Communication Methods: Advantages and Disadvantages

Modified: 13th Oct 2021
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Communication is the process of exchanging and transferring information, ideas and knowledge from one person to another in organization.

Business communication is the process of referring the information of the company and how to promote the product and services to potential customers of an organization. They are four types of communication such as written communication, on screen communication, verbal communication and web based communication.

Verbal or oral communication is the process of transferring information and exchange ideas from one person to another through mouth such as speaking, telephone and radio.

Samsung Company they are using radio in order to advertise product in the society for example Samsung S4 they use radio(FM) to advertise the product in Oman ,so this help Samsung company to get more customers who will buy the product.

Source of Samsung is internal which come from marketing department to radio station. The purpose of this information to advertise the product by using mouth such as speaking for example promotion people they advertise product by using mouth so this help to get more customers in their market.

Advantages and disadvantages of verbal communication

Advantages of verbal communication

It is simple to detect the problem this means that by using verbal communication it is simple and easy to know the problem by using mouth, for example it help to know people who have conflict among two people or more than two and this it is easy to solve the problem.

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It is one to one conversation it is one among advantage of the verbal communication it is simple to talk with people (employee) face to face without fearing anybody in any place for example in MBPS company manager he talk with his employee by using verbal so this to know employee his or her problem without fearing you as a manager.

Disadvantages of verbal communication

It is easy to forget this verbal communication it is easy to forget the words you want to talk to people or employee, for example in MCBS College when you want to talk to DR. MUNIR sometime time you will forgot the question you are supposed to ask . This is one among the disadvantage of verbal communication.

It require special area to conduct this is one among the disadvantage of verbal communication because when you want to communicate with people or customer you should have to talk to the special like in the office(between employee and C.E.O).

This information it is very important to use because it increase most of customers in your company so by using verbal communication it help people to watch (television) and hear about the product.

Written communication this is the process of transferring information through writing document such as letters, emails, texting faxes, and reports. For example MBPS Company they are sending they are emails by using computer or laptop from the other organization in order to get more information about external company.

The source of this information is internal which come from IT department to emails this means that it is easy to use internet than another organization. The purpose of this information it help people ,customers and employees in order to get different ideas and getting information from different people through writing for example email when you have new product and you want to advertise by using emails it will easy to get new customers and existing customers by email.

Advantages and disadvantages of written communication

Advantages of written communication

It provide proof it is one among the advantage of written communication because it is not easy to exchange the information it is already written so by using written information it is better than using another communication.

It covered a lot of information this written information it helps people in an organization to cover a lot of information concerned to different issues because it is not easy to forget you are information.

Disadvantages of written communication

It take time written communication when you are writing or sending information from one person to another person it take time to reach to the place you want to reach because of the transport for example letters if you want to send to the company you should have to give somebody in order to reach.

It is expensive is one among the disadvantage of written communication it is expensive for example by using letters when you want to send to someone information or massage you should have to buy pen, paper ,envelope and transport so it cost a lot of money and it will expensive to reach at the place you need to reach.

This written information it is very important to use because it help people (customers) to keep their record from the place they are buying or selling the product such as letters.

On screen or visual communication it is one among the consumer communication. This is the process of communicating with people by using visual such as drawing, face to face television and smartphone. For example Samsung Company in SOUTH AFRICA they are using MBC station to show customers or peoples they are product.

Source of this information is internal which come from sales department to television in order to advertise the product more. The purpose of this communication is to advertise Huawei product by using social network such as Instagram, twitter and Facebook in order to get new customers, existing customers and to show their competitor about the new product.

Advantages and disadvantages of on screen communication

Advantages of on screen or visual communication

It gain faster the concept ,this means that easy to understand the concept because it does not use words but it using for watching television it can show as like a reality so it gain the concept faster than another communication.

It easier to understand and more effective, it is easy to understand each other for example by using body language it show that more understanding like Samsung they are television to advertise they product so it is easy to understand fast than using radio.

Disadvantages of visual on screen communication

Cost, this means that it is cost by using television for example when you want to advertise you are product or services it cost a lot of money to advertise than using radio, so radio it is good because it did not cost a lot of money by introducing you are product.

It take time to understand by using this visual communication it takes time customer or people to understand what you are product about so they have first to watch then after a few minute they will understand about the product.

Visual communication it is very important to use because you sell you are product by using television and easy to get more customers, because of people watching television so if they see they want and you will gain more customers.

Web based this means that you communicate with people or customers and transferring, sharing ideas and exchanging information through online such as company website and social media.

Advantages and disadvantages of web-based communication

Advantages of web-based communication

It is easy to use, when you are using internet it is good because you will send and receive information fast, also you will get more customers around the world.

Disadvantages of web based communication

Hackers, by using this internet they are people who hack and stole all you are information which is illegal so this internet it is not because of this hackers as we know information you have it is very important.

This web based information it is really important to use when you want to advertise you are product and you need get more customers you should have social network such as Instagram to get more customers and people can buy.

Internal Business Communication Methods

Verbal or oral communication is the process of transferring information from one person to another through mouth such as telephone is an internal business information. Telephone is an electronic instrument which transfer the information (news) by using voice system. The following are the advantage and disadvantage of telephone.

Advantages of telephone communication

Cheap using telephone it is cheaper than other network to advertise you are product for example now days when you want to advertise product in social media such Instagram it is cheap than to advertise in the television(external) it cost a lot of money so by using telephones it better than using other network or written .

Disadvantages of telephone

Network problem, because of network problem you cannot talk properly sometime especially when there is rain season it will be big of problem for example when you have important customer and you want to talk to them by using telephone it will be problem because you did not hearing properly that is the big problem.

Written communication is the process of transferring information by using words such as emails is internal of business information. Emails is the process of transmission of message by sending and receiving messages electronically in a system of computer. The following are the pros and cons of email.

Advantages of email communication

Email are fast this means that, it is fast to delivered at once around the world not like other written communication is fast as email for example when you want to send some information to your friend who live in TANZANIA and you are in OMAN you can send it take only 1 minutes to reach because it is fast.

Disadvantages of email communication

Virus email may carry viruses for example those small programs can harm you are computer system such as sending email to your customers or read your email so this virus it is not good because later on it will cause a lot of problem.

On screen or visual communication is the process of transfer information and sharing ideas form one person to another by using mouth such as face to face. This is internal factor of business information means that is the process of sharing ideas from one person to another through face to face. The following are the pros and cons of face to face.

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Advatnages of face to face communication

Express of feelings this means that by using face to face communication it helps people to share some ideas, and feelings better than using words so it good to use face to face because of the eye contact for example people who promote their product they use eye contact that help them to get more customers by using face to face.

Disadvantages of face to face communication

Cost by using face to face it require a lot of money to conduct the interview which means that getting someone for interview is the higher cost in a business for example most of they use interview which is face to face in order to get employee who have enough so this cost a lot money.

Business Cmmunication at Samsung

In Samsung company they are using verbal, written on screen and web based this help to archive their goals and also it help them to increase sales, increase their profit and also bring good image and reputation of the company . The following are the business information used to make strategic decisions in Samsung.

Verbal communication Samsung Company they are using radio to advertise the product. this help to increase sales because of most people(customer) listening to radio they usually going to look and buy the product so this will increase the profit case they are increasing sales and later on it will be good for staff retention. By using radio it is a proper way because it is easy people to get the information at specific time.

Written communication is used in Samsung Company to provide the information about the product. This written communication it helps to increase good image, and reputation of the company. So this help to increase number of sales who are going to buy the product by reading the information. Using a letter to supply is not a proper way because sometime it can cause to despair so it is not good to use letter.

Visual communication Samsung company they are using television to advertise they are product this help to increase number of their customers. to advertise you are product by using television it make more profit as we see now days when you advertise your product by using television it is like you telling thousand people(customers) so this means that you will making good sales and later on you will gain more profit. By using television it is a proper way because thousands of people they can watch television.

Web based this means that in Samsung Company they are using internet to increase sales of the product so if anyone searching for new telephone they will see by using website. This will increase the profit of Samsung around the world people (customers) will know about the product. Internet is a proper way because anyone around the world they can see the new product and also easy to buy by using online.

Conclusion in any organization they should have to use this types of communication in order to have good image and reputation of the company such as written (letters), visual(smartphone), verbal(telephone), and web based(internet) communication this help to receive, sending message in order to reach the goals of the company.


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WBTIC. (2015), web based advantage and disadvantage. Retrieved on 6 Feb 2015 from

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BCA. (n.d), telephone advantage and disadvantage. Retrieved on 8 Feb 2015 from

Sam mobile. (n.d), radio. Retrieved on 4 Feb. 2015-02-4 from


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