Use of Resources in Learning and Teaching

University / Undergraduate
Modified: 8th Sep 2021
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LO1 Understand the purpose and use of resources in own specialist area

1.1 Explain the purpose of resources in learning and teaching

Purpose of resources

Learning resources are relevant tools in education which include videos, flipcharts, whiteboards, overhead projectors, PowerPoint, text, smart devices and software. The purpose is to provide important opportunities for students to explore ideas and knowledge, collaborate, solve problems and develop knowledge and skills. These resources have to be reliable to support the National Curriculum for each specific key stage taught within institutions and approved by local education authorities.  According to Glatthorn & Jailall, curriculum resources should also provide for individual differences, closely coordinate and selectively integrate subject matter, and focus on results or standards and targets for student learning (Glatthorn & Jailall, 2000).

Points to be considered (at least 5):

Teaching resources, e.g. supporting teaching, visual prompts or stimulation, variation and diversification of approaches, providing opportunities to develop ICT skills, more memorable, an alternative to the ‘real thing’, opportunities to actively engage learners.

Resources are very useful as supporting tools in teaching and learning by giving students the flexibility to access files and materials without the supervision of an instructor in a more informal way such as browsing the organisation’s virtual learning environment whether at school or away.   Institutions have developed new mean of reaching learners depending on their learning styles such as using visual prompts or stimulation (visual aids) to interpret results, data or deliver lessons to those with visual style as dominant style.  However, research shows that majority of learners respond positively to visual aids as it can be useful to tell story, explain something abstract or unknown and how to show relationships.

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As a health care worker, I am compelled to apply variation and diversification of approaches while advising people or training students building their career in health and social care workers, thus working with children, young people and families. I can apply different techniques which are more physical and emotional such as getting the environment right in order to get the message across by creating a space to talk which is private, comfortable and quiet and free from interruptions.  It is also important to get the listening right by being attentive, positive body language and eye contact.  As a option, I can include equipment aids appropriate to the learners’ styles or disabilities to make my practice more effective such as braille, cards, objects and digital voice recorder.

From experience in my area, many children and young people coming for treatment, suffer from different types of disorders or learning difficulties and are less skilled in IT.  Thus, it is ideal to provide opportunities to develop ICT skills to this group of patients to update their skills and support their current teachers in their role by providing an environment equipped with computers and laptops so that the therapy is conducted with the use of more memorable resources such as pictures, online testimonies and accessing some counselling and psychotherapist channels.

In my profession, the most suitable way to reinforce learning arises by engaging or addressing different learning styles in line with Honey and Mumford to classify my students’ learning styles then encourage them to learn different skills identified within Gardner’s theory as alternative styles so they become versatile and proactive.  However, I always include physical activities to enable them to release pressure due to some irregularities identified in most students or patients.  (Honey and Mumford, 2000; Gardner, 1999)

I ensure that trainees under my supervision are fully aware of resources available to support and motivate individual learning by identifying individual learners’ needs which will allow gathering appropriate aids and equipment to achieve this.   However, it is better when working with children and young people, to create activities which bring happiness, more enjoyment and link people with common issues so they can share experience and comfort themselves.

I can provide hands-on opportunities for use of specialist tools or equipment by designing for disabled children and children with special educational needs, inclusive design principles which should underpin every project, together with case studies, illustrated examples, plans and photographs showing how they can be put into practice.  This means that my organisation should strive into providing access to a range of services such as childcare , parenting support, swift and easy referral to targeted and specialist services as well as a wider community access to IT, sports and arts facilities including adult learning.

1.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of specific resources from own specialist area in meeting individual learning needs

1. Why is it important to meet the individual needs of the learners?

Teachers and support staff, need to be able to assess individual learners’ strengths and needs effectively in order to design and implement appropriate development strategies.   To achieve this, I should emphasise on the core minimum skills such as cognitive and research skills, communication skills, skills for life such as numeracy and literacy and subject-specific skills which allow applying anything learned.   According to Ofsted, a good classroom practice in general must include teachers addressing individual learning needs effectively.  The principles and criteria are clearly set out in the inspection handbook of Ofsted that teachers can consult regularly. (Ofsted 2005)

2. What can you use to review the effectiveness of specific resources? – ; through learner feedback, standardisation meetings and comments from external sources such as examiners

Points to be considered (at least 5)

Effectiveness of specific resources, e.g. specific to knowledge content, addressing and developing required skills, matched to abilities of learners, appropriate level of challenge, linked to desired learning outcomes, actively involving learners, supporting individual learning and study, aid to demonstration, the value of ‘real thing’, simulation when ‘real thing’ is unavailable, extending learning, use of new technologies.

Different resources are used as key indicators in education in order to develop other resources to enrich the curriculum in a more inclusive manner, among these are students’ feedback, peers and standardisation meeting outcomes.  In my role as head of the programme, I plan ways of addressing and developing required skills in Counselling and Working with children, young people and families.  It is compulsory to be knowledgeable of the Common Core of Skills and Knowledge for the Children’s Workforce”, published as non-statutory guidance in 2005 following an extensive period of consultation which include skills and knowledge required by everyone whose work routinely brings them into contact with children, young people and families.  It came into effect following the Laming enquiry into the death of Victoria Climbie under Lord Laming’s recommendations which led to the Children Act of 2004. (Children Act, 2004)

My organisation’s curriculum is designed in a way that all developed skills match or are compatible to abilities of learners to avoid incoherence so that individual needs are met.   In order to identify individual needs, a diagnostic assessment it is carried out to determine gaps and deficiencies useful in the design of resources.

I set out various activities at an appropriate level of challenge to enable students or different groups seeking counselling or psychotherapy to acquire skills that will help to cope with events or situations in a more peaceful and manageable way.  It allows looking deeper into problems and worries and deal with troublesome habits and a wide range of mental disorders such as depression and schizophrenia.   Different methods are involved in psychotherapy of which talking, art, music, drama and movement.

I ensured that all challenging activities are linked to desired learning outcomes included in each module of my programme so that they are used as evidence of achievement.  I took this opportunity to include the use of new technologies such as asking patients to make use of their smart devices to access artistic materials, download Therapeutic Spa Music, watch online drama and learn about healing movements via the internet.

Nowadays, it is impossible to separate education from technology and in order to create a dynamic learning environment, it is important to implement a successful blended learning which enables learners to access and develop resources with the support of emerging technologies such as the use of internet, tablets, chat rooms, pair or group interactions and videos.

LO2 Be able to develop and use inclusive resources in own specialist area

2.1 Analyse principles of resource design

Points to be considered (at least 5):

Principles of resource design, e.g. meeting learning needs, VAK, positive contribution to consolidating learning, fit-for- purpose, links to preferred learning styles, addressing learning domains (Bloom), sufficient quality and quantity, current content, simple measure of gobbledygook, i.e. SMOG test readability, employing Swedish Execution Time Analysis tool, i.e. SWEET analysis, cost effective, health and safety or risk assessment requirements, user friendly.

It is primordial to reinforce basic ground rules within my organisation in line with the safeguarding of stakeholders.  Thus, it is mandatory to observe the health and safety or risk assessment requirements such as addressing on fire safety, being environmental friendly and addressing on tips related to energy saving (electric or gas) and how to use safely equipment without endangering people’s lives.

The most predominant principle in resource design should be based on meeting learning needs as the essence of education.   This will require the development of differentiated resources or the adaptation of resources to specific learning styles within the classroom.  Resources developed or acquired should fit-for-purpose such as being linked to students’ preferred learning styles or skills required.  For instance printable English and literacy resources provided through functional skills links or the new National Family Maths toolkit full of ideas and free activities to help families enjoy Maths together.

In order to maintain high standards and achieve a good position in the global education league table, the Department of Education implements policies and regulations forcing institutions to gather sufficient quality resources and consider the size of classrooms or lecture’s rooms in order to acquire or develop enough quantity of materials to meet the demand. It has been reported in 2014 by BBC that The UK was in second place among European countries and sixth overall in a global education league table.  (BBC, 2014)

As a teacher, I make sure that I am regularly informed about any changes in legislation regulating my area of Health care worker and Working with children, young people and families so that materials or resources provided to student include current content to be taught at specific key stages.

2.2 Evaluate sources that inform resource development in own specialist area

Points to be considered (at least 3 from each paragraph):

Sources to inform development (Informal), e.g. exploring existing good practice with peers and colleagues, library or study centre provision, internet resources to inform specific subject or area, networking with subject specialists, individual learners.

In my practice, I make use of both informal and formal sources to inform resource development in own specialist area.   In regard to informal sources, I encourage students to make use of the library or study centre provision where students in charge of a project or conducting a research on symptoms leading to many forms of mental disorders, can benefit from a variety of resources such as  reference, fiction and non -fiction books, a daily newspaper and magazines related to my speciality, networked computers with a black and white printer linked to the intranet system as well as topic research boxes for use in the classroom.

In order to extend the scope of my programme, I introduce students to internet resources to inform specific subject or area such as the Counselling Tutor website which encompasses the most comprehensive resource for students of Counselling and Psychotherapy.  (, 2016)  It provides counselling skills, counselling theory as well as ethics and practice.

As a teacher, I can only achieve credibility by demonstrating required skills and knowledge at the level taught in my discipline.  As a result, it becomes vital to network with subject specialists such as enjoying opportunities offered by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).  This means that my students can automatically join the institution as a student member and graduates will be eligible to join NICE as a registered member in order to achieve further knowledge and skills.

Formal sources, e.g. advice and guidance from awarding organisation, subject journals, online reviews, vocational sector skills bodies, industry, professional bodies, and commercial providers.

I rely on advice and guidance from awarding organisation in my disciplinesuch asthe AIM Awards, a national awarding organisation, offering a large number of Equal regulated qualifications at different levels in counselling of which the AIM awards level 2 communicating with children and young people and the AIM awards level 4 Diploma in counselling practice. (AIM awards, 2014)

In order to enhance my students’ knowledge and improve that quality of their project and assignment, I encourage learners to consult subject journals through my organisation’s E-learning platform as well as browsing external websites from established organisations in my discipline to retrieve vital information for a better level of communication with children, young and families.

I keep regular contact with professional bodies such as the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP), Association of Child Psychotherapists (ACP), College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists (COSRT) and Federation of Drug & Alcohol Professionals (FDAP).  All these bodies provide necessary advice and information on how to prevent and tackle different issues as well as enable students to achieve professional status or qualification.

2.3 Analyse how theories, principles and models of inclusive curriculum design can be used to inform resource development in own specialist area

Points to be considered (at least 5):

Theories, principles and models, e.g. Neuro Linguistic Programming i.e. NLP to engage different aspects of learning (Bandler & Grinder), addressing learning domains (Bloom, Romiszowski), reinforcing experiential learning cycle (Kolb), building knowledge and skills (Dale), addressing different levels of need (Maslow), development of flexible/blended resources for extended learning opportunities, virtual learning environment, i.e. VLE.

I develop my resources accordingly to the theories, principles and models of inclusive curriculum design discussed in Unit 3.  In my agenda, I make sure addressing different levels of needs in line with Maslow’s pyramid to establish the levels of needs sought by different groups of people receiving counselling and psychotherapy.  This will help my students to fully understand steps involved in working with children, young people and families. (Maslow, 1943)

I work out ways of addressing learning domains accordingly to Bloom’s taxonomy in order to show students and introduce people receiving therapy into activities involving challenging tasks to tease their brain and enable them to learn tips on how to treat themselves and overcome difficult situations on individual basis. (Bloom .B., 1956)

I promote the development of flexible/blended resources for extended learning opportunities due to the complexity and breadth of the subject which really require additional supportive resources.  As mentioned above, I introduced students to internet resources to inform specific subject, but it is important to build a dynamic level of interaction between instructors and students, peers as well as students with the virtual learning environment (VLE) of the Counselling Tutor websiteto get access to relevant materials useful to a successful completion of the programme. This can be more effective if performed on a one to one basis via chatrooms or in group discussions via my organisation’s Moodle discussion forum or a blogger.

Find below as in unit 3 the principles of my curriculum design while discussing the principles of resources design:

In line with my curriculum, I ensured that my resource design includes challenging tasks and activities to enable learners’ growth and attain an appropriate level of motivation deal and manage issues.

It also contributed inproviding enjoymentas research has shown that access to green space has a positive impact on health (de Vries et. al., 2003; Mitchell and Popham, 2007).  Biological and medical researchers have examined the health benefits of activity outdoors with links to positive impacts on blood pressure and cholesterol levels (Florez, et. al., 2007;Maller et. al., 2005; Hartig, et. al. 2003).

According to Bird and Martin et. al, it has been suggested that those with access to natural outdoor areas, feel more comfortable, have higher levels of physical activity and that physical activity is associated with general levels of good health (Bird, 2007; Martin et. al., 2006).

It had also considered thebreadth or scope of the subject due to different aspects involved in the assessment of particular situations or cases which require the inclusion of blended resources.  In order to implement an inclusive practice, I did offer opportunities for progressionregardless people’s background to ensure that each learner is guided towards a progressive path to secure future employmentor pursuing further learning.  Additionally, I strived into tailoring programmesdepending on the learning styles, strengths, weaknesses and other forms of intelligences identified on people during diagnostic assessment.  

2.4 Analyse ways in which resources can be adapted to enable an inclusive approach in own specialist area

Give 4 examples of why and when you had to adapt resources to enable an inclusive approach in own specialist area.

Use the following points to be considered:

Adapting resources, e.g. paper-based, e.g. adapt language to purpose, SMOG test for readability level, change of paper colour, alter font type and size, use of images and white space, providing alternatives at different levels; others, e.g. allowing learners to adapt own resources, appropriate use of PowerPoint, change environment and workplace resources, modify tools or equipment; technology e.g. software, hardware, online web based, VLE

I adapted my resources to meet the needs of students with learning difficulties and disabilities; as a result, I introduced paper-based materials depending on the ability and sensibility of people that my students will be providing counselling and therapy.   My organisation decided to gather all types of paper to experience their impact in different activities, among them were layout paper, tracing paper, cartridge paper, bleed proof paper, coloured paper and grid paper.

I also had to adapt the language of my resources for the purpose of learning to be achieved such as many students with speech, language and communication needs to have good visual skills by the fact that visual support is a very effective way of supporting understanding, enhancing an educational environment and promoting confidence and learning.  Therefore, I had to make timetables visual using pictures, symbols or photographs, to label equipment and have visual displays of topics or current activities.  In the same line, I considered noise levels and minimising distractions by keeping students busy in pair or group activities.

I seriously took into consideration the side effect of colours for students with visual impairment by adapting the colour of papers to facilitate reading.  As a result, I conducted a visual test in class to determine the number of people with difficulties in reading with the dashboard by scrolling different background on PowerPoint.  It resulted to a unanimous decision of white and cream background supported by black and navy blue font colour.

I made use of the Sheppard software as well as other online web based instructions enabling students to freely download softwarewhich includes a variety of brain games and personalise their own websites with mind games fitting with their preference.   This practice is very popular with children and young people to stimulate their brain and give them a sense of creativity and problem solving aptitude.

2.5 Design resources, including those that involve new and emerging technologies, to engage and meet the individual needs of learners in own specialist area

2.6 Employ resources to engage and meet the individual needs of learners in own specialist area

Design and use resources, including resources which involve new and emerging technologies, to engage and meet the individual needs of learners in own specialist area.

You will to be observed using resources to meet the needs of your learners.

Please design at least 2 from each of the paragraph:

Specialist resources, e.g. handouts, case studies, notes, textbooks, artefacts, models, equipment, exemplar materials, adaptation commercial packages for specific use, tools or equipment for specific purpose, user guides to involve use of computers or equipment.

New and emerging technologies, e.g. videos or DVD, resource packs of internet materials, virtual learning environment (VLE) materials, active board materials, e-learning study centre resources.

LO3 Understand how to organise and enable access to resources

3.1 Explain ways in which resources can be classified and stored

Identify various computer file types and the selection of most appropriate, such as PDFs, MP3/4.

Review the two common platforms for the access, uploading and redeveloping of learning materials

Points to be considered when (all):

Classification, e.g. clear and logical classification system for retrieval, systematic filing and management of resources, maintaining current and archive documents, produce and maintain appropriate catalogue

It is vital for an organisation to ensure a proper management of records, information, materials and resources in order to speed up process, reduce pressure and maintain an appropriate level of workload to facilitate an effective and fast communication between stakeholders.   Thus, it is important to classify to produce and maintain appropriate catalogue so that users can track easily whatever they are looking for whether in the E-library, organisation website or staff responsible of maintaining records.   It is imperative to run these services in an intranet system so that my organisation has full control, can easily monitor and impose restrictions (University of Birmingham, 2017).

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The next step should be to implement a clear and logical classification system for retrieval by classifying files in an orderly manner by creating folders and always include a search box where users can type in full-text or content-based index to retrieve resources or materials.  For a large organisation such as mine with many partners and few branches, a decentralised information system is more appropriate with a distributed control system in which each branch or partner is equally responsible for contributing to the global success of the organisation (University of Birmingham 2017).

Furthermore, my organisation can achieve a systematic filing and implement an effective management system of resources by creating a system to manage inventory in order to maintain optimum inventory to meet the demand to avoid a shortage on the shelves such as in the library or in the E-learning platform.   As discussed in unit 3, my organisation has to maintain standards for quality assurance purposes by ensuring that all functions are properly interlinked and connected to each other so that they do not overlap.   The system should include information audit and information mapping to identify gaps and duplication of information as well as identifying cost/benefits of different information resources through the Information Resources Management (IRM) (University of Washington, 2015-2017).

It is important to create an efficient structure to maintain library and archival materials for use through archival services which should highlight the nature of records, factors to be considered as well as nature of the services provided.   This concerns historical documentation which accumulates over the time such as films, photographs, still or motion pictures, videotapes and many others (University of Washington, 2015-2017).

Storage, e.g. suitable storage system for materials, secure environment for tools and equipment, suitable protection and storage of tapes and discs including computer floppy discs or USB devices, limited access for security, booking or issuing system to minimise losses.

In order to comply with my organisation’s health and safety regulations, the manager of the intranet system should ensure that there is a suitable storage system for materials with reliable conditions for a secure environment for tools and equipment by providing regular training to the staff and ideally users in appropriate handling techniques so that they are fully prepared to intervene in case of harmful practice.  An appropriate storage will promote collection well-being by reducing the risk of infestation, mould growth, water ingress or leakage and electrical fire.   The environment should be kept clean by any mean to prevent dust and damp; also shelves have to be appropriate to the size of its contents (University of Washington, 2015-2017).

My organisation has set boundaries at different level of resources accessibility by imposing limited access for security reasons which are applicable to specific materials and online resources in line with Data protection policy. (Data Protection, 1998).  Thus, students are requested to acquire a personal ID and password to access information or resources through my organisation’s Moodle platform, E-library or any other external organisation associated with us (Data Protection Act,2018).

My organisation strongly believes that a suitable protection and storage of tapes and discs including computer floppy discs or USB devices should be conducted at the same level as for ensuring a suitable storage system for materials.   It is a fact that optical CD and DVD discs are one of the most popular ways to distribute electronic information for those who cannot afford the cost of USB with large memory to contain all forms of information or data.   As a preventive measure, my organisation ensures that it adds copy protection technology to optical discs with the use of disc keys as a measure to prevent people from copying information from one disc to another and share it without the copyright holder’s knowledge (Data Protection Act,2018).

In order to facilitate the collection of books and any other materials my organisation implements a secure library room booking system which enables the booking or issuing system to minimise losses offering features such as the Web booking to book a room or cancel bookings, receive SMS text reminders of existing bookings, provide with proof of booking to keep track of any borrowed materials as well as allowing learners a quick access to room booking information and room availability (Data Protection Act,2018).

3.2 Review ways of sharing resources with other learning professionals

List and review 4 ways of sharing resources with other professionals such as network shared areas, on-line file sharing, VLEs, social networking and published journals

Sharing resources, e.g. identifying common resources, creation and use of central resource bank, making catalogues of resources available to users, intranet for common-user storage, access to VLE (e.g. Moodle), networking with interested parties, system for trading resources, inter- organisation loans, dissemination of good practice, offering training opportunities.

When identifying common resources, most large organisations share the same or similar resources, such as staffing resources, number of staff by function, grade, experience, qualification, remuneration and they may also be offer training opportunities to improve their outcomes.  In saying so, by providing this resources the company or organisation is more likely to improve in their labour and improve the profit of company.

In addition, a file storage is where users can access documents and files which have been previously posted and shared.  The networking with interested parties gives access to members of the public or any company or organisations. These is shared information when both parties share the common interest. Such as the Library where an individual uploads their CV and shares it with companies and agencies to apply for job and on the other end the company or organisation analyses if it is of their interest.  Thus we also have social networking and published journals, for instance Facebook is a social network where individuals share or advert something that may be of interest of the other party. Moreover,

Moreover, intranet for common-user storage is shared within the organisation or company. For example, Outlook email services that only allows the staff or employees that work on that same company to communicate with each other. This is done effectively so that everyone involved can work and communicate with each other effectively and in a safe manner.

LO4  Understand legal requirements and responsibilities relating to the development and use of resources

4.1 Review legal requirements and responsibilities relating to the development and use of resources

Points to be considered (at least 5):

Legal requirements and responsibilities, e.g. copyright legislation, plagiarism, data protection, photocopying restrictions, personal liability issues, storage of materials in line with licensing agreements, sponsorship restrictions, awareness of specific regulations relation to internet materials and access, health and safety requirements, risk assessment, training for use of equipment

The UK Government has reinforced the law on the usage of author’s work by implementing a set of rights covering literary and artistic works such as books and other writings, musical compositions, paintings, sculpture, computer programs and films; which are protected intellectual property rights which include copy rights, design rights, copy rights in design, trademarks as well as patents.   All these can be found in the government legislation regulating copyright known as Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.  (, 1988)  It gives free protection to authors without registering and covers for a minimum period of 50 years after the death of the author.

My organisation has put in place a verification system Turnitin to prevent plagiarism with the aims of promoting critical thinking, ensuring academic integrity and improving student writing. Turnitin helps with interpreting percentages of matching text, originality checking with citations and thinking about appropriate paraphrasing.

My organisation strictly complies with the Data Protection Act 1998 that takes form within the learning environment as Data protection policy which ensures that information is used fairly and lawfully, used for limited and specifically stated purposes, is accurate, handled accordingly to holder’s data protection rights, kept safe and secure.  It also enforces stronger legal protection on information related to protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010 including sensitive information such as criminal records due to the exposure to children, young people and families who could be vulnerable.  (, 1998)

My organisation adds Photocopying restrictions as part of the Data protection principles to protect all resources by emphasising on key equipment in use within its intranet system of which photocopiers, video recorders, printers and computers by warning users about any unlawful practice and misconduct that might infringe the rights of authors.  As a preventive measure, students are asked to enter their personal ID and password in order to use any equipment listed, this enables to detect easily any breach of rules (, 1998).

The IT management authority ensures that students are addressed about the internet content regulation in to raise awareness of specific regulations related to internet materials and access. Students are compelled to observe internet ethics with its moral principles while using online services whether in the library or through the Cloud Wi-Fi network.  As prevention, my organisation ensures that all activities within the intranet system are fully monitored with limited access when required (Data Protection Act 1998).

4.2 Analyse the implications of intellectual property rights and copyright for the development and use of resources

Points to be considered (all):

Intellectual property rights and copyright, e.g. awareness of organisation and contractual obligations in relation to materials or resources produced during contracted hours, personal intellectual property rights for resources generated outside of contracted hours, restrictions on copying, acknowledgement of authorship in referencing where possible and appropriate

My organisation ensures that employees are fully awareness of organisation and contractual obligations in relation to materials or resources produced during contracted hours.  It is the duty of all staff to ensure that their activities comply with the Data Protection principles that they can demonstrate by monitoring or recording employee’s telephone calls, emails and CCTV.

Staff should not disclose personal data outside the organisation’s procedures or use personal data held on others for their own purposes.   If any members of the staff feel that their personal information was disclosed unlawfully, they can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office.  In term of authorship, my organisation allows anybody who produces a work while to take full ownership with any interference.

My organisation has tightened measures to make personal intellectual property rights for resources generated outside of contracted hours more effectiveby generating an automated system which restricts accessibility to sensible information and copyrighted materials outside normal working hours.   This usually occurs on VLE and Moodle platform as well as the library and learning services of my organisation.  Users could have a limited access to certain materials unless subscribing to the Athens eLibrary as a current registered student.

Restrictions on copying, were already addressed above in 4.1 and it mainly concerned with the prevention of unlawful practice and misconduct in the use of copyrighted materials supported by electronic devices within the learning environment.

In order to enforce law on copyright and plagiarism in education, my organisation encourages students to acknowledge authorship in referencing where possible and appropriate to ensure successful outcomes and better grading.  Thus, it is my responsibilities as a teacher to provide detailed instructions on different referencing styles from Harvard to other referencing styles which are related to other subjects that could be used as supporting sources such as to do with legislation and other legal materials and scientific data.  Nonetheless, the implications this can arise are considering transaction costs, and investments in intellectual assets.  Thus private rights of individuals or organisations does not mean that their effects are accurate or properly.

LO5 Be able to evaluate own practice in relation to development and use of resources in own specialist area

5.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of own design and use of resources to engage and meet the individual needs of learners in own specialist area

5.2 Identify own strengths and areas for improvement in relation to development and use of resources

5.3 Plan opportunities to improve own skills in development and use of resources

In your self-evaluation, please add at least 5 from each paragraph:

5.1Effectiveness of resources, e.g. SWEET analysis, fit for purpose, appropriate to subject and learners, suitable level, good visual impact, legibility of printed materials, recognising limitations, adaptable to need, actively engaging learners, providing for flexible and extended learning opportunities, use of new and emerging technologies, encouraging independent learning, cost effective, appropriate use of time and materials.

5.2 – Strengths, e.g. confidence in using range and variety of resources, awareness of impact, opportunities for differentiation of resource design, practical skills needed to adapt design and use resources to address a range of learners’ needs, embedding opportunities for use of ICT.

5.2 – Areas for improvement, e.g. skills audit, subject up-dating, alternative approaches, exploring and developing new technologies, developing blended learning to allow for flexible or distance learning, identifying range of specific learning needs to address diversity.

5.3 – Opportunities to improve own skills, e.g. action planning as result of observations and evaluation of practice, review resources available, development of intranet and virtual learning environment, i.e. VLE materials, internet research, awarding organisation events, updating in industrial or vocational area, participate in good practice groups, work shadowing, observation of more experienced colleague in same area, observing practice in developing resources in different contexts, working alongside a specialist, negotiating with learners, retraining.


BBC News, 2014.  UK second best education in Europe.  [Online] [Available at: < > [Accessed on 10 September 2016]

Counselling Tutor, 2016.  Counselling Study Resource.   [Online] [Available at: < > [Accessed on 10 September 2016]

AIM Awards, 2014.  2013/14 AIM Awards.  [pdf] [Online] [Available at: < > [Accessed on 10 September 2016]

Maller, C., Townsend, M., Pryor, A., Brown, P., St. Ledger, L., (2005).  Healthy nature, healthy people: Contact with nature as an upstream health promotion intervention for populations.  Health Promotion International, 21, pp. 45 – 54

UNICEF, 2000.  Defining Quality in Education.  [pdf] [Online] [Available at: < > [Accessed on 11 September 2016] pp. 11

Honey, P. & Mumford, A. (2000). The learning styles helper’s guide. Maidenhead: Peter Honey Publications Ltd

Gardner, Howard (1999). Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century. Basic Books

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 Maslow, A.H.(1943).  A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review. 50 (4): 370–96

 Bloom, B. S.; Engelhart, M. D.; Furst, E. J.; Hill, W. H.; Krathwohl, D. R. (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives: The classification of educational goals. Handbook I: Cognitive domain. New York: David McKay Company.

 Fjortoft, I., (2001).  The Natural Environment as a Playground for Children: the impact of outdoor play activities in pre-primary school children. Early Childhood Education Journal, 29 (2), pp. 111 – 117, 1998. Data Protection Act 1998.  [pdf] [Online] [Available at: < > [Accessed on 12 September 2016], 1988.  Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.  [pdf] [Online] [Available at: < > [Accessed on 13 September 2016]


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