Business Communication Report: A case study on King and Queen Hotel Suits & Mt. Taranaki Resort
- Mahendernath Chivukula
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3. Communicating business information
4. Eliminating barriers in communication within the teams
The King and Queen Hotel suites is a world class boutique hotel in New Plymouth that is offering various facilities to its customers since 2013. Since they are already into this business, now the management and the owners of the company decided to expand their business by opening new hotel Mt Taranaki Resort with recreational facilities along with hotel facilities.
This report contains information about the management plans for the development of the business in order to give exceptional service to their customers at both the properties.
This report explains how the company and employees absorb different cultures, leadership style, communicating business information, eliminating communication barriers, team work and resolving conflicts between the team members.
As the Director of Human Resource it is my responsibility to convey the information efficiently to all the team members who are working with the organisation. To achieve the organisational goals effective communication paly major role. So there should be guidelines to the staff and the management to run the operations smoothly while delivering exceptional service to their customers.
1. Organisational Culture
Organisation culture is the values and behaviour that contribute a unique social and psychological environment to an organization. It includes an organization’s expectations, experience and values that hold together. It helps to express its self-image, internal working conditions, interaction with other organizations and future expectations. It is based on attitudes, beliefs, written and unwritten rules that help to develop over time and considered to be valid. It is also called as corporate culture that shows the organisations how it conducts its business, treating its employees, in which extent freedom is allowed in decision-making, encouraging innovations, how the power and communication flow through its hierarchy and how employees are committed to achieve the organisational goals. (, 2015)
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In hospitality industry where people live and work together with different cultures. It believes values and attitudes define the company. Since the staff directly serves people, so customers can judge our company every time they interact with the staff. So managing our culture is very important to deliver the right image or to leave good impression every time on the company. (Reinhart, 2015)
The King and Queen Hotel suites is a world-class boutique in New Plymouth and the owner’s plan to develop the business, taking this into prospect the Mission and values of Mt Taranaki Resort would as followed.
Our Mission:
- Our guest: We should be committed to meet and exceed the expectation of our guest with continuous dedication to every aspect of service.
- Our Family: we are committed to growth and development of our employees.
- Our stakeholders: We will create amazing value for our stakeholders.
(, n.d.)
Our Values:
Our team members should follow five core values to achieve the organisational goals and for self-development it is S.C.R.I.P.T
- S. C – The Spirit of Conquest
- R – Respect
- I – Innovation
- P – Performance
- T – Trust
Our employee should come up with new ideas, their performance should be key to success, respect different cultural background people and last but not the least trust is the base of the management. (Values- Accor, n.d.)
As the Director of Human Resource I would incorporate the above mission and values in the King and Queen Hotel Suites & Mt Taranaki Resort to all the employees to ensure that both entities have the same brand. I will build this culture by recruiting the right people for the right job and ensure each and every person who recruited will under go an Induction programme were in a training sessions would be conducted on the core values of the organisation and would measure it by collecting feedback from all the employees and look at the end result i.e. to achieve organisational goals.
2. Leadership styles
A leader is an individual who leads the group of people in an organisation or a person who as ability to do this. Leadership involves vision, sharing it with his sub ordinates, providing information, knowledge and methods to achieve that vision. To coordinate and balance the conflicts between all the team members. A leader who steps in when there is crisis situation and think creatively to solve the issue. These skills are not taught though it can enhance through training and mentoring. There are different styles, which exist in work environment. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Every organisation has its own leadership styles that are depended on the necessary task to complete the needs. (, 2015)
The different leadership styles are as followed.
- Laissez- Faire
- Autocratic
- Participative
Laissez – Faire:
A leader who lacks direct supervision of employees and could not able to provide regular feedback to those who work under him. Highly experienced employees who require little supervision fall under this style. However not all fall under this style. This leadership style produces no leadership or supervision efforts from managers that lead to lack of control and cost. (Johnson, 2015)
This leadership style allows managers to make decision alone without any interruptions. It is also known as authoritative style leads who impose their will to employees. This helps employees who require close supervision. (Johnson, 2015)
This style values the inputs of team members but the responsibility of making decision would be with the leader. This style boost employee morally because employees make contribution to the decision making process. If the organisation wants to do any changes this style helps employees accept changes easily because they participate in the decision process. (Johnson, 2015)
As a Director of Human resources of King and Queen Hotel Suites & Mt Taranaki Resort, we will ensure that the organisation always encourage participative leadership style and focus on employees by providing training on taking initiative, critical thinking, listening effectively, motivate others, discipline, constant learning, handling conflicts and to be a follower. So a good leadership should have all the essential elements, which are mentioned above to develop in career. And a constant feedback will be provided to the employees.
The key for successful leadership is to be participative not authoritative/ autocratic. So we will ensure that all staff at King and Queen Hotel Suites will participate in the development of new hotel Mt Taranaki resorts.
3. Communicating business information
Communication plays a major role in any organisation and there are many ways that people communicate in the workplace. As we work in hospitality industry where we will handle different guest, internal communication plays major role to deliver the service. It is know that 75 to 80 percent of managers in hotel industry spend their time on written and oral communication. To be successful in the industry each and every employee should be aware of different communication methods and to know which one to be used effectively according to task required. The different types of communication used in hotels are face-to-face communication, emails, notice boards, team briefings, departmental meetings etc. (Sheahan, 2015)
As the director of human resource manger for King and Queen Hotel suites & Mt Taranaki Resort will try to ensure that staff are communicated well with the company’s vision, mission, its objectives and taking there company a level ahead. The communication strategies that can use at King and Queen Hotel suites and Mt Taranaki resorts for effective communication are as followed.
- Internal communication
- Marketing communication
- Communication with stakeholders
- Monitoring Nonverbal messages
Internal communication:
In this strategy the organisation has to communicate with their employees, managers and contractors. Jargons should be avoided in emails, notice boards and letters considering the level of knowledge of from bottom level employee to top level. Employees can give feedback or ask any question for the information they received from management.
Marketing communication:
Communicating marketing information to employees can influence the end result of the organisation. It will improve the business of the organisation. So employees should have information on the development of Mt Taranaki Resort and can give their inputs for growth.
Communication with stakeholders:
An organisation should have good communication with their stakeholders because they are the key role for the success of their business.
Monitoring Non verbal messages:
Most of the frontline staff in hotel industry communicates with their guest non-verbally through their body language, appearance, by monitoring non-verbal message the organisation can match non-verbal with verbal ones.
(Johnston, 2015)
4. Eliminating barriers in communication within the teams:
There are lot of communication barriers in an organisation. In any workplace there should be clear, open communication. As a manager my job is to break down the barriers to communication within the teams. Steps to over come the barriers are as followed.
- Encourage awareness of misinterpretation of written words, and insist every employee to crystal clear.
- Differences in perspective – to over come this barrier we need to mind it before it begins. We have to be clear by outlining clear plans and step-by-step expectations of what required from each and every employee.
- A lack of trust – to over come this problem team building activities to be conducted to staff. So by building teamwork we can improve over all communication.
- Distractions – to over come this problem staff has to do everything possible to eliminate distractions within the teams.
- Information overload – sometimes too much information to staff can lead to misunderstanding and no clarity on message. To over come this barrier information should be essential one, ensuring there is no misunderstanding.
(The Managers Minute, 2012)
As a HR Manager I would need to be a proactive individual and construct multi-layered environment to take out any boundaries that may emerge and to keep the pattern going on the inn we would need take a gander at a wide range of requirements and needs of the representatives and making them blend with diverse societies so easily that they have exceptionally constrained measure of the obstructions in correspondence.
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5. Team Work
Teamwork plays major role in any organisation which increase performance of employees, employee unity and organisation culture. Team members use teamwork to perfect ideas off of one another to develop the organisation goals. It helps to solve the problem-solving situation with help of multiple ideas from team members. Teamwork is the backbone of effective communication within the organisation. It helps to promote conversation between team members to do one task. When employee work together as a team each and every one can learn from one another. Employees from different departments can learn information from each other regarding the limitations and possibilities of those departments. (Marquis, 2015)
Team building skills are essential for every employee in the organisation whether he is a manager, supervisor or staff. Basic team building skills can determine the success of an organisation. Our company promotes teamwork to create environment that lead to greater productivity and creativity. Following are the 8 strategies for King and Queen Hotel suites & Mt Taranaki for effective team building:
Common Goal:
An organisation with multiple goals cannot reach its agendas. Our company has single goal i.e. exceeding the expectation of our guest by delivering 100% service. We as a team should ensure that all work towards our single goal to and achieve excellent customer satisfaction.
Clarity Goal:
All communication passed within the organisation should be clarity so that team members can understand overall purpose.
Commitment from each team member:
All members should work as a productive team, there has to be a commitment from each team member to achieve the company goal.
Do What You Do Best:
The purpose of teamwork is to group of people work together to accomplish the task. So each and every individual has to give his or her best out to the team.
It’s Not About You:
The hardest attitude to handle in assuming a part on a group is that “its not about you.” It not about your resume, what others will believe, its about assuming a part to fulfil the objective or undertaking that has been given. The hardest test to any task lead or supervisor is getting a gathering on people to capacity as a group and spot their own aspirations to the side.
You Have Got to Talk Each Other:
It is very important to have good communication within the team members to know about the task given to them. In recent times there are frequent tools that are used to communicate like email, mobile phones, social media and property management system to team members.
Work as a Team, Play as a Team:
As we all spend most of the time by working together in our company team members have to anticipate what others will do and how they will respond. This can only happen by being together.
Everyone cannot Lead:
Each task will have a supervisor. There are numerous approaches to pick a supervisor. A few managers decide to choose by a individual area of skill or their capacity to convey and oversee activities and individuals. The perfect circumstance is to delegate to a person that is talented in both ranges. (Finch, 2007)
6. Conflict
Organisational conflict is often result of a disagreement between two or more people in a company. It can also exist outside the organisation this usually involves one or more companies in the business environment. (Vitez, 2015)
Conflict resolution policy
In our company if there is any presence of conflict it can be serious issue that needs immediate resolution. If team members appear not to be interacting as cooperatively as we think. The company will engage those team members in conflict resolution solution. Our company has some strategies to over come this conflict situation. It will aid the team members in putting them in the following conflict resolution strategies.
- Discussion – conflict arises due to lack of communication if the team members are not having conversation with their other members. To over come this employee has to set up time for a discussion.
- Written communication – if any issue escalated one of the employees has lost temper, written communication may effective way of breaking down this conflict situation. Each employee can write a letter to each other by outlining the problem. By writing letter instead of face-to-face conversation benefit is can select careful words. It also make sure that the exchange doesn’t erupt into yelling.
- Meditation – conflicts cant work it out together without the intermission of third party. It can over come by arranging training sessions by third party to employees. It allows employees to sit down and can assist them in working out their problems.
- Compromise – employees has to give little and take little by compromising between the two. They can sit down with the manager and discuss the problem between two employees, arranging compromises instead of just choosing one employee interest over the other by this company can reduce likelihood one staff member feels slighted by the way in which conflict was resolved.
- Voting – simple way to resolve conflict is by voting, it is the most effective method.
(Schreiner, 2015)
An organisation Culture is which empowers an organisation to understand the way of life that needs to be advised to the employees which empowers them to wind up pioneers who can take the organisation to the following level with the assistance of conveying the business data to the workers by diminishing the correspondence boundaries which can never be killed/ overcome for all time as the obstructions could emerge at any given circumstance. Teamwork is one of the vital parts of the business without cooperation no organisation can work through to the goals, mission and vision. Conflict resolution is one of the real territories that need to be determined on regular premise as conflicts could emerge at no given time. An approach has been made and imparted to the staff at the time of joining or at the time of their exchange, with the goal that there can be a determination rather that a huge case.
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Schreiner, E. (2015). Retrieved April 8, 2015, from
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