Linux Server and Network Administration

University / Undergraduate
Modified: 20th Apr 2021
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Server configuration and maintenance using Linux Centos 6.3 was the main objective of this internship. Oracle virtual Box is used while configuring DHCP server, web server, mail server and other servers. Configured servers were tested in different stages and found properly running under various scenarios. The Mail server is divided into three modules i.e Server module, Client module, Email inbox module. Server accept the connection from different clients through server socket class and all the details regarding client connection establishment, sending, receiving and termination is store in the server. Client can connect to the server when server is active, each client can send and receive mails, Attachment to other clients.

A syslog server accepts messages and stores them to a file. The number of syslog messages generated by still increasing number of networking devices is growing very rapidly. To read all the messages generated every day by active networking devices is out of human capabilities. Working in live servers in Daffodil Online Limited added huge experiences in upcoming career.



Approval          i

Declaration          ii

Acknowledgement         iii

Abstract         iv

List of Figure         vii-viii

List of Table         ix



1.1 Introduction        1

1.2 Motivation        1

1.3 Internship Objectives       1

1.4 Introduction to the Company      2

1.5 Report Layout        2


2.1 Introduction        4

2.2 Product and Market Situation      4

2.3 SWOT Analysis       5

2.4 Organizational Structure      6


3.1 Daily Task and Activities      7

3.2 Events and Activities       7

3.3 Project Task and Activities      8

3.4 Challenges        43


4.1 Competencies Earned       44

4.2 Smart Plan        44

4.3 Reflections        45


5.1 Discussion and Conclusion         46

5.2 Scope for Further Career      46

APPENDIX                                                                             47




References         48




Figure 2.1: Organogram of Daffodil Online Limited.   6

Figure 3.1: Hostname Setup       13

Figure 3.2: SELINUX Disabled      13

Figure 3.3: IP Address setting       14

Figure 3.4: DNS Configuration      15

Figure 3.5: Starting process of the network system    15

Figure 3.6: Installation checking      17

Figure 3.7: Nonuser Based Configuration     18

Figure 3.8: Enable Upload and Download     19

Figure 3.9: FTP Banner and Time Setting     20

Figure 3.10: FTP Server Checking      20

Figure 3.11: User Based Configuration     21

Figure 3.12: User Create       22

Figrue 3.13: Checking by Admin User     22

Figrue3.14: Access FTP server from browser    23

Figrue3.15: Access FTP server from browser    23

Figure 3.16: HTTPD download and install     26

Figure 3.17: Simple HTML Coding      27

Figure 3.18: Virtual Host Configuration     28

Figure 3.19: Service restarting      28

Figure 3.20: Web Server Checking      29

Figure 3.21: Hostname Setup       30

Figure 3.22: Download and installation postfix    31

Figure 3.23: User Create of Mail server     32

Figure 3.24: Telnet download Installation     33

Figure 3.25: Checking Postfix      34

Figure 3.26: New mail       35

Figure 3.27: Dovecot Installation      36

Figure 3.28: Dovecot Checking      38

Figure 3.29: Squirrelmail Installation      39

Figure 3.30: Service restarting      41

Figure 3.31: Mail Server Checking      42

Figure 3.32: Mail Server Checking      42




Table 3.1: Basic Commands of Linux     9




1.1 Introduction

Today is the age of modern Science & Information Technology, which is critical to the development of more effective operational & management process. Now a days data communication & networking may be the fastest growing technologies in the World. People know has the deep idea about Internet & its feature. Internet becomes an essential part of our everyday life, but few years ago using of Internet was a dream to peoples. ISPs provide that service.  Computer & Computer networks & Internet Services are found in nearly every business & industry around us. But just 25 years ago situation was not like this. As an underdevelopment, the main two reasons may be lack of trained people & unexpected actions from our Government.

In this Internship I had worked about Network Performance Monitoring Systems. I had also worked how create sub domain and server configuration. I have configured FTP Server, MAIL server and WEB Server in this report. ISP is an infrastructure to provide Internet connections among the clients by following some protocols & Rules [1].

1.2 Motivations

  • It can be very interesting and make life more convenient.
  • It can save money
  • It can enhance one’s career or business
  • It increased the security that comes from using an open source operating system.

1.3 Internship Objective

The main objective of this report is fulfilling the practical requirements about Linux server. This report is to critically evaluate the server of Daffodil Online Ltd.

  • How to install Linux Operating System.
  • Basic Linux Administration.
  • To know about Web server, FTP server, Mail server and Networking configuration.
  • Configuring Web server, FTP server, Mail server.
  • To achieve a deep knowledge about the network area.
  • The main objective of education is to acquire knowledge.
  • I choose an internship because I wanted to benefit from the experience.

1.4 Introduction to the Company

Daffodil Online Ltd. is one of the leading Internet Service Provider in Bangladesh. It is the most experienced and oldest company in the ICT field in Bangladesh, where the basic business ethics is Long Term Relationship with customers.


Name:       Daffodil Online Ltd.

Address:      102, Shukrabad (3rd floor), MirpurRoad,

Dhanmondi, Dhaka – 1207, Bangladesh

Telephone:      9143258, 9143259

E-mail:      [email protected]


Type of organization:     Internet Service Provider (ISP)

1.5 Report Layout

Internship program has become a significant aspect of postgraduate requirement. In practice, it is of great importance in changing the field of theoretical learning. Its significance is effective in satisfying the requirement of graduate degree.

In the chapter 1, I have described objective of internship, Motivation of internship and internship goal.

In the chapter 2, I have described the methodology of my internship. And this chapter gives the information about where the internship has been attached to undertake this program. Also included about how did perform the internship works, about the company, what are the IT service offered in DOL and what are the roles of in jobs market of Linux .

In the chapter 3, I have described what are my Training Attended, Assigned responsibilities and how was my internship environment. Here also included what is my performing task which I covered in the time of my internship.

Chapter 4, I have described is Internship Outcomes. Here included Problems and Solutions, Learning Outcomes and Challenges.

And Chapter 5, I have described is Conclusion and Future Scope. I discuss Future Scopes of Linux and write conclusion.



2.1 Introduction

Daffodil Online Ltd. prides itself as one of the leading nationwide Internet Service Provider (ISP) in Bangladesh. It is most experienced and oldest company in the ICT field. This chapter I want to describe about the organization where I complete my intern ship session. I detail describe about the product and market situation. About SWOT analysis. And also tell about the organizational structure or their formation how they complete their work.

2.2 Productand Market Situation

  • Internet Service
  • Domain and Hosting
  • Professional Training
  • Collocation Service
  • Network Solution

Professional course and trainings:

  • ISP Setup and Administration using Linux
  • Training Course on Certified Ethical Hacking
  • ISP Setup and Administration using Mikrotik
  • Web Site Development with joomla
  • PHP and MYSQL for website Development
  • E-commerce and Open Source joomla Virtue Mart
  • Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE)

The market situation is very good. Because, they offer fare services and maintain 100% client satisfaction. They provide 24/7 hours phone and chat support to their customer.

2.3 SWOT Analysis



  • Daffodil Online limited are able to respond very quickly for give customer service as they have no red tape.
  • Daffodil Online Limited give really good customer care during the long time still now that means is have plenty of time to devote to customers.
  • Keeping costs below that of competitors
  • Higher responsiveness to customer demands
  • Daffodil Online Limited also has low overheads. So it can offer good value to customers.


  • Outdated market research data.
  • Marketing sites are few problems.
  • Customer motivation need to more speed up.


  • Internet as a marketing tool.
  • Seasonal high demand of the product.
  • People are using internet most of the time.


  • Stronger brand name of competitors.
  • A competitor opening new Company in a nearby location.
  • A lot of competitors in the market with similar products

2.4 Organizational Structure of Daffodil Online Limited [1].


Figure 2.1: Organogram of Daffodil Online Limited.


Tasks Project and Activities

3.1 Daily Task and Activities

  • Monitor and maintain computer systems and network.
  • Setting up user accounts, permissions and passwords.
  • Troubleshooting servers and routers.
  • Troubleshooting local area networks and switches.
  • Fixing network faults.
  • Technical support for people using the network.
  • Day to day admin and monitoring of network use.
  • Suggesting IT solutions to business problems.

3.2 Events and Activities

Internship Training is very much related to the part of completion of our Degree especially in CSE. It was a 4 months training course on Linux Operating system. DOL is going to conduct the most challenging & demanding IT professional courses and training in the day of globalization. So I took part in this enterprise for better training and completion of my internship program.

Month – 1: In the first month of internship on daffodil online limited I have learned and performed the following tasks:

  • Learning & understanding About Network Components.
  • Learning & understanding Basics of Linux.
  • Understanding Linux HDD Partitions.
  • Learning & understanding Linux Run Level.
  • Linux Installation.

Month – 2: In the second month of internship on daffodil online limited I have learned and performed the following tasks:

  • Basic Centos Commands.
  • Linux User and Password Management.
  • Know About logged in users.
  • File and Directory Accessing.
  • To Copy and Move File and Directories.
  • Add user and Delete user.

Month – 3: In the third month of internship on daffodil online limited I have learned and performed the following tasks:

  • File and Directory Permissions.
  • Install, Update and Remove Package Using YUM.
  • Concept of IP Addressing.
  • Configuring IP Address in Centos.
  • Seliux configure
  • Host name configure
  • DNS configure

Month – 4: The last month of internship on daffodil online limited I have learned and performed the following tasks:

  • Learning, understanding and configuring WEB Server.
  • Learning, understanding and configuring FTP Server.
  • Learning, understanding and configuring MAIL Server.

3.3 Project Task and Activities

As an internee I always try to provide proper service to the department of Daffodil Online Limited. I have performed different innovative tasks during the period of my internship in (DOL).

3.3.1 Operational Code of Linux

For using the operating system of Linux we must have the knowledge of basic command of Linux .This command uses Linux server and Linux operating system.

Here we show the basic commands of Linux [4].

Table 3.1: Basic Commands of Linux

Command Definition
mkdir Create directory                                                                                                        Ex: mkdir mukta
  Create file                                                                                              Ex: (touch gini)
ls List Show                                                                                                    Ex:  ls( File name)
vim For use file edit


Ex: vim (File name)

cat Read File


Ex: cat (File name)

cd Change directory                                                                                                   Ex: (cd  /root/Desktop)
pwd(present Working Directory) To show current directory:
mv File rename
rm –rf For file remove
ifconfig Show lan information
passwd user Set passwd for user
cat  /etc/redhat –release To show version of Linux
cp  -r For directory copy
history show history of command
cat   /proc/cpuinfo Server  information command
adduser For create user
who –r Show run level
usermod –l User name modify
useradd –G Adduser in a group
date To show date and time
cal To show calendar

Edit any file 

#touch mukta

Then it will be create a file & write something there. Now to edit this

vim mukta

Then prees I

Then edit the file.

For save:  press Esc

Then press shift+: & wq then Enter

To show his file: “#cat mukta”

How to save your work and exit from vim

  • :wq  saves the current changes and exits vim
  • :w!       saves the current changes but does not exit vim
  • :q!       exits vim without saving any change


How to delete information from a file:


  • Press : X      deletes the character the cursor is under
  • Press : dd      deletes the line the cursor is on

Work of Run-Level

# init 0 = Shut Down.

# init 1 = Single User Mode.

# init 2 = Multi User Mode.

# init 3 = Full Multi User Mode.

# init 4 = Unused.

# init 5 = X-Window (GUI Mode)

# init 6 = Reboot.

See current run-level = who -r

Cursor moving

  • Press:  j    moves the cursor up
  • Press:  K    moves the cursor down one line
  • Press:  h    moves the cursor back words on a line
  • Press:  l    moves the cursor forward


Users add /Delete


Adding a user: adduser mukta

Set a password to new user:  passwd mukta

Change root password: passwd

Show the user:  cat /etc/passwd

Delete a user: userdel mukta

Delete a user with home directory: userdel –r mukta

To know status of the password: passwd –s mukta

If forget root password

Root password break- single user mode

  • Reboot
  • Press Space button to boot
  • See the instruction under there and press e
  • Select kernel & again press e
  • Press Space button then press 1 & press enter
  • Press B

Now it will be in single user mode and then give the command –passwd

Then give the new password   &reboot.

3.3.2 Basic Networking Configuration

An operating system is a collection of programs that manages all the other programs in a computer. Linux is a UNIX-based operating system. It is now one of the most used systems for the PC, and is particularly suitable for businesses with small IT budgets. Linux is free to use and install, and is more reliable than almost all other systems, running for many months and even years without a reboot being necessary. It belongs to nobody, and is free to download and use. Any changes to it are open for all to adopt, and as a result it has developed into a very powerful OS [3].

Basic Configurations Are:

  • Host Name Configuration
  • Selinux Configuration
  • Network Configuration
  • DNS Configuration

Host Name Configuration

For hostname setup: we set hostname against our pc IP address. Now I can set an IP address in this device with the following command.

(# vim/etc/host)

C:UsersMuktaDesktopCENTOSHost NameScreenshot_1.png

Figure 3.1: Hostname Setup

Selinux Configuration

At first we execute the command which is (#vim /etc/sysconfig/selinux), we wrote down “SELINUX=disabled” instead of “Enforcing” which has been attached below.


Figure 3.2: SELINUX Disabled

Network Configuration

Before configuring of any server we have to setup our network configuration. We need an IP address to communicate with the internet. If a computer is communicate with internet, its need to using an IP address. IP addresses are used to uniquely identify any device over internet.

(# vim  /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0)


Figure 3.3: IP Address setting

DNS Configuration

Edit “resolv.conf” and add name server.

(# vim  /etc/resolv.conf)


Figure 3.4: DNS Configuration

Then the network has been restarted for the purpose of starting the this device with the following command.

(# service network restart)


Figure 3.5: Starting process of the network system

3.3.3 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Server


FTP Server: An FTP means File Transfer Protocol Server is a piece of software that is running on a computer and user the File Transfer protocol to store and share files. Remote computer can connect anonymously, if allowed, or with a user name and password in order to download files from this server using a piece of software called a FTP client [6].

Setup FTP Server

  • FTP Server Details
  • Package Install
  • Start the vsftpd service
  • Configure FTP Server
  • Create FTP User
  • Checking by Admin User
  • Checking by Web Browser.

FTP Server Details

Operating System      : CentOS 6.3 32 bit

Hostname                   :

IP Address   :

Default port  : 20 and 21

Package Install

At first I install the package.

(# yum install vsftpd* -y)

In that command, ‘*’ represents that all the related packages of vsftpd has been downloaded and installed.

Start the vsftpd service

We need to start the services and use the chkconfig command to make them to start automatically on boot.

# service vsftpd start

# chkconfig vsftpd on

Configure FTP Server

Before configuring vsftpd file, it has been downloaded and installed by using the command (#yum install vsftpd* -y).

In that command, ‘*’ represents that all the related packages of vsftpd has been downloaded and installed.

Installation Checking

The VSFTPD file has been downloaded and installed which is represented by the following figure.


Figure 3.6: Installation checking

Configuring ‘vsftpd.conf’ File

FTP server can be configured in two ways. These are “Nonuser Based” and “User Based”. Both two types of FTP server have been configured are shown below.

Nonuser Based Configuration

For configuring  nonuser  based  FTP server, “anonymous_enable=YES” has been configured which is represented on the following figure.

If “anonymous_enable=Yes” then other local user can access the FTP.

we execute the command which is (#vim /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf)

C:UsersMuktaDesktopCENTOSFTPNon userScreenshot_1.png

Figure 3.7: Nonuser Based Configuration

Enable Upload and Download File

The upload and  download  option have been configured due to upload and download any file or folder in the FTP server is represented below.

If write “ascii_ upload_enable =Yes” then other local user can access the FTP and upload file.

If write “ascii_ download_enable =Yes” then other local user can access the FTP and download file.

C:UsersMuktaDesktopCENTOSFTPNon userScreenshot_2.png

Figure 3.8: Enable Upload and Download

FTP Banner and Time Setting

The FTP banner for welcome message and local time have been configured are represented below.

“ftpd_banner=Welcome to FTP server” It means, After successful login it show on the screen.

C:UsersMuktaDesktopCENTOSFTPNon userScreenshot_3.png

C:UsersMuktaDesktopCENTOSFTPNon userScreenshot_4.png

Figure 3.9: FTP Banner and Time Setting

FTP nonuser Server Checking

After configuring nonuser based FTP server, it has been checked by web browser which is represented by the following figure.

Now open the browser and type (ftp:// and press the search button.

D:MUKTAFTPNon UserScreenshot_8.png

Figure 3.10: FTP Server Checking

User Based Configuration

For configuring user based FTP server just a single line has been changed which is represented below. The other configuration of  FTP server has been remain same as nonuser based configuration of FTP server.

We execute the command which is (#vim /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf)

If “Anonymous_enable=NO” then only FTP  anonymous user can access the FTP server.


Figure 3.11: User Based Configuration

Create FTP User

A user has been created to access FTP client which is shown below. The purpose of creating the user only for access the FTP client but the user can not access the FTP server.


Figure 3.12: User Create

Checking by Admin User

After successfully configured FTP server adminitrator can check first FTP client which has been represented below.


Figrue 3.13: Checking by Admin User

Checking by Web Browser

The user based FTP server is checked by web browser which has been represented below.

Again open the browser and type (ftp:// and press the search button.


Fig 3.14: Access FTP server from browser

D:MUKTAFTPNon UserScreenshot_8.png

Fig 3.15: Access FTP server from browser

It can be said that our FTP server has been successfully configured.The FTP server is ready to use.

3.3.4 Web Server

Web servers are computers that deliver web pages. Every Web server has an IP address and possibly a domain name. For example if you enter the URL in your browser, this sends a request to the web server whose domain name is The server then fetches the page named index.html and sends it to my browser. Centos Web Server Configuration Requirement: To set up my own web site in a computer, an operating system, web server, a domain name, an IP address of a name server is required.

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The computer is capable of running Linux can be used on my system. And using Centos   6.3 operating system. A domain name can be registered with a domain name registration services. My ISP provides static IP address, and then i will need to add my domain with static IP addresses. This is achieved by using a name server. Most domain registration service will provide this service for you [7].

Setup Web Server

  • Web Server Details
  • Package Install
  • Start the httpd service
  • Configure Web Server
  • Create a Homepage
  • Start httpd service
  • Check Webserver.

Web Server Details

Operating System      : CentOS 6.3 32 bit

Hostname                   :

IP Address   :

Package Install

Now I have install the httpd package for Web server.

(# yum install httpd -y)

Start the httpd service

We need to start the services and use the chkconfig command to make them to start automatically on boot.

# service httpd start

# chkconfig httpd on

Configure Web Server

Before configuring httpd file, it has been downloaded and installed by using the command

(#yum install httpd -y).

Installation Checking:

The HTTPD file has been downloaded and installed which is represented by the following figure.


Figure 3.16: HTTPD download and install

Simple Coding

By default location of Web server is (#cd /var/www/html) and

For editing the location is (#vim index.html).

Where simple HTML coding has been done which is represented on following figure.

C:UsersMuktaDesktopCentos.WEBNew folderScreenshot_1.png

Figure 3.17: Simple HTML Coding

Virtual Host Configuration

Now we configured virtual host where Server Admin, Document Root, Server Name were set at bottom of this “httpd.conf” file which is represented on following figure.

The location of Virtual Host Configuration is (#vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf).



Figure 3.18: Virtual Host Configuration

After configure Web server the package has been restarted for the purpose of starting the this device with the following command.

(# service httpd restart)


Figure 3.19: Service restarting


Web Server Checking

After successfully configuring HTTPD file Web server has been checked by a web browser which is represented by the figure below.

Now open the browser and type (http:// and press the search button.


Figure 3.20: Web Server Checking

From the above figure it can be said that the Web Server has been successfully configured.

3.3.5 Mail Server

Configuration of the mail server [9].

Steps of mail server configuration

  • Hostname Setup
  • Postfix Installation & Configuration
  • User Create & Password set
  • Telnet Installation & Checking Postfix
  • Dovecot Installation & Configuration
  • Checking Dovecot
  • Squirrelmail Installation & Configuration
  • Finally Checking by web browser

Hostname Setup

We set hostname against our pc IP address. Now I can set an IP address in this device with the following command.

(# vim /etc/host).


Figure 3.21: Hostname Setup

Postfix Installation & Configuration

At first we download and installation postfix with the following command.

(#yum install postfix –y)


Figure 3.22: Download and installation postfix

Now edit some configuration of the following command.

(#vim /etc/postfix/

Find and edit the following lines.

## Line no 75 – Uncomment and set your mail server ##

myhostname =


## Line 83 – Uncomment and Set domain name ##

mydomain =


## Line 99 – Uncomment ##

myorigin = $mydomain


## Line 116 – Set ipv4 ##

inet_interfaces = all


## Line 164 – Comment ##

#mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost,


## Line 165 – Uncomment ##

mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, $mydomain


## Line 264 – Uncomment and add IP range ##

mynetworks =,


## Line 419 – Uncomment ##

home_mailbox = Maildir/


Save and exit the file. Start/restart Postfix service now:

# service postfix restart

# chkconfig postfix on

User Create & Password set

First, create two test user for sending and receiving, called “suruvan” and “mitul”.


Figure 3.23: User Create of Mail server

Telnet Installation & Checking Postfix [8].

At first we install the telnet file in which following command.

(#yum install telnet –y).

C:UsersMuktaDesktopCentos.MailSendingNew folderScreenshot_13.png

Figure 3.24: Telnet download Installation

Access the server via Telnet and enter the commands shown in the following figure.


Figure 3.25: Checking Postfix

A new mail is received to the user “mitul“. To read the mail, enter the following command:

(#cat /etc/mitul/Maildir/new/1491 then press “Tab”).


Figure 3.26: New mail


Dovecot Installation & Configuration

Dovecot is an open source and POP3 mail server for Unix/Linux systems to install by the command.

(#yum install dovecot –y).


Figure 3.27: Dovecot Installation

Now edit some configuration of the following command.

(#vim /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf).

find and edit the following lines:

## Line 20 – umcomment ##

protocols = imap pop3 lmtp

Now edit this file (#vim /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-mail.conf)

Make the changes as shown below:

## Line 24 – uncomment ##

mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir

Edit(#vim /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-auth.conf).

Make the changes as shown below:

## line 9 – uncomment##

disable_plaintext_auth = yes


## Line 97 – Add a letter “login” ##

auth_mechanisms = plain login

Edit file (#vim /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-master.conf).

Make changes as shown below:

## Line 83, 84 – Uncomment and add “postfix”


user = postfix

group = postfix

Start Dovecot service

# service dovecot restart

# chkconfig dovecot on

Checking Dovecot


It’s time to test Dovecot configuration. Enter the following command in Terminal.

(#telnet localhost pop3)


Figure 3.28: Dovecot Checking

As you see in the above, Dovecot is working!

Working with mail in command modes little bit difficult for us. So we will install a webmail client called Squirrelmail to send/receive emails via a web browser.

Squirrelmail Installation & Configuration

Make sure that you’ve installed and enabled EPEL repository. Now install Squirrelmail using the following command:

(#yum install squirrelmail –y)


Figure 3.29: Squirrelmail Installation

Navigate to (#cd /usr/share/squirrelmail/config/) directory and run the command (./

Now enter “2” to setup mail Server settings such as domain name and mail agent etc.:

SquirrelMailConfiguration : Read: config.php (1.4.0)


Main Menu —

1.  Organization Preferences

2.  Server Settings


Command >>2

Enter “3” and change from sendmail to Postfix MTA (i.e. SMTP):

SquirrelMailConfiguration: Read: config.php (1.4.0)


Server Settings



1.  Domain                 : unixmen.local

2.  Invert Time            : false

3.  Sendmail or SMTP       : Sendmail


Command >>3

Enter “2” to switch from sendmail MTA to postfix.

You now need to choose the method that you will use for sending

messages in SquirrelMail.  You can either connect to an SMTP server

or use sendmail directly.


  1.  Sendmail

  2.  SMTP


Your choice [1/2] [1]: 2

Now enter “S” followed by “Q” to save and exit Squirrelmail configuration.

Create a squirrelmail vhost in apache config file:

(#vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf)


    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

    RewriteEngine On

    AllowOverride All


Order allow,deny

    Allow from all


After configure Web server the package has been restarted for the purpose of starting the this device with the following command.

(# service httpd restart)


Figure 3.30: Service restarting


Finally checking by web browser

After successfully configuring Mail server has been checked by a web browser which is represented by the figure below.

Now open the browser and type ( and press the search button.

The following screen should appear. Enter the username and password of the user


Figure 3.31: Mail Server Checking


Figure 3.32: Mail Server Checking

Now you’ll be able to access the user mitul mail box. Let us compose a test mail from user “mitul” to user “suruvan”. Click on the Compose link on the top. Enter the recipient mail id (ex. [email protected]), subject and body of the mail and click send.

3.4 Challenges

During my internship, I got the opportunity work with different technologies. And it is a clear fact that, issues are very common in an internship. During the time I have spent on internship, I had to face many technical challenges, communication challenges, etc. The coming sections, will explain few critical issues and the approach taken to solve them.

Some Internship challenge

  • Facing the Office Environment
  • Handling the Boredom
  • Meeting the Timeline
  • Completing the adopt internship Properly
  • Adjust with the official decorum and norms.

Some Common Internship Challenges are:

Afraid to ask questions: All of a sudden there’s an influx of work, and I finally have the chance to prove myself! But I’m not sure about x, y, z….I may feel the pressure to be an independent and self-sufficient worker, but it’s so much better to clarify uncertainties!

Compete with other Intern: Luckily I was an intern; we ask questions of each other and can easily team up with projects that have worked in teams where there was such a collaborative relationship. Interns in a future job opening, or a recommendation for a good letter will be competing in other office environments, may not be so friendly.

A New Lifestyle: As a recent college graduate, I may be getting used to a new life style that can be quite jarring. Instead of waking up at eight and going to a few classes a day, I’m sitting at a desk 9-5. I might be living at my parents to save money. The hours and the new living situation clearly make socializing more difficult than before.


Competencies and Smart Plan

4.1 Competencies Earned

Competence actually means the ability of an individual to do a job properly. A competence is a set of defined behaviors that provides structured guide enabling the identification, evaluation and development of the behaviors in individual employee. If competency is very good each and every employee in an organization the earn more with long time. Its include many things such practical skill, theoretical knowledge, good behaviors, convince skill. When an organization given a right instruction and right analysis then it gone better thing. So if any company has their good management, instruction, analysis and better skill in there working sector they can earn with competence. It means that all skill of combination are use to improved performance.

4.2 Smart Plan

Every company should have a smart plan to achieve the success. Some common things of combination create a smart plan which I describe in the bellow:

A goal is Specific when it provides a description of what is to be accomplished. A specific goal is a focused goal. It will state exactly what the individual or organization intends to accomplish.

A goal is measurable if it is quantifiable. Measurement is accomplished by first establishing the situation at hand or by obtaining baseline data. The goal will have a target toward which progress can be measured, as well as benchmarks designed to measure progress along the way.

A goal is Achievable It’s important to let everyone involved in the change understand that without their cooperation, the change isn’t feasible or achievable.

Define the how much achievable dimension we want.

Goals should be Relevant, meaning that they should be appropriate to and consistent with the mission and vision of the organization. Each goal adopted by the organization should be one that moves the organization toward the achievement of its vision.

Finally a goal must be bound by Time. That is, it must have a starting and ending point. It should also have some intermediate points at which progress can be assessed. Limiting the time in which a goal must be accomplished helps to focus effort toward its achievement and motivates the organization’s ability to effectively monitor its performance [11].

4.3 Reflections

After make a smart plan it needs to be occurring reflection correctly. And need to analysis that how much reflection can able to occurring the company. If any organization can properly work with their Smart plan they can successfully reflect their plan.



Conclusion and Future Carrere

5.1 Discussion and conclusion

The goal of this internship is to gain the knowledge and skills need to develop ISP Setup and Administration in Linux Platform. The internship focuses on Fundamental of Data Communication, Linux Essentials, Linux System Administrations, and Configuring Network Security & Services and many more. Linux is a full-featured, robust UNIX operating system with a wealth of associated free software, capable of supporting high-performance network services. The quality of Linux software makes it a low-cost, reliable, supported computing platform appropriate for the corporate server environment. This comprehensive hands-on course provides the knowledge and skills you need to install, Linux is the operating system which offers such a wide verity of reliable, stable and effective service. We choice this operating system not because of its services but it is totally free.  It has just about every kind of network service is there, including web servers Apace, Telnet, SSH, FTP, DNS, MAIL and much more. Linux offers a unique opportunity to learn systems programming with hand on experience. We can explore almost any subject we care to. Various aspects of Linux have been studied or developed as part of academic work such as graduate theses.

5.2 Scope For Future Career

  • User administration (setup and maintaining account)
  • Setup security policies for users
  • Upgrade and configure system software
  • Configure and maintaining Server.
  • Network administrator in any IT Organization.
  • Server and network security administrator.
  • Information Technology (IT) Manager.
  • Capable to provide various technical support and services to other Organization.



Internship is a part of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of computer science and Engineering. It’s very important for every candidate. Its play a great role for completes the degree. It’s make a candidate more expert in his sector. For that candidate achieve a stage of confidence in him. So that he can take a good role in her professional Carrier in next time. Because during the internship period candidate can learn many thing about an organization environment .He can gather knowledge about the official management system, manner, and responsibility and so on.



Daffodil Online Ltd. prides itself as one of the leading nationwide Internet Service Provider (ISP) in Bangladesh. We are the most experienced and oldest company in the ICT field where our basic business ethics is Long Term Relationship with our customers.  As we look at the growth over the decade since our inception, we are extremely proud of what we have achieved, and even more excited about our outlook for an equally promising future.

It may please you to know that we started our operation in the year 2002. During the past years, we extended our operation and service portfolio according to the customer’s recommendation and considering demands of time. We worked with many national projects and international organizations and achieved the reputation. We are using the latest technologies and upgrading the services wherever it is required. Our Corporate Network Solution department is capable to provide state-of-art network and telecommunication solutions with a highly efficient technical expertise group.



[1] Get concept about the company, Available at: <> (Last accessed on 05 December 2016; 2:20 pm).

[2] Get concept about the SWOT, Available at: <> (Last accessed on 10 December 2016; 1:40 pm).

[3] Get concept about Linux, Available at: <> (Last accessed on 25 December 2016; 10:20 am).

[4] Learn about Basic Command Available at <> (Last accessed on 25 January 2017; 10:25pm).

[5] Learn about Basic Command Available at <> (Last accessed on 10 February 2017; 11:45 pm).

[6] Learn about FTP server, Available at : <>

(Last accessed on 10 March 2017; 10:50 pm).

[7] Get concept About the Web Server at <> (Last accessed on 20 March 2017; 9:40 pm).

[8] Learn about the Telnet Server <> (Last accessed on 25 March 2017; 9:40 pm).

[9] Learn about Mail Server Available at: <> (Last accessed on 25 March 2017; 10:55 pm).

[10] Learn about Mail Server configuration at <> (Last accessed on 26 March 2017; 4:10 pm).

[11] Get concept about the Smart Plan Available at: <> (Last accessed on 04 April 2017; 11:20 pm)


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