Project Management Plan to Develop Business Automation Process

University / Undergraduate
Modified: 26th Oct 2020
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Business automation is selected for making a project for the business. The project is to develop the business automation process which includes automatically generating procurement orders on the low stock and automatically processing sale orders.

Purpose of Plan

The purpose of the project is to facilitate the business process and eliminate the mistakes in the purchase and sale of products. The project is aimed at providing automatic processes to improve the accuracy of sales and purchase of products and in order to increase the speed of processes. A project is a contract between the project manager, sponsors of the project and project team. The project manager is responsible for completing the project and carrying out all the necessary activities.

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The business entity is intending to extend the business operations and is planning to launch a new business firm with the aim of getting benefits from new and advanced technology. In other words, it can be said that the business firm is planning to launch a new business with the aim of utilizing new and advanced technology, product innovation, and the benefits of globalization. The business firm has an aim of improving cost efficiencies which means to decrease business and product costs or can be said that getting more output with the least amounts of input in the case described above. Another purpose of setting up a new business is to make the system fully automated to reduce human errors and getting more benefits from utilizing machines (Too, 2014). The entity is planning to grow the business activities in order to expand the revenue of the business firm.

Background Information about the Project

The Elite Company has business operations in many cities and the entity is planning to launch a new business which is to be associated with automation processes that every business activity is to be done fully automatically in order to increase the sales. The business environment is changing over the passage of time and modern ways are being adapted to increase the business revenue. This project is about increasing the number of customers being served in the business hours which can be done through automation processes. The competition in the business is increasing and the survival of most modern and technological advanced business entities is possible. The government is making strict rules and regulations to be followed in order to remain in business. The project will ensure the compliance of government rules and regulations. The project came into existence because of the increased number of customers and staff was not being able to serve all the customers and then stock replenishment became a big problem as the stock was to be physically counted before placing orders for this purpose which was long awaited task and affected the business revenue (Meredith, 2017).

Project Approach

The project will be completed through utilizing team management techniques which include delegation of powers and authority, motivating the team members to work enthusiastically, development of the plan, better communications, and discipline. All these team management techniques can help in early completion of the project. The team has chosen a critical path to complete the project which includes an understanding of the processes then enlisting the critical activities, then drafting the critical path and after this making framework to complete the project. The project is just to quick the sales and purchase of products in order to increase sales revenue (Nicholas, 2017).

Goals and Objectives:

The project goal is to make all the process error-free and to decrease human interactions as there are more mistakes in human dealings. The project has the objective to automate the business activities like the self-placement of a new order for purchase, and managing products stock for the business.

Business Goals and Objectives

The company has objectives being described below:

  • Business automation is planned to decrease the costs incurred on business activities.
  • The business project has another objective to decrease and eliminate errors from the business processes.
  • It is planned to decrease the rework done products being sold to customers by 20 % by the end of this year.
  • It is another objective to decrease wastage of products and it is planned in the next five years to bring this up to 0%.
  • The objective of the project is to enhance the speed of business operations (Kerzner, 2017). 

Project Goals and Objectives

The project goals and objectives can be achieved are being discussed below:

  • The completion of the project will increase the business revenue as the more customers will be served.
  • The project will help in eliminating the errors form the system.
  • The project completion will increase the speed of business operations which will help in increasing the revenue.
  • The project completion will help in competing for the corporate business entities.
  • The project will help in improving the efficiency of business operations.

The project is launched to successfully implement the business rules and establishing a platform for making business activities easy and quick in order to provide more earning capability to the newer business entity. The long term goals of the project include making the business well established and well run. The project has focused on the objectives which will help in making the business entity a well reputed and in the shape of a good brand. The people should search and purchase the products of the business entity and should not settle for the less than that of Elite Company business products (Noe, 2017).


The scope of the business project is being discussed below:

Scope Definition

The automation business will be done and this includes all the business activities to be automated in order to improve working efficiency. The procurement and sales activities will be automated through computer systems. The automation will improve the quality of services and will help in replenishing stock again (Badewi, 2016).

Cost, Benefits, and Risks

The costs associated with the establishment of new business are related to preliminary expenses which need to be estimated before going for starting the business. The business entity is planning to launch the business of manufacturing the furniture sheets. The business requires new and modern machinery and a place for installation of this machinery afterward the production process can be started. The benefits of starting a new business are hidden in the effectiveness of processes adapted while going for business start and production processes. The revenue of the business will help to ensure the more profitability of the business firm. The cost risk is when the cost of the project can increase because of poor cost estimation and this can lead to a loss. Schedule risk is when the activities take more time than the expected time. Performance risk is when the entity will fail to perform the project within the time.   (Lin, 2014).

Project Products

The project products include creating stock report, sales report and purchase report. The project is to develop automatic report creation when there is low stock or the product is being sold at a loss then the project will generate messages to aware of this. The establishment of new business is determined about launching new products of furniture which include furniture ply sheets which are used in making a door, kitchen cabins, office work stations, and several other purposes. The project is planned to successfully start all these products in order to increase the business revenue and as a result to increase the profitability. The project products ensure the success of any business and also enable the business entity to reach its decline only because of a selection of non-profitable business products or the area of operations is not good for the business products (Marks, 2017).


The project will start from 20th July 2019 and will complete at the end of August next year. The project is equally divided into 10 phases of development and these will be completed in a period of 11 months. The last two months are for checking the project products and ensuring there is nothing bad in the project. In the 1st month planning, formulation and documentation of planning and actions will be done to ensure that there is no change in the plan. After this, the projects will be started and the reports will be prioritized (Dutta, 2015).

Impacted Business Areas

The establishment of new business which is concentrated on starting new furniture business products and the impacted business areas are considered to be new products which are furniture ply sheets because the products can be impacted from any decision of the management regarding the growth of business and contraction of business. The business revenue can be affected due to any decision of the management.


The financial resources are planned to avail from banks as the total amount required for the project is $1.2 million US dollars. The company has a shortage of $.8million dollars which are arranged through a bank loan. The project expectations are to deliver the products within the time scheduled.

The assumptions in the project are related to new products. It is assumed that the business products are sold more in the number of units and are widely accepted by the customers. It is assumed that the products are good at the functionality and can earn more revenue for the business. It is assumed that the products have no defect and are good for the required purposes. It is assumed that the business firm has the capability to continue business operations. It is also assumed that the business firm has some limited financial resources.


The constraints are areas which can prove to be hurdles in the way of prosperity and proper workings of any business. The constraints are restrictions placed in the business project which are difficult to cover.

Project Constraints

The main constraint for the project is a financial constraint which being hurdle in the way of project completion. The $.8 million finance is required for the project which is arranged through a bank loan for the completion of the project. The financial constraint limits the business operations and reduces the business profit because of bank charges for finance (Stoshikj, 2014).

Related Projects

The related projects include reduction of business costs and implementation of new technology in the business to improve the business operation.

The business establishment is comprised of many related projects which are an essential part of the project management execution part. The related projects in this scenario are business automation, using advanced technology for business use, and the establishment of business infrastructure. All these projects are related to the main project which is to establish a business which can earn more profit and can capture more market share. The successful completion of related projects ensures the success of the main project. Special emphasis is being placed on making these related projects cost-effective and efficient in working to ensure productivity (Todorović, 2015). The automation of business activities will help in making the business control easier and it will be difficult to misappropriate the business finance and business assets.

Critical Dependencies

The critical path is to develop the stock report first and then to build the sales and purchase report in order to see the business performance quickly. The project cannot be completed without sequencing the project activities according to their importance in the project. The preceding activities must be completed first and then the succeeding activities to be completed. It is not feasible to leave an activity without completion and move on to another activity. The sequence must be established to complete the project within a given period. The critical path should be calculated in order to find the shortest way to complete the project within less time and resources. The critical path is a sequence of activities which is made to get the work done in the shortest time.

Quality Management Approach:

The quality management is concerned with managing the quality of the project and ensuring that there is nothing in the project which is not desired and demanded by the customer. The approaches towards quality management are considered to be mainly three which include customer satisfaction, prevention over the inspection and continuous improvement. The quality is achieved if the customer is satisfied with the project and products. The prevention is better than inspection means the measure to check the quality should be adopted before affecting the quality of work which will require inspection of the products. Continuous improvement implies that the quality should be kept improving to fulfill customer expectations (Kwon, 2014).

Activity Reviews

The activity review is conducted through gap analysis that how much gap is left in the budgeted performance and actual performance. Checking the project goals that are the project goals achieved. The satisfaction of stakeholders is checked to review the performance of the project. The reviews should be conducted when there is a major gap between performances.

Tools and Techniques

The tools and techniques used to check the quality are advanced technology and are checked by big business firms to ensure the quality of projects. The scientific inventions are used to check the quality.

Test Approach

Unit testing approach, Integration testing, system testing, and performance testing approaches are conducted to check the business performance. The unit testing approach tests single products and integration testing help in testing the products on a collective basis.

It is important to test the project quality through a series of tests designed for getting a fine quality product. Advanced and modern technology is helpful in knowing about the testing of projects.

Performance/Quality Standards

The quality of products is checked through the purpose it is made for. The product fulfilling the purpose right as it was desired from the product is known as a performance check of the product.

Quality Management Roles

The quality management role is needed to ensure that all the measures taken for ensuring the quality of the product are done and the quality of the product is up to the mark. The management has a role to ensure the quality is at the desired level.


The training is a process which is designed to polish the inner potential and to learn new ways of progress which can be used for managing the difficult and challenging jobs. The train can develop more skills and can benefit the staff to increase business revenue.

Project Management Approach

The vision and efforts to control the project will help in knowing the better way to control the project. The project management approach is being described below:

Work Breakdown Structure Gantt Chart

This chart is used to breakdown the work structure into many parts and a critical path is selected to save time and resources. All the important tasks are shown in this and expected date of completion is also mentioned to know the exact completion duration. The figure below describes the tasks, their expected duration, and sequence of activities (Sharon, 2014).

Basis of Estimates

The estimates are based on the historical format of same structure projects which help in getting an easy approach in developing the whole process about project completion and help in taking corrective actions. The same project history has helped in knowing about required materials and accessories for swift completion of the project.

Project Effort Estimation

The project effort estimation is concerned with the arrangement of key business requirements which include finance for the project, then a location and availability of a place for that project. Afterward, the utilization of place and finance for doing the project is included in project effort estimation. The project manager should assess the human capabilities and then should decide about any project activity according to the capability. This will help the work done by professionals of the field and to complete the project and activities at the highest standards (Sharon A. a., 2014).

Project Standards

The standards for the project are up to the mark of international standards which will help in making the project at a very good efficiency level. The project standards will help in knowing any flaws in the project and actions required for proper completion of the project.

Project Roles and Responsibilities

The project manager is given the major role and responsibility to handle all the resources for managing the project and getting the project accomplished through wise use of these resources. The project manager assigns all the roles and responsibilities according to the skills and capabilities to complete the project within given time and resources. The establishment of new business requires business experts who can advise on important matters like marketing the products and the tactics being used to increase sales.

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Communications and Control Approach:

Easy and fast communication makes things easy and can help in getting the project activities done on time. It is important to establish a good network of communications and a system to control all the project activities. The better communication with senior managers and middle managers can bring revolution after taking the responsibility of the business establishment because they have started to own the project. The project activities can be better controlled if the line workers have started to own the project which will help in controlling it in a better way. The establishment of a new business is crucial while controlling the project is more crucial and should be emphasized (Golini, 2015).


  • WBS Gantt Chart.
  • Project Management Life Cycle.
  • Project Manager Roles
  • Project Management

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  • Badewi, A. (2016). The impact of project management. International Journal of Project Management, 34 (4), 761-778.
  • Dutta, D. a. (2015). Project Management Milestones. International Journal of Production Economics , 165 (5), 293-306.
  • Golini, R. K. (2015). Importance of Project Management. International Journal of Project Management, , 33 (3), 650-663.
  • Kerzner, H. (2017). Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons, 54 (3), 45-56.
  • Kwon, O. N. (2014). Quality Management. International journal of information management, 34 (3), 387-394.
  • Lin, O. S. (2014). cost, and risks. World journal of gastrointestinal endoscopy, 6 (6), 220-234.
  • Marks, P. W. (2017). Project Products. N Engl J Med , 16 (37), 1007-1009.
  • Meredith, J. R. (2017). Project Management. a managerial approach. John Wiley & Sons , 12 (3), 113-125.
  • Nicholas, J. a. (2017). Project management for engineering, business and technology. Routledge , 17 (2), 223-245.
  • Noe, R. H. (2017). Human resource management: Gaining a competitive advantage. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education. , 23 (4), 28-37.
  • Sharon, A. a. (2014). WBS Gantt Chart. IEEE Systems Journal , 9 (2), 366-376.
  • Sharon, A. a. (2014). WBS Management. IEEE Systems Journal, , 9 (2), 366-376.
  • Stoshikj, M. N. (2014). Project Managment. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management , 15 (1), 25-38.
  • Todorović, M. P. (2015). Project Management. International Journal of Project Management, , 33 (4), 772-783.
  • Too, E. G. (2014). The management of project management: A conceptual framework for project governance. International Journal of Project Management , 32 (8), 1382-1394.


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