Comparison of Tesco and British Heart Foundation

Modified: 13th Sep 2017
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Tesco & British Heart Foundation (A profit and non-profit Business)

Tesco is a supermarket and I am writing about how much profit it gains and other crucial information about it.Tesco is a large,International supermarket with stores built in 11 other countries.(founded in 1919) These include the UK & Europe, India,Malaysia and many more. In total, Tesco serve over 78 million people per week. Just in the UK, they have built around 3500 stores and over 476,000 Employers (2016) within them.They introduced a system of saving money. This is when the clubcard was introduced in 1996. The clubcard helped customers save money as everytime they buy a product ,you earn points.Whilst you earn more points,you also earn more money. ‘Every little helps.’

Tesco is open 24 hours a day in stores and on online shopping meaning that customers can have a flexible shopping time depending on whether they have a day or night shift at work.    

Major shareholders

% holding

Norges bank


Blackrock ,inc.


Schroders plc


GIC Private limited


Tescos Aims and objectives

Tesco wish to expand a number of stores in the UK. And to be an outstanding retailer in stores and online and to put a responsibility to the communities to serve the Britsh heart foundation.

British heart foundation information

The british heart foundation is a charity organisation situated in the United Kingdom. It is single biggest funder of cardiovascular research in the uk. The british heart foundation ( The BHF) was found in 1961 by a group of medical professionals who were concerned about the increasing death rate of cardiovascular disease (also known as Heart disease). They wanted to fund money to help research more on the causes,diagnosis,treatment and prevention of heart and circulatory disease. ‘Fight for every heartbeat.’

BHF Partners & Sponsors

Tesco,DiabetesUK,M&S,Dfs,and lots more. Jaffa as the sponsor of BHF London to Brighton bike race

BHF was able to invest an incredible 102.7 million pounds in life-saving medical research and continued to deliver significant breakthroughs that will help change the lives of several million people across the world. 753 BHF shops across the uk, generated 29.1 million pounds by collecting and selling around 66 thousand tons of good, sold over the last year. Around 60 million people visited BHF resulting in 19 million sales and over 160 000 items sold on BHFs online ebay store.

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Last year BHF was able to invest an incredible £102.7 million in life saving medical research and continued to deliver significant breakthroughs that will help change the lives of several million people across the world. BHF raise £29.1m by retail shop& Ebay onlineshop and raised £156.6m to ward BHF life saving work. This includes £67m left to BHF legacies and £54.3m raised by BHF generous supportes throuth communit fund raising activities,corporate partenerships,events.

BHF Aim & Objectives

The Aim are is to play a leading role in the fight againt disease of the heart and circulation,so that is no longer a major cause of death.To succeed in puducing half of the under 75s dieing of cardiacarests and fatal heart disease.

Tesco’s major stakeholders


The manager of Tesco adapt to a domestic style leadership where by the employees voice are heard doing the decision making.The managers of each store carry put daily audit to identify and resolve issues within the store to safe deliver for customers doing all this task at the end of year manager get good bonus.


A share holders is any preson,company or other institution that own share of the company stocks.Becouse shareholders are a companys owners. They are the company benefits of companys successes in the form of increased stock valaution.But shareholders are not personly liable for the company debit and others financial obligtions.

Shareholders get £10.13(2014)


The organisation’s success depends on the employees performances so employees need to show the best of their skills in order to create a safe environment for their customers and their managment team.being a good employee they get pay rise.


The customers buy the goods in the store allowing the money that they spend be profitable for the supermarket.


Supplies have the major role as they deliver all the products for each customers need however if they do not produce the correct standard and quality, this will cause a loss for the supermarket and the community. By supplying goods to the supermarket, the supplier gains profit as their business is doing well.

Local community.

Each part of the community have their own specific role.They local community all come from different ethnic groups, different cultures and different backgrounds. Their role in the business is to buy good for their own needs to profit the business.

Stakeholders of BHF


Volunteers are anyone who willingly wants to help without expecting any payment or wages. They are often celebrities,doctors,teachers or anyone at all, it is not neccessary to have any job experience to be a volunteer. The money they raise are sent to people in need of help beacause of heart disease.


BHF have lots of corporate partners to fund them. The partners are usually big companies like: Tesco,M&S,Nationwide Bank,Bensons for beds, the big yellow self storage box,DFS and lots more.

Local Community

The local community form a group to help do fundraising. They set up market shops or events like music or dance shows,football activities,cycle races and anything else.

Tesco’s Major Directors


The chairman leads the board while taking account of the interests of the group’s various stakeholders and promoting high standards from the directors.There are many responsibilities of being a chairman. This includes:

  • Making sure the directors get accurate ,timely and clear information.
  • Easing the effective contribution if non-executive directors and engagement between executive and non-executive directors.
  • Making sure a yearly evaluation ,of the board, is carried out and a performance evaluation of the chief executive and non – executive directors whilst also making sure that commitee chairman makes evaluatioons for their commitees as well.

Cheif executive

The chief executive keep the development of strategy and manages all aspects of the group. The resposibilities include :

  • Identifiying and executing new business opportunities.
  • Managing a risk profile of the group and maintaining an effective framework of internal control

Non – executive directors

Non-executive directors have a wide range of skills and experience neccessary to enable them to provide a constructive challenge and help develop the strategy.

Senior independant directors

The senior independant directors (‘SID’)is avbailable to assisst in resolving shareholders concerns.

Company secretary

The company secretary is responsible for developing and sustaining high standards of corporate governer. Key responsibilities include:

  • Supporting the chairman and the other bioard of directors as neccessary
  • Providing a challenging voice to the boards when appropriate

Tesco organisational structure

Image result for tesco organisational structure

Production manager



Marketing manager





Sales manager



Finance manager





Production managers oversee the production process and draw up the timetable. They estimate the costs and set the quality standards. They need to discuss with the finance managers to estimate costs.

Marketing managers have a role of sending out leaflets and tv commercials and radio advertisement to advertise their products. In the commercials, they often comare their product’s prices to other businesses.

Sales managers resolve complaints from customers about their products and do customer surveys to find out if the products are up to their standards. They run programmes for their sales staff.

Finance managers prpare financial statements andsupervise employees who do financial reporting and review financial reports and seek a way to reduce costs. H.R managers recruit employees and give relevant training.

All these managers report to the co about their research and infomation that they have found. Then the co will analyse the reports and make any neccessary arrangements and training sessions to improve the quality of their employees skills

Tescos Aims and objectives

Tesco wish to expand a number of stores in the UK. And to be an outstanding retailer in stores and online and to put a responsibility to the communities to serve the Britsh heart foundation

Tesco has posted a per-tax lost of £637bn in its annual results,Despite its onlain groceny business growing a head of market by 20% in the past year . But the tesco reported the biggrst lost in its history. Part due to struggling store and dwindling football as german discount stores enter the market.

British heart foundation organizational structure

Image result for organisational chart for a charity

BHF Aim & Objectives

The Aim are is to play a leading role in the fight againt disease of the heart and circulation,so that is no longer a major cause of death.To succeed in puducing half of the under 75s dieing of cardiacarests and fatal heart disease.

Bhf made net income of £156.6m in 2015 from lagactes,fundraising,retail net profit and others Investment Income. Bhf delivered their mission in 2015-2016 £135.5m in charitable expenditure of £102.7m in reseach and £30.8m in prevention sarvival and supports.






The manager creating the environment which the companyand employees can realise their individual collective potential and make the environment health and safety for their employees to work.



As a customer assisstant, they use their skills to assist the customers and satisfy their needs. They need to show to the manager , that they are capable of statisfying customers.



Customers have the key role in the business. If they do not buy any goods in the store, there business will be seized.



They are the owner of the company in which their investment to the business bring them success in the company.



Suppliers are also a major role in the business to deliver all the products in standard and quality.

Business in different economic environment.





Interest rate


Exchange rate







To be cut to 0.25%




Sri lanka







From 4.6% to

4.5% decreased


As inflation occurs in the UK, businesses increase the prices of their products. Because of this, less customers are going to buy from that store as they are expecting cheaper prices. Stores such as LIDL and ALDI ship in goods from their own country, the tax in their own country is quite high but when it comes into the UK, the tax rate decreases by a lot, meaning that they sell it for cheaper but still gain profit and effect Tesco and other supermarkets.

The unemployment rate in Sri lanka has currently gone down from 4.6% to 4.5%. However, The inflation and interest rate has gone up drastically. This is bad for businesses in Sri lanka as customers are not willing to buy goods as much as before, as the prices have gone up a lot.


UK Co-operation tax – 20%

As the co-operative tax has gone low from 28% to 20%. Its very good for the business and beacuse if that they get a good net income over the years.

Sri lanka Co-operation tax – 15% (2015 – 2016)

As the co-operative tax has gone low from 28% to 15%. This is good for the business even though there are not many young people in the overall population, the business will be fine.


UK population size – 65,332,632(2015)

Sri lankas Population size – 20,810,816 (2016)

Age of population:


0-14= 11,100 million

15-64=41,704 million

65+ = 10,378 million

As the population of young people is greater than the population of 65+ so Tesco will make a lot more profit.

Sri lanka

0-14= 5,087,817

15-64 = 14,570,430


As ther population of 65+ is greater than the population of young people, the demand will be very low as elder people don’t consume as many goods as younger people. The government are trying to increase the population of young poeple in demand of work forces.

Business in Sri lanka:

Cargills(ceylon) PLC is the biggest online supermarket in Sri lanka. This business is public limited company. They deliver groceries to anywhere in Sri lanka at the local store price. The number of employees is 1870 (2016.) The revenue Rs71.44 billion(2016)

The chairmanMr.Louis R Page.

Deputy chairmanMr.RanjithKumar Page.

Managing director Mr.M lmtiaz Abdull wahid

Executive director Mr Sidath Kodikana,Mr Prabhu Mathavan.


Mr Jayantha Dhanapala

Mr Priya Edirisinghe

Mr Sanjeen Gardiner

Mr Sunil Mendis

Mr Anthony A Page

Mr Joseph Page

Mr Errol Perera

India is a important trading partner to Sri lanka. India is Sri lankas 3rd largest trading partner while Sri lanka is india’s second largest trading partner in SAARC. ( South Asian Association for Regional cooperation.) India is the number one source of supplies accounting for 20% of Sri lanka’s imports. In the investment field, India is one of the top 5 foreign investers in Sri lanka. Trade between the two countries increased rapidly after the Free Trade Agreement in the march 2000.


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