Rebranding the NYPD for Lower Employee Turnover

Modified: 27th Oct 2021
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Employee retention is extremely important for companies due to the long term effects and benefits. Many companies suffer of high employee turnover. Employee turnover is the​ number of employees hired that then later on leave the company. When a company has a high employee turnover rate this is a reflection that they're unable to keep employees for a longer amount of time, therefore you are constantly hiring new people.High employee turnover, increases expenses and also has a negative outcome on the companies self-image. This is an issue that can't be ignored. Therefore, creating an employee retention program by organizational rebranding this would be a successful way of making sure exemplary workers remain employed while maintaining job performance and productivity.

To a certain extent some turnover is inevitable. But if too many employees quit at the same time this can be detrimental to a company. Normal turnover is that when an employee retires and exits the workforce. Its bound to happen but it can be considered beneficial since it brings new talent to a company with a fresh outlook.

Employee turnover can be classified into two categories, voluntary and involuntary.

Voluntary occurs when the employee chooses to leave on their own for whatever reason. Involuntary turnover happens when layoffs or other similar actions taken by a company where the decision for an employee to leave is made by the company and not the employee. Turnover in a company is also an added expense. Companies in the long run spend more for replacement because they have to spend time finding a candidate as well as training them.

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Voluntary turnover can be avoided if addressed. For example, companies that pay workers low wages can produce a discouraged worker. Workers aren't making a livable wage therefore decide to leave the company. Workers can be dissatisfied with the working environment for example, in some facilities workers are expected to work with poor lighting facility, inadequate ventilation facility and poor sanitary conditions. With dissatisfaction with the job, a worker may do a job if the job that they actually want is unattainable at the moment. If the right job or preferred job is available in any other organization, immediately, the workers may leave from the organization. And lack of benefits.

Generally speaking voluntary turnover can be used to analyze supervisors. They are the ones who run the show so they will have a direct affect on this type of turnover. Turnover is to some extent normal and fundamental to the growth of any organization. Turnover in a few cases may be positive in some situations but not so much in others.For instance, if a non-productive employee leaves, the impact will be positive since the possibility of terminating is non-existent. Opportunities for other workers could come up from the change, plus opening up a position for an existing employee, hiring an employee with a superior skill level, increasing, diversity, streamlining, and regulating the budget. The problem of keeping good talent is that the more they feel they're able to grow and become more marketable, the more likely to stay but later on leave depending on their lifestyle. Employees take ownership of their careers by continuously refining and upgrading their skills. The more easily accessible and relevant training that you can offer, the greater the likelihood that turnover rates will decline.

Employees who are engaged in their work and committed to their organizations give companies crucial competitive advantages including higher productivity and lower employee turnover. Thus, it is not surprising that organizations of all sizes and types have invested substantially in policies and practices that foster engagement and com- mitment in their workforces. Engagement and commitment can potentially translate into valuable business results for an organization. Engaged employees stay because they have an intense desire to be a part of the organization and they stay with that organization.It has a domino effect because they spread the word by promoting the organization. They are active and pleasant workers. These employees also strive by exerting extra effort and engage in behaviors that contribute to the organizations success.

Commitment manifests itself in distinct behavior. For example, people devote time and energy to fulfill their on-the-job responsibilities as well as their family, personal, community and spiritual obligations. Commitment also has an emotional component: People usually experience and express positive feelings toward an entity or individual to whom they have made a commitment. Finally, commitment has a rational element: Most people consciously decide to make commitments, then they thoughtfully plan and carry out the actions required to fulfill them.

Because commitments require an investment of time as well as mental and emotional energy, most people make them with the expectation of reciprocation. That is, people assume that in exchange for their commitment, they will get something of value in return - such as favors, affection, gifts, attention, goods, money and property. In the world of work, employees and employers have traditionally made a tacit agreement: In exchange for workers' commitment, organizations would provide forms of value for employees, such as secure jobs and fair compensation. Reciprocity affects the intensity of a commitment. When an entity or individual to whom someone has made a commitment fails to come through with the expected exchange, the commitment erodes.


Training and development can serve as additional levers for enhancing engagement and commitment. For new hires, training usually begins with orientation. Orientation pres- ents several important opportunities—including explaining pay, work schedules and company policies. Most important, it gives you a chance to encourage employee engage- ment by explaining how the new hire's job contributes to the organization's mission. Through orientation, you describe how your company is organized, introduce the new employee to his or her co-workers, give the person a tour of the area where he or she will be working and explain safety regulations and other procedural matters. In short, you foster person-organization fit—vital for developing productive and dedicated employees.

Through training, you help new and current employees acquire the knowledge and skills they need to perform their jobs. And employees who enhance their skills through training are more likely to engage fully in their work, because they derive satisfaction from mastering new tasks. Training also enhances employees' value to your company as well as their own employability in the job market. In addition, most companies offer higher wages for skilled workers, to compensate them for their greater value and to discourage turnover.

Throughout the United States it seems that all the police department seem to have the same issue. Officers seem to be resigning because they feel like their job performance goes without merit and low recognition. Police officers hold positions of high importance but are under appreciated and feel like superiors don't have their backs nor support. Robust and meaningful employee recognition programs can combat some of this. Any type of employee recognition goes along way.

Sometimes superiors such as Sargents, Lutenits, and Captains don't go out into the field but when they do have to work with the patrol men they too can show that they remember and still understand what it's like to be on the job with the general public. . A well established and meaningful wellness plan, too, can go a long way toward demonstrating that the department cares for its officers.

Police departments should take a step in striking the egos of their officers. Since these officers jobs are high risk, they want to feel that the sacrifices they make matter. They want upper command to show appreciation. In the NYPD the mayor seems to be the issue.

The difficult relationship between law enforcement and minority communities they serve​ in the United States is evident and has been seen throughout all media. The relations between​ police and the communities they are wary on both ends. A question that comes about is if officers feel that the civilians they serve and protect look at them as the bad guys will they still perform with the best of their abilities. At some point in our lives the majority of us have felt the lack of appreciation at work. Some of us have been faced with our supervisores having unrealistic expectations.The truth is nothing of what we've gone through compares to that of a cop. It seems that the officers who wish for is communal appreciation with civilians are the ones that will leave the police dept. This is because they are unable to understand the lack of public understanding. This cost the NYPD a lot of money.

By finding new methods to show officers they are appreciated and valued it can help in aiding them with their careers in law enforcement. It'll make them feel as if their sacrifices are well worth it. This can be achieved by law enforcement organizational rebranding.

Rebranding an organization to meet the needs of individuals who it serves is never an easy task, as it requires time, strategic planning, new focus, and risk. An organization lives on brand awareness.Environments are continuously evolving so a brand needs to evolve with the times to stay relevant. Reinvigorating a brand builds up brand meaning and brand equity. With a dependable guarantee of a rebranding operations creates an opportunity to revamp a positive brand identity and a vigorous brand image. Then theres a chance to change people's views and mindsets to get brand gratification and brand equity.

My goal is to partially rebrand the NYPD to improve employee turnover. This rebranding will help the citizens understand that the officers are there to keep the peace, not just to enforce the law. It does the same for the officers. It would have a bilateral effect.The NYPD's​ mission, vision, and values does govern every decision they make but the goal is to reflect it to the citizens they protect.

The New York City Police Department is the largest and one of the oldest police departments in the United States, with approximately 36,000 officers. The NYPD was established in 1845 and maintain the role of policing the 8.6 million civilians in the boroughs of New York. Aside from law enforcement they also provide services in counter terror and traffic. As far as declines in the past 25 years, the department has been efficient at tackling violent crimes as well as property crimes. In comparison with the rates of major crimes in the 25 largest cities of the United States New York citing comes in with the lowest rates.

The NYPD is divided into major bureaus for enforcement, investigations, and administration. It has 77 patrol precincts with patrol officers and detectives covering the entire city. The department also has 12 transit districts to police the subway system and its nearly six-million daily riders, and nine police service areas (PSAs) to patrol the city's public housing developments, which are home to more than 400,000 residents. Additionally, uniformed civilians serve as traffic safety agents on the city's busy streets and highways, and as school safety agents, protecting public schools and the over-a-million students who attend them.

The mission of the New York City Police Department is to enhance the quality of life in New York City by working in partnership with the community to enforce the law, preserve peace, protect the people, reduce fear, and maintain order. The New York City Police​ Department vision strives to foster a safe and fair City by incorporating Neighborhood Policing into all facets of Department operations, and solve the problems that create crime and disorder through an interdependent relationship between the people and its police, and by pioneering strategic innovation. Their values are expressed to be in partnership with the community, they pledge to protect the lives and property of their fellow citizens and impartially enforce the law.Fight crime, both by preventing it and aggressively pursuing violators of the law. Officers must maintain an upstanding honorableness because that's the norm. They are measured by a set of high integrity rules.

The Police Commissioner is the leader of the NYPD, working a five- year term and reporting directly to the Major. The next top two officials are the First Deputy Commissioner, who is a civilian, and the Chief of Department, the highest- ranking uniformed members of the service. The NYPD's organizational structure includes nine major bureaus: Patrol Services Bureau, Detective Bureau, Organized Crime Control Bureau, Transportation Bureau, Criminal Justice Bureau, Internal Affairs Bureau, Personnel Bureau, and Support Service Bureau.Under the Patrol Services Bureau, New York City's five boroughs are divided into eight Patrol Borough Commands, which is further subdivided into 76 precincts. Twelve Transit Districts and nine Houses Police Service Areas patrol subways and large housing complexes.

In March 2016 a police union survey found morale among NYPD officers had hit rock bottom.More than 6,000 officers — nearly half with more than 10 years on the force responded to the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association online survey, which was conducted over a three-week period.The level of morale among officers ranked 2.49 on a scale of 1 to 10, the poll found.Eighty-seven percent of those surveyed said the city has become "less safe" since the de Blasio administration took over at the beginning of 2014, and 55 percent say it is "a lot less safe."The results of this survey prove what we've been hearing time and time again from members over the past two years – the job is more difficult than ever, the dangers are greater, and morale is extremely low," PBA President Pat Lynch said in a statement.

Community policing is a system which was created by the police department to bring them closer with the communities. Its main organizational goal is working side by side with members of the community groups they serve. Both parties get together to identify and find solutions to problems which are likely to impact the peace of any set neighborhood. Community based police departments are aware that for the best outcomes they're better off joining together with other people who want and feel they have a responsibility to their community. This type of policing also urges the blockage , preventative and early intervention to deal with problems before they become unmanageable. Officers are shown support to invest a good amount of time networking with the civilians, businesses, schools, and neighborhood organizations.

The police department is constantly trying to engage civilians through different actions.

For example volunteers are frequently used. Upper command such as Sargents, Lutients, and Captains often meet with members of the public to listen to feedback. Alot of committees have active public participation. Policy decision meetings give civilians the ability to give their thoughts. The department seeks to enlighten the public about police work in many different ways which include web sites, and town hall meetings. The department accepts and even encourages citizen review of its performance.

In order to have an effective community policing unit departments must not only interact with the communities but actually attempt to be one with the community and attend community events. In order to incorporate this all leaders and officer should hold a duty to work alongside community leaders and organizations to solve local problems through collaboration. By modeling departmental culture on the principles of community policing, chiefs and other leaders can ensure that necessary changes are made in order to create significant community collaboration.

Proper implementation of community policing requires that officers receive sufficient training on community engagement and collaboration. The most recent data available reveals that police academies spend, on average, 228 percent more time training new officers on firearm skills and defensive tactics than community policing. Police academies and departments across the country seeking to adopt community policing should ensure that officers are equipped to be effective collaborators with their local communities. They can begin by ensuring that new officers are equipped with the skills and knowledge they need to effectively engage community members.

We live in a time where to be connected to those around you must have a digital presence. Media platforms will always be developing as long as new technological advances keep happening. The goal of having a social media platform is for people to find you. This can be achieved through a self google self, paid search or social networking.

Because of a company's online existence consumers build an expectation of a brand.Not every customer has internet access with that being said more traditional aspects of marketing would have to be used to reach that consumer. Some people do have online access but their preference is in print. For example we have news at our fingertips but some people still buy print. In my experience Ubers are usually cheaper than traditional taxis but some commuters with smart phones don't use uber. They chose to use the traditional taxi.

In order to achieve the goal here, to relate the good of the NYPD so the citizens they protect have a better understanding and more appreciation towards them, to do that they want to achieve, I must try to get all the citizen from NYC. In this case, digital marketing is going to be very effective for me since I want to advertise to all 5 boroughs. Using the internet or smart phones as a medium to advertise the rebranding will be nothing difficult for a digital marketing strategy. With the internet civilians have access to all and any information they require with the internet at any time and place. Restricted information on brands is non existent. Thanks to the internet and social media, it helps to make many organizations life easier as well as more effective. The NYPD is able to inform more people about their services and actions especially by sending out this info via the popular web pages like Yahoo and twitter.

Online brand marketing can be a cost effective strategy for companies as opposed to traditional which includes prints. The turnaround time is almost instantly. A company is able to see what is or isn't working. This creates more opportunity for brand development.

New marketing methods do work and can increase a company's client base, completely replacing traditional marketing with the latest marketing techniques can prove to be dangerous.

Traditional methods are successful but it comes at a cost. Online methodologies are subject to whether or not the consumer has access to the internet and knows how to navigate it. With traditional marketing, anyone with a newspaper, mail service, television or radio can learn of your business or service. Rather than the civilians going online to find their service , they'll be able to bring their services to civilians with print advertisements and other traditional methods. But again Traditional media cost more money than newer forms of advertising. In addition to the cost of buying TV spots, they will have to pay for the development the series/ commercial. Print and broadcast outlets provide media kits with audience demographics, but once a magazine is mailed, a paper is delivered or an ad is broadcast, you don't know who actually read, saw or viewed your ad.

The message you can deliver with traditional advertising is much more limited compared to newer forms of communications. If you can get people to your website with the click of a banner ad or link, you have almost unlimited opportunities to deliver page after page of information to customers. With print and broadcast, you must communicate your message within a few square inches of space or in 30 seconds. A huge website revamp can lay the groundwork to make this follow-up rebranding possible without any disruption of services, without content migration or any major change for the content providers.

The role of the police department is to enforce the rules and regulations of our society so that people can live in peace. In order for this to be a smooth process there has to be confidence and accountability with the police and civilians.

Everyday police officers leave their homes not knowing if they'll make it back. They go to work, leave their families and put their lives at rick for the community they serve. I personally have much respect for these officers. Unfortunately not everyone does. Many people look at them as the enemy not just as a normal person. Being a police officer is what they do but that doesn't define them. Policing has changed and improved but there's a higher disconnect with civilians.

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Police-community partnerships and the co-production of safety, which necessitates a strong focus on equity, transparency, accountability, shared information, and changes in how police are trained, evaluated and promoted.The intent is to let residents give the NYPD feedback on how to improve community relations and proactively address crime.At a time when the​ relationship between police officers and communities can be described as strained to say the least, these approaches would be a unique approach toward reconciliation.

I believe that no one owns the street, but instead that everyone owns the experience. Both the civilians and the NYPD equally share in the brand experience, and both carry equal importance in decision making and how such interaction plays out. People want to build loyalty and relationships with brands. By knowing your customer and understanding how to attract them empathizing with their experience you open the door to developing a great relationship. Which can be applied with law enforcement and the city they protect.

When this great relationship is created it blossoms. Once your target customer is understood your able to make any adequate changes to the brand experience to meet their needs and wants. In turn, companies experience the following benefits:Understanding what drives loyalty towards their brand, learning how to turn negative feedback as constructive criticism into an opportunity that will later increase positive customer thoughts and high brand advocacy. People want to build loyalty and relationships with brands. By knowing your ideal customer and understanding how to attract them in other words, empathizing with their experience you open the door to developing a great relationship.

Government agencies that have transparency reap many benefits.Governmental agencies are beginning to recognize this and have since become more transparent by sharing decisions in the public eye. Transparency is good in government because it increases accountability and limits corruption.

I also believe that inorder for the rebranding to work we must understand our officers and make sure they are in a healthy state of mind.Policing is a demanding, often stressful career. Day in and day out officers see humanity at its worst. Many times being exposed to life and death situations.Even with all these known facts throughout the US there's very limited mental health resources are provided at work for law enforcement officers.Post-traumatic stress disorder,​ depression and insomnia are among thelasting consequences of a career in law enforcement, for​ police and corrections officers alike. In fact, law enforcement workers report experiencing anxiety-related mental health conditions at higher rates than the general population, according tothe National Alliance of Mental Illness. Their work makes them more vulnerable and can often​ lead to destructive habits, such as alcoholism and drug abuse.​

Even though officers are consistently going through on the job trauma there's no set requirements for law enforcement agencies to have resources to help officers deal and if officers do seek help it's frowned upon and seen as a sign of weakness to talk to professionals. Mental illness is looked down upon in law enforcement agencies. The macho culture stigmatizes emotional trauma as a sign of weakness, forcing officers into silence.


Brand Awareness


Due to the historic background I've decided to keep this the same. Civilians are familiar with the brand and what it stands for since they have all had repeated exposure to the logo.


Establishing Brand Loyalty

Employee engagement is the emotional commitment an employee has to the organization and its goals, resulting in the use of effort.

Engaged officers will be the biggest brand advocates. They'll preach and practice the benefits of the NYPD will be enthusiastic in dealing with the public. These employees will make every interaction with a civilian a memorable one because they are focused on the wellbeing of the organization. -Hire more civilians to do administrative functional jobs that a full duty police officer could do. That way more officers are in the field and there's even more interactions with civilians as coworkers.

Brand Asset & Market Value

No one wants to feel unsafe inside their own home. Having an engaged officers in an engaged community can help property value. This can cause more people to want to move to NYC and help in more diversification.

Social Media Platforms


Create another way in which NYPD can be more responsive to the community. -Better intelligence about criminals which creates digital community policing.

Overall just a better outlet for communication.

@Nypdnews has 640k followers in a city of 8.6 million that's not even a quarter by creating a social media campaign with guerilla tactics that arise civilian curiosity.

Traditional Marketing Approach

Create an NYPD network in which they give the public an inside view on what they do. Segments on training, community policing, the daily life of an office from start to finish, etc.

Ethics & Social Responsibility

Much of the resulted accomplishments of the NYPD are the results that come directly through the amount of work completed for example meeting monthly quotas for tickets or traffic summonses.This can diminish the caring aspect and become more about outcomes. Doing the right thing is just as important as doing things right.

The NYPD also has a duty to not only protect and serve their community but to take care of their officers.

Officers often fear the punitive measures that can come from a department psychological evaluation landing them on restricted duty, even if the officer chose to seek help on their own.The department needs to fully change its approach to mental health treatment if it


wants to seriously address recent officer suicides.With that being said I believe every​ precient should have at least two psychologist on staff servicing the officers. They play a​ major role in the promotion of healthy behavior, preventing diseases and improving officers quality of life.Every officer should​ have a weekly meeting with the psychologist. And should only be but on restricted duty under extreme circumstances.

There also has to be focused on methods such as benefits packages as well as salary. Create a work/ life balance for officers with more flexibility. In all companies employers are realizing that the stress of today's hustle and bustle takes its toll on employees both on and off the work. The NYPD should relook into a well-designed employee' life programs, flexible work arrangements, financial wellness,these are things that are highly valued to attract new recruits. These enhancements can encourage employees to do their job effectively.As far as the retention strategies when new officers join the force they're should forewarned of all the adversity they can and more than likely will face. They should be provided with a realistic job preview. Above all I believe good communications throughout all levels of the force would help.

At times when people first start their jobs they go in with extremely high expectations the problem is when these expectations arent met it discourages them and creates lack of enthusiasm. In order to eliminate this problem and create a more realistic preview rookies need exposure. When in training the recruits should get a real interaction with the good and bad of the job. Sometimes cops aren't exposed immediately to the nitty gritty and then when they are cant handle it. This is what causes turnover at least if they decide in the probationary period its not for them the city won't have had invested so much already into that individual. It also would be beneficial to the employee who is ready to resign because they could move into a career they enjoy instead of wasting their time and being bitter in the long run. In this situation an officer is more likely to leave with no hard feelings more like " I tried but it just wasn't for me" instead of " I gave years to this organization for nothing".

Employee turnover which is considered to be one of the challenging issues in business creates insecurity for organizational workforce. The negative effect of turnover has been the focus of top management in almost every industry. It indicates that turnover is one of the most expensive and difficult workforce challenges facing organizations.

Once police leadership is leading by example and agencies are providing sufficient training to their officers, they must create departmental policies that strike a proper balancebetween discretion and accountability for all officers. Collaboration with community members and organizations requires that patrol officers are empowered to make decisions and have discretion while also providing them with clear standards by which they will be held accountable. This balance of discretion and accountability has generally manifested itself as a less hierarchical reporting structure and increased access to diversionary alternatives combined​ with clear departmental policies that empower officers to act in the most effective way for their community and public safety.When civilians think of the NYPD I want the brand association the be that of guardian or peace maker not warrior or the enemy. The issue was the disconnect with the community they serve. The rebranding along with new retention strategies will help with the employee turnover of the NYPD.


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