Resources in Teaching and Learning

University / Undergraduate
Modified: 21st Jun 2019
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Resources in Teaching and Learning is the term to ascribe to something such as  (Written source, Audio-visual aids, e-learning/technology, Objects, Events, and People etc) that can be used to support or help Teaching and Learning. Furthermore, Resources are recognised to help in the processing of information by creating interest in Learners, attracting and maintaining attention, help understanding and aiding memory, so that the knowledge of the learners can be greatly increased and their learning enriched to achieve their learning goals. (L. Wilson, 2014) described ‘Resources are the equipment and aid that a Teacher or Learner will use to promote learning’. (L. Wilson, 2014) mentioned that the use of resources is to promote learning; it is fair to say that for learning to take place, a connection has to be made with the brain, therefore resources have to be fit for purpose (active, inclusive and student-centred).  To buttress the ‘brain connection’ and ‘fit for purpose’ statement, (L. Wilson 2014), further mentioned that ‘The most effective resources stimulate a number of senses (e.g. sight, hearing and touch etc) are versatile and easy to use, achieve what they are set out to achieve and simple.

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Therefore, the purpose of resources in learning and teaching is anchored on three important factors: aid,  learning and teaching, the identification of the learning that is to be supported and learning outcome/target to enhance students learning experience i.e. the use of videos/images/charts to visually provide in-depth explanation during a Teaching session to enrich the experience of learning. This is supported in the quote by Reece and Walker (2006: 157-158), the purpose of using resources is to: Increase understanding, reinforce key facts, create deeper learning, motivate, simplify idea’s etc. Resources also fall into a number of different categories ranging from prepared resources to those which are used in a spontaneous manner.

Image result for types of educational resources pdf

Image source (PrincesDianeCarbonel/educational-technology)

Refer to the below illustrated examples in regards to Resource that support Teaching and Learning.

Teaching Resource:

Resources such as white boards can be used to support teaching; this resource can be used as a supplementary aid to record main points of subject area or contributions from Learners captured during the teaching session. In my teaching practice, I used a white board to support teaching. I recorded and displayed Topic main points, examples and response/ideas from learners to assess if learning has taken place during my ICT teaching session. In addition, I also utilised the use of different coloured pens to highlight the key information as suggested by a few learners due to visual impairment (taking into account differentiation among learners) this promoted Inclusiveness by ensuring that the recorded information is visible and legible for all learner.

In my teaching practice I supplemented by teaching resource by incorporating Visual Prompts e.g. I embedded animation in my power point presentation which was relevant to ICT. I adapted the resource to create interest and maintain attention especially for learners whose preference of learning is visual, this promoted Inclusiveness.

More memorable: In my teaching practice, I provided each learner with a summary handout to introduce the topic, for learners to refer to them as the teaching delivery session progressed and also as a reference to provide accurate record of the teaching session as a memory aid. After self reflection, I have considered modifying the hand-outs to a gapped handout which will have blanked spaces to enable learners check understanding of topic, consolidate learning/commit to memory and actively capture personalised structured notes as oppose to a summary handout which tend to be left behind in the teaching room.

In my teaching practice, during the classroom activities I provided opportunities to develop ICT for the Learners. I organised learners into groups to conduct research using their smart phones to surf the Internet to provide opportunities to discover and make new connections in their learning.

In my teaching Practice, I developed opportunities to actively engage learners through blended teaching approach. I encouraged Learners to further enhance their learning by referring them to the Interactive learning system and discussion boards on the Virtual Learning environment (VLE) prior to the teaching sessions to prepare and actively engaged Learners ahead of the teaching delivery session.

Learning Resources:

Learning resources supporting is geared around the Learner

In my Teaching Practice, I delivered a teaching session that engaged the Learners different learning styles e.g. Iincorporated a balance of Learning styles in my lesson delivery by utilising the use of an interactive whiteboard with sound (Visual and Audio learning preference) and I also created a number of practical hand-on activities for kinaesthetic learners to enhance and maximise impactful learning in topic delivery in my specialist area.

During my teaching session in my specialist area, I provided Learners with hands on opportunities for use of specialist materials. I got the Learners to work in a group to describe and present their ideas using various parts of a modern PC provided for demonstration purpose only to make cross-curricular links with the subject.

In my teaching practice, I reinforce learning through promoting Knowledge retention.  During the lesson delivery, I randomly distributed and display flip charts and Posters highlighting key notes of topics in specialist area. This acted as a memory aid for learners to recall information and organise their thoughts for knowledge retention.

In my teaching practice, I supported and motivated individual learning by adapting and varying Learning resources support e.g. I supported one of the Learners who was confirmed dyslexic following a diagnostic assessment by adjusting the paper colour used for handouts. I adjusted the entire classes’ handout to minimise discrimination.

In my teaching practice, I fostered independent learning through extended learning by encouraging educational activities outside the regular classroom e.g. I designed and developed a resource guide list of books for learners to visit the library to broaden subject knowledge in my specialist area.

The below Report outlines why is it important to meet the individual needs of the learners and highlights the different points to consider when reviewing the effectiveness of specific resources.

In a learner/student centred model in lifelong learning. Focus of the teaching and learning is on the learner. Therefore, the importance of meeting the individual needs of learners is to help the learner learn. It is important to highlight that Learners in the education and learning sector exhibit a wide range of individual differences, learning preference/styles/needs, level of motivation/interest which can influence the effectiveness of teaching and learning (including the effectiveness of the resources used during teaching session delivery), the learning environment and the overall impact it has on promoting an inclusive classroom and a successful encouraging learning environment. According to (L Wilson 2014), ‘A teacher who understands what helps a learner to learn will be a better teacher because they recognise differences and are prepared to alter their teaching to suit those differences. This is one of the ways that you can ‘meet learner needs’ or plan differentiation’. Considering the above points, learning and teaching resources if used effectively can help students construct knowledge; develop effective learning strategies etc consequently lay a solid foundation for life-long learning otherwise unrecognised or identified needs can create barriers or challenges to learning.

The effectiveness of specific resources can be reviewed through learner feedback, standardisation meetings and comments from external sources such as examiners and also the Points listed below.

In my teaching practice, I differentiated my lesson plan and adapted relevant teaching/learning resources to address and develop required skills in response to the Individual needs of Learners i.e.  During my teaching session, I produced handouts with the appropriate font style and sizes to motivate learners with dyslexia learn, in other to fully participate in the classroom activities and achieve their learning goal.

In my teaching practice, I developed, organised and used resources to support differentiated tasks to match the abilities of learners and provide further explanation visually by using videos, images/charts to support learners with specific needs – i.e. I differentiated tasks for learners with learning difficulties to create active learners by delivering an interactive teaching session offering a variety of enriching activities and to promote equality, diversity and an inclusive learning environment.

In my teaching Practice, I used active and collaborative learning to actively involve learners in the classroom. I divided learners into small groups to engage in group discussions to tackle a question and answer session following my power point presentation which was supported with slides, pictures and diagrams relevant to the subject area. This developed social interaction and created an inclusive learning environment.

In my teaching Practice, I evaluated the effectiveness of the resources I used after my teaching session in my own specialist area. I asked and gathered feedback from the learners to gain invaluable information to guide my learners to choose books/ resources to support individual learning and study, I also provided formative feedback to address areas of that require improvement and I arranged extra tutorial support to address area of needs too.

The use of new technology has had great impact on learner’s engagement, motivation and success in teaching and learning in my specialist area. In my teaching Practice, I made provision for extended learning blended with the use of technology. I utilised resources such YouTube to keep the students informed and the students confirmed that the resource provided them with in-depth information and extended their learning experience.

Teachers play a crucial role as resource developers i.e. they oversee the planning, preparation, development and delivery of resources that satisfy the needs of their learners to enhance learning and enable them to achieve their full potential in the learning activity. In this report, Principles and sources of resource design will be analysed along with a number of Theories and models of inclusive curriculum design to consider when designing good teaching and learning resource development in my specialist area and this can be influenced and impacted on by the learners, learning environment, strength and limitations of the resources to make informed decisions.

Resources in teaching are to aid learning as well as stimulate interest for learners to engage actively in the learning experience. Hence, it is important that the resources are varied to meet the different learning needs and styles of learners. In my Teaching practice, I catered for the needs of all learners i.e. I liaised with an external agency to adapt the learning resources (ICT) with adaptive software for visually impaired learners to meet their needs and create an inclusive learning environment.

The resources identified during the planning phase for teaching session/delivery should be fit for purpose. It should achieve its aim when meeting the needs of the learners; it should also meet the learning outcome of the topic of discussion. In my teaching practice, I used resources that will meet the needs of my learners to encourage full participation and engagement. For instance, I ensured that the hearing loop for the learner with hearing impairment was working effectively and optimally for the learner prior to the session delivery to enable the learner hear me when delivering my session and to ensure an inclusive learning environment.

Resources are embedded in learning to about a positive contribution to consolidating learning to enrich the learning experience for the learners. In my teaching session, I used a video clip to aid comprehension and consolidate learning because this approach is received positively by all age groups. For instance, as an ICT teacher, I used a Video sourced from YouTube  to demonstrate to learners how to assemble and identify the inner components of a PC to stimulate discussion among the learners, this was a good complement to my teaching method by providing a visual demonstration taking into consideration learners that prefer the visual learning preference.

In my organisation the content of my teaching session is regularly updated to meet the criteria of the awarding organisation. As a Teacher, its good practice to use, develop and organise resources that are relevant, appropriate and fit for purpose to meet learner’s requirement in line with the current content of the curriculum. For example: In my teaching practice, I follow guidance requirement, current content of syllabus/qualification and assessment of the awarding Organisation to ensure that I teach the subject correctly.

In my teaching practice, I factored Bloom’s Principles to address learning domains when designing my teaching and learning resources. According to (G Petty, 2014): ‘Benjamin Bloom splits learning into a ‘spectrum’ of tasks or skills that he called ‘taxonomy’. Bloom identified six different levels of performance – The six segments can all be seen as skills: that is the ability to recall, explain etc. In my teaching practice in my specialist area, I organised resources that will require the learners to use and develop their knowledge and comprehension of the subject area. For example, I engaged learners in a problem solution evaluation activity after my presentation this enabled me assess learning and ensure learners achieve the learning outcome.

There are many sources that inform resource development in Teaching in my specialist area. The resource can be evaluated by analysing ‘how do Teachers identify resource’ and ‘what criteria should Teacher use when evaluating the resource’. Below I have reviewed and evaluated a couple of points to address resource development.

‘How do Teacher identify Resource’

In Education and Training, it’s imperative for teachers to meet the needs of learners to increase understanding with the appropriate resources which will need to be identified and selected to meet those needs. The use of resources within education and training can support practitioner in adequately meeting the needs of their learners and enhancing their learning experiences (Wilson, 2014). It is good practice to foster relationships with peers and colleagues by exploring existing good practice when identifying, selecting and improving resources. In my teaching practice, I meet regularly with my peers and colleagues to exchange and share opinions and experience, receive advice, suggestions and recommendation when selecting and developing resources for my learners.

In my organisation, there’s provision for a library or study centre where I gather sufficient information to assist me in developing and using resources for my learners. In my teaching Practice, I visit the Library to identify sources of information to plan and design my teaching and learning resource ahead of my teaching session.

In my teaching practice, I utilise the use of the internet resources to inform specific topics in my specialist area when developing resources for my learners. In my teaching practice, I have identified and organised learning resource from reputable educational portals such as ( for my learners use as reference point to support learning during my teaching session.

‘What criteria should Teachers use when evaluating the resource?’

It is best practice for resources to meet the set criteria by the awarding organisation to help Learner achieve the qualification outcome. In my lesson plans I ensured that the content and curriculum set by the awarding body is linked to resources used in my teaching session delivery. I often review advice and guidance set by the awarding organisation towards the development of embedding appropriate resources to aid learning and help learners achieve the learning outcome.

Professional Journals/Bodies provide direction and guidance on subject/topic when developing resources. In my organisation, I arranged for the relevant and current subject Journals to be uploaded in the Virtual Learning environment (VLE) to assist learners with learning. I also ensured that the learning resource is arranged by topic and subtopic and available for access in both the formal and informal learning environment.

It is also possible to link with other practitioners via online resources/forums and websites to share and develop resources. The strengths of this as a means of sharing and developing resources is that it provides far-reaching access for practitioners to access others’ resources and it also actively encourages practitioners to share with can promote collaboration between professional to  identify new, different and innovative ways of utilising resources within their delivery. In my teaching Practice as a Professional, I often review online resources (one that I use frequently is the Times Education Supplement (TES) website referred to as TES Connect) to identify and ensure that resources are fit for purpose prior to my teaching session.

Theories, principles and models

As a Teacher, it is good practice to utilise the use of Theories, Principles and models of inclusive curriculum design to inform resource development. (Ornstein and Hunkins 2009) suggest that although curriculum development models are technically useful, they often overlook the human aspect such as the personal attitudes, feelings and values involved in curriculum making. Therefore they are not a recipe and should not be a substitute for using professional and personal judgement on what is a good approach to enhancing student learning.

According to Smith (2002), cited in (Wilson, 2009), curriculum is the course itself, its content, the way the course is delivered, the learning environment and the internal and external influences which create ‘the learning experience’.  There are many different methods and approaches to the design and implementation of curriculum and a lot is dependent on the teachers’ approach to it. However, it must be noted that in practice, the decisions made by teachers about curriculum models will be influenced and in certain instances determined by organisations, Awarding Bodies, Funding Bodies and potentially political initiatives (Wilson, 2014). Students construct meaning from what they do to learn. Therefore, the teacher ought to align the planned activities with learning outcome.

There are many points to consider however I will elaborate on the below highlighted points to demonstrate understanding.

NLP in Education according to (BBCActiveIdeasandResources) “Teachers are now increasingly applying NLP techniques in the classroom for the benefit of each type of learner, and it’s even being adopted as part of the curriculum in some universities. NLP gives teachers an additional tool with which to identify the learning styles of their students, and helps them to understand how the language and materials they use can influence students”. In my teaching Practice, I utilise NLP to structure lessons to actively encourage the use of all three senses, engage different aspects of learning to help Learners develop their ability to learn from various stimuli.

Building knowledge and skills (Dale): Dale’s theory of learning is similar to Kolb’s experiential learning cycle; this identifies prior learner’s knowledge and skills. In my teaching practice, the identification of students’ prior knowledge will enable me to embed resources that will enable the learners to meet the criteria set by the awarding body. According to Derry (2007), teaching is the process by which the teacher brings the learner and the subject together. As good practice, this step informs and equips teachers to develop resource address Knowledge gap.

Addressing different levels of need (Maslow): According to (Tony Kline, Ph.D. – changekidslives) Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a popular motivation theory that is widely referred to in educational circles.  In this theory, Abraham Maslow suggested that before individuals meet their full potential, they need to satisfy a series of needs.  It’s important to note that Maslow based his theory more on philosophy than on scientific evidence. In my teaching practice, I adopt Maslow hierarchy of needs by addressing the different levels of needs of the Learners. For instance, the Lower order needs on the pyramid, such as physiological and safety needs must be satisfied before an individual will consider higher-level needs (Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs). It is good practice for Teachers to promote a conducive and welcoming learning environment for Learners. In my Teaching practice, I ensured that I support student’s safety needs by monitoring the climate of the classroom continuously. I negotiated ground rules with the Learners and displayed posters to promote equality in the learning environment and decrease any form of discrimination during planning and delivering of teaching session.

Reinforcing experiential learning cycle (Kolb): I used Kolb’s cycle as a principle in my reflective practice; I have learnt that by using a feedback strategy.  I listened to my students about my delivery, make necessary adjustment to reinforce learning and make the necessary improvement in the way I approach the lesson and students through resource development that will individual learners t achieve their academic goal.

Development of flexible/blended resources for extended learning opportunities: In order to meet the needs of all learners, my organisation provides resources to make learning flexible and enjoyable. In my teaching Practice, I designed and developed resources that catered for students requiring extra support by extending learning opportunities for the Learners. In practice, I used extended resources such as email to communicate with my learners about their subject area and encourage sharing their concerns in order to refer them for appropriate support(Yang, 2006).

It is important for teachers to analyse and understand the strengths and weaknesses of each of learners as well as identifying their learning needs in order to work together with them and help overcome their learning difficulties and challenges. Learners have to be constantly motivated and encouraged by Teachers in other to make them inclusive in the learning environment and enable them reach their full potential. There are many situations where learning resources had to be adapted according to the learning needs and requirement of each learner in my class to have an inclusive learning environment.


For example:

Resources have to be adapted and differentiated for a learner with visual impairment. To meet the affected learners need, I ensured that the handout was produced in large print and I had alter the font type and size. I also had to change the colour of the paper to yellow to be more legible and readable for the learner. I also resorted to the use of images and white space to ensure that the affected Learner was inclusive

During my lesson delivery, I frequently use power point presentation to facilitate the transmission of information to learners with multiple learning styles at once. They are effective visual resources for use with learners as they enable the key points of a topic to be summarised and can be enhanced through the use of images to make the presentations more interesting (Gravells and Simpson, 2014). It is also the case that they attract and hold learner attention which can facilitate effective management of the learning environment and they help learners to conceptualise information (Petty, 2009). I also ensured that I used appropriate font size and text on presentation to slides to ensure that all learners including students with disabilities are cater for in order to create an inclusive learning environment.

Technology is an umbrella word that encompasses any electronic or digital process or apparatus associated with improving or enhancing a task or service (Solway, 2010). This also enables me a teacher to steer students to the right mix of resources and projects that meet curriculum requirements (Watkins, 2000). I utilised technology e.g. Hardware, software within my teaching sessions by having learners use this as a means of analysing their own performance so as to identify improvements for themselves which empowers them and contributes towards making them independent learners.

These have been successful in meeting the needs of learners as they enable them to develop their subject specialism knowledge and skills whilst concurrently developing their ICT capabilities with consideration of functional skills.

In my organisation, online resources are mostly used to meet the needs of individual learners. VLE and E-learning are accessible to all learners on/off the college site.  Information about curriculum guides, assessment and literature relating to specific subject area can be access on VLE by students. Likewise, update information about the college including where students can get internal and external supports are available to all student on the VLE. In my teaching session, I used online resources to communicate with my learners about my subject area as well as providing information needed by learners to meet the criteria set by the awarding body.

In my teaching Practice, I provided alternative resources at different varying levels to match different learning abilities to ensure a conducive and inclusive learning environment.

In my teaching, I allowed learners the flexibility to adapt their own resources to support their learning to improve their knowledge, understanding and skills in literacy, numeracy and ICT to widen participation and improve functional skills.

There are a variety of tools and equipments that is available to teachers, which can be modified. Though the focus of the tools/equipment varies, they can help make classroom session more effective. In my teaching Practice, I requested for visual support tool to be modified prior to my teaching session which enabled Learner with special needs access the general education curriculum and to promote inclusion.

Learning resources are available in many forms, in different sources and formats for storage. There are various ways such as scanning and photocopying available to re-produce learning resources. Resources can be modified according to the different learning requirement of each learner. Through such amendment, works can be saved re-produced and saved in portable document format (PDF) format or audio files saved in mp3 format. In other to successfully store resources a hard drive with an authorised password will have to be used to prevent unauthorised users from accessing the saved information.

Although there are variety of files formats to store and save resources, PDF (portable document format) can be considered as the most suitable and appropriate one. It is also refer to as a paperless office. With PDF documents can be developed and transferred without having to print.

In other to create PDF file, adobe acrobat reader will have to be downloaded and this is available for free download on the internet.

Both bitmap and vector graphics formats can be represented by PDF file. Any application can be converted into PDF formats but unless other user have adobe acrobat. It is impossible to edit the file, in addition it allows margin with other formats of application and it can easily be transferred to the printer.

With vector graphics, files can be easily created, saved, transferred, printed and archived in the native format of the illustrator such as Artificial Intelligence (AI). The format that is most appropriate to save images is JPPEG which has got the best compression ability.

Moodle platform is a well known resource that is widely used in the learning environment to redevelop access and upload learning materials; it has got many educational aspects which stress the importance of an interactive learning and inclusive learning environment.

Image result for explain ways in which EDUCATIONAL resources can be classified and stored

Image source (edutech202/classification-of-media)

Classification and Storage of Resources


It is good practice for organisations to have procedures in place to retrieve information from the centralised system. In my teaching practice, I ensured resources are well organised in a clear and logical classification in the Library/VLE under heading and subheading for classification, I developed and implemented an efficient lending system for Learners to renew, reserve and access learning materials that will support their learning/academic goals and reducing the necessity for teacher intervention.

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Systematic filing and management of resources: In my organisation resources are managed effectively and filed systematically. In my teaching Practice, I encouraged students to observe energy efficiency, minimise paper waster by encouraging the use of electronic devices to read journals etc Also, I managed the resources I used in my teaching session by ensuring that all equipments and learning aids are accounted.


Maintaining Current information and archive document in relation to teaching and learning materials fosters good practice. It is essential for Teachers to have up to date document or information about legislation, regulations and other related document within the education settings.  In my organisation, I file relevant and current Publications/Journals regularly, I ensure up to date information is uploaded on the VLE for all learners and teacher to read and update their knowledge. Past information is archived for retrieval too.

In my Organisation, I produced and maintained catalogues of learning resources and equipment as necessary and according to the Colleges accepted standard.


It is essential to have suitable storage system/facility for learning materials that is secure, accessible and weatherproof. In my organisation, the school administrator is in charge of safe keeping of all the resources used for learning in the college in my specialist area. The resources are stored in filing cabinets and document folders that are secured in the store room and personnel that requested to use it have to sign for it in order to have effective accountability of all resources and ensure health and safety is observed. As a teacher, I regularly requested for resources to complement my teaching session via the request/authorisation approval route. The resources are usually stored in the store room and each resource has a reference code allocated to it with the school logo on it.

Secure environment for tools and equipment: In my organisation, tools and equipments are kept in a secured environment in the event of uncertainty. For instance, Learning objects, PC hardware components are kept in a secure environment accessed via digi-lock in the event of theft or cases of physical hazards such as fire or flooding. This is to ensure tool and equipment are protected against authorised use.

Teaching/Learning resource materials are provided with the Suitable protection and the storage of tapes and discs or USB devices arebacked on the central system as well as clouding computer in order to safeguard data of learners and employees within the organisation.

In my Organisation, access rights to resources are limited/restricted access for security purposes. Password protected access is provided to staff depending on their position within the College. For example, the Teachers in the Business department do not have access to sensitive information about individual learners with the ICT Department.


In my Organisation, a booking or issuing system to minimise losses is common practice.

Teaching/Learning resources is crucial to the process of teaching and learning. Sharing resources with other learning Professional helps Teachers save planning time. It cuts down a lot of cost, time and effort. Initially Trainee Teacher may not readily have access to resource bank hence accessing shared resources with other learning professionals is good practice. (Open Learn) mentioned that “The sharing of resources provides, we believe, an ad hoc basis for professional development (PD). At its simplest level this is through exposure to new ideas, content and methods. At a deeper level it comes through the immersion in a community of peers from whom a teacher learns. Such activity is set against the wider picture of PD, a picture which is changing as governments find new ways of working with their teaching force. Alongside this comes the rise of peer-to-peer PD, of which resource sharing is a part. This is fostered by the democratising actions of technology-enabled social media whereby Twitter and other online networks are tools of PD as well as for entertainment (Forte et al., 2012). It is also seen in the rise of the TeachMeet movement 41 enabling teachers to meet and talk directly with other teachers”.

(Open Learn) By making use of resources created by other educators, you can learn from their experiences and find new ways of approaching a topic. Your students are given the opportunity to access expertise from different sources, often giving a different context or point of view and potentially enriching or breathing new life into a subject area. As a teacher, time is a valuable commodity and you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Making use of high quality existing resources can free up time to spend on other activities.

It is a common practice to share teaching resource between educational and teaching organisation, subject fields, publishers and libraries so that teachers and learners can both benefit. Resources can be shared among professionals using different techniques like local area network (LAN), VLE, File sharing e.g. Drop Box, and published journals.

Filing sharing is a similar method of sharing resources regardless whether it is created online or not. For instance: Dropbox – works across any device, online or offline. Its free, convenient, saves time, used for file sharing, effective to use with students for submission of assignment or store e-portfolio. “It’s easy to share documents and collaborate with anyone – lecturers, students and external partners  even if they don’t have a Dropbox account” (Dropbox/education)

Published resources can be a form of newspapers, blogs, text books,or journals. Some published journals are restricted to authorised personnel only but these do not defeat the spirit of the resources being shared as it is not too difficult. It is not too difficult to obtain and require the necessary authorisation

Sharing resources

The strengths of identifying common resources and sharing them provide far-reaching benefits. It also actively encourages Teachers to share and promotes collaboration between learning professionals. In my teaching Practice, as a professional I’m committed to lifelong learning, and time efficiency. I utilise the skills of other people by observing more experienced teachers’, asking subject leaders for help and by identifying and using common sources that other people have taken their time to make.

Creation and use of central resource bank: In my Teaching Practice, I first started creating and uploading my own resources when I worked as a supply teacher. As a teacher I created and compiled a resource bank of ideas for inspiration and I utilised the use of a central resource bank with source of the resources from other Teachers which were useful for my lesson planning and I also added resources to be of used by another Teacher.

Making catalogues of resources available to users enable Teachers to assess the needs and interest of Learners and also improve the selection of appropriate learning resources. In my Teaching Practice, I organise catalogues of resources according to student’s interest and needs to motivate and stimulate learning.

The use of VLE achieved personalising of learning and offered learners a greater choice of activities which meet the needs of various learning styles. Making materials available in electronic format (access on VLE) is also an inclusive approach. In My Teaching Practice, I provide my learners with current and relevant information such as current journals and literature review in their subject area. In addition to a flipped classroom, electronic material can be beneficial for ESOL learners who may find accessing material in the lesson difficult.

LAN is as well known as intranet, which is technical way of sharing resources and information within the institution. In this, internet is not necessary while sharing data using intranet for common user storage.

Sharing resources encourages networking with interested parties to reduce financial cost/burden of the resources that are utilised and distributed among the various educational establishments.

Sharing teaching resources is a common practice adopted by education and teaching organisations, subject field specialist, libraries etc when recognising common resources so that learners and teachers can benefit. Otherwise, these parties can engage in an inter-organisation loan or system for trading with which resources are loaned to participating institutions as opposed to individual institutions having to purchase or procure every resource required. This practice is at times offers training opportunities through workshops, seminars and training where experts and professionals are invited to train teacher on developing resources. This is promotes dissemination of good practice

In this report I will outline the importance of understanding the legal requirements, responsibilities and analyse the implications of intellectual Property rights and copyright for the development and use of resources.

According to (LSE/copyright): Copyright is an issue Teachers need to seriously consider when creating any digital teaching materials or preparing materials for teaching Purpose. It is common knowledge and practice in the education sector that the development and use of educational resources need to meet several copyright requirements and responsibilities. As a teacher, I consider carefully the resources I create and use to take care not to infringe other people’s copyright. I also ensure I check within my organisation if in doubt about whether I need copyright permission to use a particular item in my teaching practice.

As outlined on (Birmingham University/plagiarism/guidance-students) website, Plagiarism is a form of cheating and is a serious academic offence. It arises where work submitted by a student is not their own and has been taken from another source. The original material is then hidden from the marker, either by not referencing it properly, by paraphrasing it or by not mentioning it at all. In my practice, the issue of plagiarism is taken seriously and there are procedures in place to deal with the matter. I ensured that students have access to advice and guidance if in doubt about referencing to avoids the consequences of Plagiarism.

According to (Highspeedtraining/data-protection-in-schools/) website “The Data Protection Act 1988 is designed to protect the privacy of individuals. It requires that any personal information about an individual is processed securely and confidentially. This includes both staff and pupils. How you obtain, store, share and use information is critical as personal data is sensitive and private.” In my teaching Practice, I ensured that the information I collect about a student, Parent or member of staff is clear and transparent about how I intend to use it in order to comply with the Data Protection Act Principles.

The importance safe working Practices, According to (Teachingpersonnel/safe-working-practice) website, outlines that “All staff working in schools will be expected to make judgements about their behaviour in order to secure the best interests and welfare of the children in their charge. In doing this, it is important that you understand which behaviours constitute safe practice and which behaviours should be avoided. The Health and Safety Act 1974 imposes a duty on employees to take care of themselves and anyone else who may be affected by their actions or failings.   As an adult with a duty of care towards children, the need to be vigilant and maintain a responsible attitude towards safety in schools is paramount”. In my teaching Practice, I ensured that I report any accidents or health and safety incident to the relevant member of staff, I also familiarised myself with the health and safety polices, fire and accident procedure in my organisation. In my practice and session, I communicated the health and safety procedures to learners are the start of my session to ensure that everyone is aware of where to go in case of emergency within the college.

Most organisations impose photocopying and fair use limitation restrictions on how publication materials is distributed, controlled and re-produced. This gives the author of the publications full control on how its content is distributed and used. As a tutor I guide my students on copyright laws, their implications and how to avoid making copyright mistakes.

Analyse the implications of intellectual property rights and copyrights for the development and use of resources.

In my teaching Practice, I am aware of the implications of intellectual property rights and copyrights for the development and use of resources in my specialist area. My awareness is not limit to the organisation and contractual obligations in relation to materials or resources produced during contracted hours and but also for the production of personal intellectual property rights for resources generate outside of contracted hours. In my teaching Practice, I take into consideration Intellectual property rights when I and the student’s are exploring intellectual Property of other teaching Professional and the ones I develop within the learning environment generated outside contracted hours. I am aware of the restrictions of the usage of the materials to enhance teaching and learning. I also observed copyright laws which protect authors and their materials when using and developing resources in my specialist area. I have full understanding of the fair use and restrictions on copying, distribution and re-production of resources from other Learning professional and other sources. I adopt good practice principles and acknowledge authorship of other sources in referencing where possible e.g. I design and use resource material and acknowledge their authorship by referencing where possible and appropriate used and produced during contracted hours.


Gravells, A. and Simpson, S. (2014). The Certificate in Education and Training. London, UK: Sage Publications.

Grout, H. and Long, G. (2009) Improving Teaching and Learning in Physical Education. London, UK: Open University Press.

Capel, S. and Breckon, P. (2013). A Practical Guide to Teaching Physical Education in the Secondary. London, UK: Routledge.

Petty, G. (2009). Teaching Today: A Practical Guide (4th Edn). Cheltenham, UK: Nelson Thornes.

Curzon, L. and Tummons, J. (2013). Teaching in Further Education: An Outline of Principles and Practice. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishers.

Gould, J. and Roffey-Barensten, J. (2014). Achieving your Diploma in Education and Training. London, UK: Sage Publications.

Light, R. (2012). Game Sense: Sport Teaching. London, UK: Routledge Publishing.

Machin, L., Hindmarch, D., Murray, S. and Richardson, T. (2014). A Complete Guide to the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training. Northwich, UK: Critical Publishing.

Wilson, L. (2014). Practical Teaching: A Guide to Teaching in the Education and Training Sector. Andover, UK: Cengage Learning Publishing. accessed on 02/02/2018

David L, “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs,” in Learning Theories, July 18, 2014: accessed on 02/02/2018!/2012/12/classification-of-media.html accessed on 02/02/2018 accessed on 02/02/2018 accessed on 02/02/2018 accessed on 02/02/2018 accessed on 02/02/2018 accessed on 02/02/2018 accessed on 02/02/2018 accessed on the 05/02/2018 accessed on the 05/02/2018


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