and security directions must be taken after for the advantages of the representatives. This is likewise taken care of by the HR division. 9. Modern relations :- Another imperative territory of HRM is keeping up co-ordinal relations with the union individuals. This will help the association to forestall strikes lockouts and guarantee smooth working in the organization.

Image result for Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection.M2 Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection.

Image result for Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection.Draw on varied information h2

Elaborate on P1, P2. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection.


Enlistment The Process of producing a pool of qualified contender for a specific occupation. The Process of finding potential applicants. Or, on the other hand  Enlistment GOALS  Attract the Qualified Applicants. Encourage Unqualified Applicants to self-choose themselves out.

Enrolment IS A TWO WAY STREET RECRUITMENT Organization is Looking for a Qualified Applicants are Looking for the Potential Emplacement Opportunities  Enrolment PROCESS ORGANIZATION CANDIDATE Generate hopeful pool by means of inward or outside enlistment strategies Vacant or New position happens Evaluate Candidates by means of Selection process Impress Candidates Make Offer Acquire Employment Experience Receive Education and pick Occupation Search for Job Openings Apply for occupations Impress Company amid Selection process Evaluate Jobs and Companies Accept or Reject Job Offers

Key RECRUITING DECISIONS HR PLANNING DECISIONS STRATEGIC RECRUITING DECISIONS ON RECRUITING SOURCES/METHODS How Many Employees Needed When Needed KSAs Needed Special Qualifications Where to Recruit: Internal/External Who to Recruit: Flexible Staffing Options Nature of Job Requirements Advertising Choices Recruiting Activities

Key RECRUITING DECISIONS FLEXIBLE STAFFING DESCRIPTIONS 1. Consistent EMPLOYMENT Regular work comprises of ceaseless, unsurprising, and planned work of a half year’s span or more. Customary work might be full time or low maintenance.  FULL-TIME OR PART-TIME Full-time work comprises of a general calendar of 37.5 hours for each week. Low maintenance work comprises of a standard calendar of under 37.5 hours for each week.. Self employed entities Perform particular administrations on an agreement premise utilized as a part of various territories, including building upkeep, security, and promoting/advertising. Proficient EMPLOYER ORGANIZATIONS AND EMPLOYEE LEASING A business consents to an arrangement with a worker renting organization, after which the current staff is contracted by the renting firm and rented back to the organization. For an expense, an entrepreneur turns his or her staff over to the renting organization, which at that point composes the pay checks, pays the charges, gets ready and actualizes HR approaches, and keeps all the required records.

Vital RECRUITING DECISIONS Cont . . . Impermanent WORKERS This depends on “attempt before you purchase” approach . Managers who utilize impermanent representatives can contract their own transitory staff or utilize offices providing brief specialists. Such firms supply specialists on a rate-per-day or per-week premise. Regular EMPLOYEES Seasonal representatives are enlisted to chip away at low maintenance premise by organizations that need additional assistance amid a specific season, commonly the Christmas season or products collecting.

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the different approaches to recruitment and selection.

The advantages of inside enlistment are that:

Impressive investment funds can be made. People with inside learning of how a business works will require shorter times of preparing and time for ‘fitting in’.

The association is probably not going to be incredibly “upset” by somebody who is accustomed to working with others in the association.

Interior advancement goes about as a motivation to all staff to work harder inside the association.

From the association’s perspective, the qualities and shortcomings of an insider will have been evaluated. There is dependably a hazard joined to utilizing a pariah who may just be a win ‘on paper’. The burdens of enrolling from inside are that:  You should supplant the individual who has been advanced  An insider might be more averse to make the fundamental reactions required to get the organization working all the more viably . Advancement of one individual in an organization may agitate another person.

External recruitment makes it possible to draw upon a wider range of talent, and provides the opportunity to bring new experience and ideas in to the business. Disadvantages are that it is more costly and the company may end up with someone who proves to be less effective in practice than they did on paper and in the interview situation.

State the relevance or importance of the different approaches to recruitment and selection processes. There are several external recruiting methods. The methods commonly used are media advertising, job fairs, internships and employee agencies.

Media advertising is a popular method. The organisation can put up its employment needs through various advertising means such as newspaper, internet, radio and television. Other than that, job fair is a recruiting method used by employers to attract large number of applicants to one location for interviews. Internship is where students are hired by an employer for a period of time into professional or technical position that relates to their area of study and prepare them for the workforce (Internship Definition, 2008). Employee agencies are organisation that aids to recruit employees and also help individuals to find for jobs.

The first step of selection process is preliminary interview. This step is to eliminate obviously unqualified candidates. The HR manager can conduct this step via telephone, video or virtual job interview. Telephone interview is commonly used as it saves time.

The next step in selection process is review of applications and  resume. Evaluation of the applications of employment is done by the employer to determine whether the applicant is suitable for the position.

  Do an appraisal by including your personal opinion/ judgement using relevant examples and references. 

‘Enlistment is the way toward producing a pool of able individuals to apply to an association for work. Determination is the procedure by which supervisors and others utilize particular instruments to look over a pool of candidates the individual or people well on the way to prevail in the employment given administration objectives and lawful prerequisites.’ (2)

Enlistment is the primary stage during the time spent human asset administration. The association needs to enrol

people with the correct aptitudes, and the correct states of mind to add to the key objectives of the association. Representatives ought to likewise have the identity that will fit into the way of life of the association.

From the perspective of potential workers, the enrolment procedure furnishes them with the chance to check whether the association coordinates their desires. The association ought to give fair data about the position so the potential representative structures the correct assumptions about the part that they are applying for. If not, this may prompt dissatisfaction and high staff turnover.

While enlisting, the measure of time and exertion spent in choosing the correct representative relies upon the measure of obligation that the position requires. Administrative or critical thinking positions, where workers would be required to have further abilities, a larger amount of obligation and more prominent duty, accordingly adding to the system of the association, would justify a considerably more noteworthy exertion in the choice procedure. The choice procedure should guarantee that competitors ought to have the capacity to get what it takes required, and the state of mind that fits the way of life of the association.

Conclude possible outcomes by using variety of information.

Conclusion And Suggestions

In each association enrolment and choice assumes an indispensable part. The investigation uncovers that the enlistment also, choice process offered in three chose businesses is viable. The HR chief of the chose ventures need to concentrate on choosing the correct people through different sources like grounds situations,, information banks etc. The choice is finished by assessing the hopeful’s aptitudes, learning and capacities which are very required to the opportunities in chose ventures.  It is watched that, they chose ventures have fulfilled every one of the strategies of recruitment. To propel the representatives; they chose businesses have wanted to offer motivators of both fiscal and non financial .  It is recommended that the chose enterprises are encouraged to take after the current enrolment and determination strategies in future too  It is proposed that the chose ventures should give parallel significance to outer sources like offices, references and information banks so as to get the coveted and required representatives .  It is proposed that the chose businesses need to empower the fresher depends on their aptitudes, along with the accomplished applicants. It is recommended that the chose enterprises need to embrace most recent meeting methods to enlist planned workers.

LO3: Assume that you have to train some members of the management board regarding the different aspects of human resource management. In your training session, analyse internal and external factors that affect Human Resource Management decision-making, including employment legislation.

P5 Analyse the importance of employee relations in respect to influencing HRM decision making in XYZ Ltd.

As the HRM manager of XYZ, explain to members of the board what is meant by employee relations using these points to be considered- Employment Relations 2004 Employee Engagement  Trade Union affiliation  Involving Employee  Employee Representation  Employee welfare

The Employment Relations Act 2004 reached the UK statute book in September 2004 and a cluster of its provisions were brought into force in October. This article highlights the key measures contained in the new legislation. workers now have statutory protection against being offered inducements by their employer not to be or to be a member of a trade union, not to take part in the activities of or not to make use of the services of their union, and not to have, or to give up having, their terms and conditions of employment determined by a collective agreement negotiated by their union. They are also protected against dismissal or detriment for making use of the services of their trade union or for refusing to accept any of the above inducements. Employee engagement is a workplace approach resulting in the right conditions for all members of an organisation to give of their best each day, committed to their organisation’s goals and values, motivated to contribute to organisational success, with an enhanced sense of their own well-being.  Trade unions are organizations formed by workers from related fields that work for the common interest of its members. They help workers in issues like fairness of pay, good working environment, hours of work and benefits. HR systems in a company for considering employees‘ ideas and wishes, especially by having someone to represent employees at managers‘ meetings: Employee representation is going to be the driving-force in industrial relations over the next five years. Staff welfare’ is an all-encompassing term covering a wide range of facilities that are essential for the well-being of your employees. At its most basic, every employer is required by law to provide essential amenities such as toilets, wash stations and clean drinking water for employees.

Explain the importance of maintaining good employee relations.

Keeping up a solid manager and worker relationship can be the way to a definitive accomplishment of an association, the outcomes are favourable. It is realized that if a solid relationship is set up workers will be more gainful, more effective, make less clash and will be more faithful. Contemplating this, is your organization working at its pinnacle execution? Is this since you do not have a solid association with your workers?

The Benefits of Strong Employment relations- Having solid boss and representative relations receives a great deal of rewards for your business. The three most profitable are recorded underneath;

Profitability Solid business relations make a charming climate inside the workplace; it expands the worker inspiration and can likewise be expanded through enhanced representative confidence. Organizations that have put into worker relations programs have encountered increments in the efficiency, and in this way the expanded profitability prompts increments in benefits for the business.

Representative Loyalty Making the gainful and wonderful workplace drastically affects a representative’s faithfulness to the business, it energizes an unwavering workforce.

Explain the Strategies for building and improving employee relations and engagement.

For the association to perform better it is imperative that the representatives are alright with each other, share a decent affinity and work in close coordination towards a typical target. Individuals feel capable and inspired to do great work and make the most of their work instead of taking it as a weight.

It is imperative that the administration advances sound worker relations at working environment to extricate the best out of every person. Rivalry is basic yet it ought not advance pessimism or any sort of ill will among the representatives.

Release us through a few stages and techniques for a sound representative relationship in the association. Include your colleagues: They should feel imperative and key for the association. An individual must be allocated obligations as per their interests and duties. Try not to force chip away at them. Let them readily acknowledge challenges. They should appreciate whatever they do else they would wind up battling with their bosses and kindred specialists.

P6 Identify the key elements of employment legislation and the impact it has upon HRM decision making in XYZ Ltd.

Explain the purpose of employment law and briefly explain how it acts as an external factor upon HRM decision making using XYZ LTD  as a point of reference. Laws and regulations at the federal, state, and local levels regulate how companies conduct staffing. Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act banned most discriminatory hiring practices. Three sensitive areas of legal concern that managers must comply with are equal opportunity, affirmative action, and sexual harassment. These areas, as well as other laws, impact all human resource practices. This law is there to protect both XYZ Limited and its employee, the law is to be respected by both parties.

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Explain the Key legal issues and constraints of employment legislation and the impact it has upon HRM decision making in XYZ Ltd Using 4  points  from each category to be considered – equality Act 2010, data protection Act 1998, Disability Discrimination Act 1995/2005, Sex Discrimination Act 1995/97  , National Minimum Wage Act 1998 , Freedom of Information Act 2000, Use 4 points from this category – DBS, health and safety, redundancy, dismissal, employment   contracts.

Employment law and compliance concerns the legal framework within which organizations must operate in their treatment of employees. Employers must comply with a myriad of federal and state laws and regulations. Laws and regulations exist covering a wide range of human resource practices, including recruiting, hiring, performance appraisal, compensation, health and safety, and labour relations.

The Equality Act 2010 legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society. It replaced previous anti-discrimination laws with a single Act, making the law easier to understand and strengthening protection in some situations.

The Data Protection Act 1998 (c 29) is a United Kingdom Act of Parliament designed to protect personal data stored on computers or in an organised paper filing system. It follows the EU Data Protection Directive 1995 protection, processing and movement of data.

The National Minimum Wage Act 1998 creates a minimum wage across the United Kingdom, currently £7.50 per hour for workers aged over 25, £7.05 per hour for workers aged 21 to 24 and £5.60 per hour for workers aged 18 to 20.

The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (c. 65) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom which protected men and women from discrimination on the grounds of sex or marital status. The Act concerned employment, training, education, harassment, the provision of goods and services, and the disposal of premises.

Explain the role of trade union and their function as an internal factor upon HRM decision making using XYZ LTD  as a point of reference. Use the following points to be considered – Discipline, grievances and redundancy − best practice.

Labourers and administrators don’t generally work in amicability. Struggle and inconvenience between these diverse gatherings with various points happen in the work environment. This relationship is called Employee Relations. harmony

Trade Unions are the name given to the associations which bolster and speak to workers Trade Unions have certain points:

To propel the enthusiasm of their specialists

To accomplish the best working conditions for its individuals

Arrange pay bargains for its individuals

Go to grievance and disciplinary hearings in help of their individuals

Furnish individuals with legitimate guidance and money related exhortation

An employee is dismissed for redundancy, and may qualify for redundancy pay, if the following conditions are satisfied: the employer has ceased, or intends to cease continuing the business, or the requirements for employees to perform work of a specific type or to conduct it at the location in which they are employed has ceased or diminished. Trade Unions work a framework assembled aggregate bartering which implies that many individuals talking with one voice can accomplish preferable outcomes over a lone representative who could be not entirely obvious.

M4 Evaluate the key aspects of employee relations management and employment legislation that affect HRM decision-making in XYZ Ltd.

Explain employee relations management  and employment legislation

In broad terms, it is often reasoned that the State’s objective in intervening in employment relations is to achieve economic and social goals for the nation as a whole. One of the prime tasks of government is to manage the economy so that it is prosperous, and this means it has to try to achieve four broad economic policy objectives, each one of which can easily conflict with the others: 1 To maintain high levels of employment 2 To ensure price stability 3 To maintain a balance of payment surplus 4 To protect the exchange rate

Legislation matters covered Trade Disputes act 1965 n provided union members with protection from employer threats when contemplating strike action equal pay act 1970 and 1975 n provisions to ensure equal pay for work of equal value n allowed women to take a claim for pay discrimination to a tribunal industrial relations act 1971 n reduced trade union immunity during disputes by defining certain union practices and actions as unfair n powers for Secretary of State to order a ‘cooling-off’ period if a dispute was likely to damage the economy n Statutory provisions for trade union recognition n introduced an employee’s right to claim unfair dismissal Trade union and labour relations act 1974 n repealed most of the 1971 industrial relations act provisions n redefined trade union immunities with respect to strikes and industrial disputes health and Safety at Work act 1974 n introduced statutory obligations on employers and employees with respect to health and safety in the workplace n provided statutory rights for trade union health and safety committee n established the health and Safety Commission (hSC) and health and Safety.

Give a detail account on how they both affect HRM decision-making in XYZ Ltd.

Problems identifying impact of law on employment practice • Isolating law from other factors (rarely single factor explanation for change) and weighing its importance. • Deciding causality • Assessing indirect impacts as well as direct impact – symbolic; ‘shadow of law’; levers; attitudinal change • Some impacts easier to spot – procedural development; institution building all these impact can affect the HRM decision making in XYZ Ltd.

To make a proper evaluation, you will do an appraisal of employment relations elaborating on the points to be considered  in P5.

XYZ Ltd is focused on building better connections in the working environment in terms up holding the following acts Employment Relations 2004 Employee Engagement  Trade Union affiliation  Employee Representation  and offers preparing to suit you. From a two-hour session on the key purposes of new enactment or utilizing individuals to courses extraordinarily intended for individuals in your association. We likewise offer hands-on down to earth encourage and support to handle issues in your business with you. This may be through one of our well known critical thinking administrations or a program we have worked out together to put your business immovably on track for successful work relations.

An appraisal of employment legislations  using 5 of the points to be considered Data Protection Act 1998 • Employment Act 2008 • National Minimum Wage Act 1998 • Employment Relations 2004 • Sex Discrimination Act 1995/97 • Equality Act 2010 • Disability Discrimination Act 1995/2005 • DBS • Working Time (Amendment) Regulations 2003 • Freedom of Information Act 2000

Legislation in the workplace The legal responsibilities of an organisation. They are continually updated, and this requires specialist knowledge – a main role of the HRM department. They ensure that the business is fully aware of any new legislation and make sure it is implemented. The dep’t must ensure that all the organisation’s policies are within the law that affect two main areas: employment , and health & safety .  Equal Opportunities Equal Pay Act 1970 (implemented 1975) Introduced to ensure men and women would receive the same pay and conditions for doing ‘broadly similar’ work. Until then, employers could pay woman less than men. The Act is monitored by the Equal Opportunities Commission, who have found that some employers still break the law, paying woman less money. ‘ Close The Gap’ campaign Equal pay was meant to be sorted out over 30 years ago, yet remains a problem for woman in Scotland. It is ironic that the act was introduced in 1970, giving employers 5years to sort their pay systems out before the implementation in 1975 – yet the pay gap still lingers on.

Sex Discrimination Act 1975 [and the Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003] Introduced to ensure that men and woman are treated equally and fairly in the workplace. Although most cases tend to be about discrimination against females, it applies equally to males.

LO4 Using inferences drawn from presentation and the essay, demonstrate e to the members of management board how to apply Human Resource Management practice in a work-related context in XYZ Ltd

 P7 Illustrate the application of HRM practices in a work-related context, using specific examples.

Explain how HRM prepares job specifications and person specifications applicable to the recruitment context and needs of the organisations, taking into account legislation and company policies. h2

A job specification include the job title and the position in the company, including their line manager and any other members of staff reporting to them

the location of the job a summary of the general nature, main purpose, and objectives of the job a list of the main duties or tasks of the employee which skills/qualifications are essential and which are desirable, plus
any equipment or software requirements, eg “knowledge of Raiser’s Edge” salary and benefits examples of typical projects help to illustrate the requirements

A person specification include

the technical, organisational, communicative, and creative skills and abilities you expect from an ideal candidate any specific qualifications or education required for the role the level of experience needed in either similar organisations or equivalent roles the kind of personality that would fit in with your team, and with your organisation’s ethos character traits that are likely to help them to do the job effectively any preferred achievements, eg. volunteering

Explain the HMR practices within an organisation using YXZ LTD as an example. Use 5 of these points to be considered – Aligning business objectives with HR Plan  Environmental analysis  Workforce Planning  Identify, Attracting and Recruitment  Selection of Best Candidates  Induction and On boarding  Training and Development  Motivation, Rewarding and Retention

Human resources functions are significantly different from HR practices. Functions are comprised of transactional activities that can be handled in-house or easily outsourced. Practices are part conceptual, part implementation of an HR strategy, comprised of systems that follow the normal or customary way of doing business. The term “best practices” refers to the HR systems that have the greatest impact on the workforce and the organization. for example XYZ Ltd practice the fallowing; Workforce planning is a continual process used to align the needs and priorities of the organization with those of its workforce to ensure it can meet its legislative, regulatory, service and production requirements and organizational objectives.

Identify, Attracting and Recruitment

Employers should aim, when seeking to attract job applicants, to promote the job in such a way as to attract a small number of suitable candidates rather than a large, miscellaneous array of people. (See Advertising the job)

Employers should take care that social media use does not exclude specific groups from the scope of recruitment campaigns. (See Using social media)

Selection of Best Candidates Before you decide who to appoint as a new staff member, review all the information you have collected in applications and interviews and contact the shortlisted candidates’ referees for feedback on their past performance. If you have used any tests, review and compare the results from each candidate.

Induction and On boarding Induction or orientation is an event where you introduce the job and your organisation to the new employee and vice versa. … New employee on boarding delivered over a period of at least 90 days is the process of getting new hires adjusted to the social and performance aspects of their new jobs quickly and smoothly.

Training and Development

The official and ongoing educational activities within an organization designed to enhance the fulfilment and performance of employees. Training and development programs offered by a business might include a variety of educational techniques and programs that can be attended on a compulsory or voluntary basis by staff.

Explain the impact of technology on improving the recruitment and selection process. Use all points to be considered – online resources, digital platforms and social networking.

Technology isn’t just something everyone is using to get work done and to stay connected. It’s also impacting how employers recruit great talent and how great talent finds the right employer. Many recruiting trends for 2014 project that either new technology will impact recruiting, or that current technology recruiting trends are going to remain a big deal in the coming year. Below are our four biggest ways technology has impacted recruiting. The interesting thing about recruiting and technology is that it all works together. You can necessarily work with each of these in a silo.

M5 Provide a rationale for the application of specific HRM practices in a work related context in XYZ Ltd.

Explain the various HRM practices within an organisation and link to that of XYZ LTD.  (Elaborate on P7).

Human resources transactional functions in XYZ LTD. include benefits administration, record keeping and new employee and payroll processing. The extent to which HR department staff handle these transactional functions depends on their expertise, size of the workforce and the departmental budget. In many cases, the department’s budget can support outsourcing these transactional functions, thus leaving time for HR staff to devote its attention to HR strategic management instead of focusing on personnel administration-type duties.

Recruitment and Selection

HR recruitment and selection practices generally are based on the organization’s mission and the workplace culture. For example, employers that recognize the value of workplace diversity embrace recruitment practices designed to attract a diverse applicant pool.

Work-Life Balance

Implementing flexible work schedules, providing employees with telecommuting options and training supervisors to spot signs of workplace stress suggests the organizational culture supports employees achieving work-life balance.

Training and Development

Training and development are HR management functions that include new-employee orientation, job skills training, leadership training and professional development. These activities improve employees’ job skills in their current positions and equip them with skills and expertise for cross-functional work that can increase their value to the organization.


Compensation and benefits often are viewed together, presenting a comprehensive view of how employers reward their employees. However, a look at compensation by itself offers a clearer picture of HR management practices because employee wages comprise up to 70 percent of an employer’s cost to operate XYZ LTD.

Explain the reasons giving your own judgement/ opinion for the various HRM practices within an organisation and link to that of XYZ LTD.

HR best practices are useful exercises and key designs that empower enhanced administrations to workers and expanded productivity for the business. The expression “best practices” references activities that are fruitful strategies for wanted outcomes. In the HR field, a few accepted procedures exist in each teach. However enrolment and choice, representative relations and remuneration and advantages are disciplines where best practices in HR may harvest the best rate of return. 


  • Linda Dickens and M. Hall ‘Fairness ‐ up to a point. Assessing the impact of New Labour’s employment legislation’, Human Resource Management Journal, 16, 2006, 338‐356
  • Linda Dickens, M.Hall and S.Wood Review of research into the impact of employment relations legislation Employment Relations Research Series no 45, HMSO, 2005 Linda Dickens ‘Equality and Work‐Life Balance: what’s happening at the workplace?’, Industrial Law Journal, 35, OUP, 2006, 445‐449,


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