In today’s society, communication is vital for maintaining a safe and productive environment.
Communication is also an important factor in employee and client relationships, team building,
and effective work productivity. Having good communication can be a positive asset to an
organization or team. Whether it be a healthcare setting or corporate setting, good
communication is the key to having successful outcomes. There are positive as well as negative
aspects that involve communication. Barriers, negative aspects, tend to cause friction within an
organization or between people. Ideally, positive outcomes are the goals when it is related to
communication. This paper will discuss the importance of communication and
the ways to implement or improve it within an organization. Secondly, it will also discuss the
barriers that are encountered when communicating. Lastly, it will provide established as well as
future leaders the skills and tools to implement or better communicate with their employees.
Communication is the key to success in most organizations. It is the transfer of
information from one person to another or a group of people. “Communication is the
lifeblood of an organization and, without it, things will not get done. But we know organizations
and employees may lack the ability to learn, use, and exploit good communication practices “
(Conrad, 2014, p. 5). Communication can help develop a sense of unity for the leader and
employees as well as create a positive environment for those working within the organization.
“Good communication skills help to develop better understanding and beliefs among people
inspire them to follow the principles and values which their leader wants to inculcate in them.”
(Anchal & Dahiya, 2015, 43). As a leader, being able to effectively communicate is vital to the
growth and development of the organization. Leaders must possess the confidence and
knowledge to succeed. “According to many researchers, leader is one who has an ability to take
charge, direct, encourage, or stimulate others. They have an attitude to convince others and to
make them follow the goals or the participles defined by them” (Odin, 2015, p.1627).
In the aspect of the healthcare setting, communication is vital. Without it, things will not
be accomplished. “In fact, in surveys of highly successful managers across the nation, the ability
to communicate effectively was identified as the most important skill a manager needs for
success” (Conrad, 2014, p. 9). Managers and leaders have a responsibility to communicate with
the staff and keep them informed. This includes leading meetings, sending emails, or just simply
talking with the staff. They must also have the ability to uplift and motivate the staff while
getting the message across.
The Communication Process
The communication process begins with the sender. The sender is a person who has a
need or desire to give an idea or concept to others. The receiver is the person whom the message
is sent to. The idea is encoded by selecting words, symbols, or gestures with which to create a
message. The message is the outcome of the encoding. The message is then through a medium or
channel, which carries the message. The medium can be in the form of a face-to-face
conversation, phone call, e-mail, or written report. The receiver takes the message and breaks it
down and receive it as meaningful information. Noise is anything that distorts the message.
Noise can be perceived as language barriers, interruptions, emotions, and attitudes are examples
of noise. Lastly, feedback is when the receiver responds to the message of the sender and returns
the message (Lunenburg, 2010, p,2) It is with feedback that it is determined if the information
that was sent by the sender to the receiver is understood.
Barriers to Communication
In any work setting, there will almost certain be barriers to communication.
“The problem in communication arises from the disturbances or barriers in the transmission,
either by the leader or by the receiver “(Odin, 2015, p. 1624). Communication barriers in the
workplace can have a negative impact on morale, productivity and relationships between the
employee and leader. There are many barriers that affect communication. According to
Borkowski (2016, p. 89), barriers of communication can be classified into two categories. They
are environmental factors and personal barriers.
Environmental factors may include the lack of time and attention, specific terminology,
and multiple level of hierarchy. Listening is a vital part to communication. If the receiver
is not listening, then the message will not be received. A far as time goes, the sender is not
thinking the message through thus causing the receiver to not be able understand or receive the
message clearly. Specific terminology is another environmental barrier to communication.
Communication between people who use different terminology can be misunderstood simply
because people perceive different meanings to the same words” (Borkowski, 2016, p.91). This
can cause assumptions and misunderstandings. Lastly, multiple levels of a hierarchy is another
environmental barrier. When there are too many levels for a message to go through, in the end
either the message is not delivered at all or it is delivered incorrectly.
Personal barriers can also affect communication. These barriers are reflective of one’s
values and beliefs. Some of the barriers include jealousy, lack of empathy, and fear.
There are ways to overcome these barriers. To overcome these barriers one must
recognize that they exist (Borkowski, 2016, p. 92). Environmental barriers can be resolved if
attention and time is given to the receiver. When communicating, use clear and concise
terminology that the receiver can understand. Also, decreasing the number of levels of hierarchy
will help facilitate effective communication. Doing this prevents the message from being
delivered incorrectly or not being delivered at all. Personal barriers can be overcome by simply
having empathy and to acknowledge that some people will have their own fears and struggles
Ways to Improve Communication
Improving communication within an organization can help with growth and allow the
leader and employees reach their highest potential. Studies have shown that improving
communication can produce great outcomes. “Communication is one of the toughest issues in
organizations. It is an area that is most frequently complained about by employees during
organizational change and daily operations” (Heathfield, 2018). The number one way to improve
communication is to listen. Actively listening and being receptive to feedback helps. “Managers
who ignore tend to cultivate a distance between them and their employees, thereby eroding the
relationship and ultimately the work environment. In facilitating communication, a manager
should hear what is said, integrate it into the topic at hand, and say something to move the
conversation forward” (Odine, 2015, 1627). A creative way to improve communication is to
organize team-building activities. The process of team building in an organization is vital to
the development of its activities in the future. As is known, the management team is supposed to
bring people together to achieve goals and effectively distribute responsibilities.
(Nikitenko, G. et al., 2017, p. 132). This can be done by bringing the team together outside of
work to participate in activities. Team building exercises can be fun as well as bring everyone
ether for something positive.
Change Communication Model
There are many theories that may or may not show that communication is important.
Two communication models showed in their own way that effective communication helps. The
change communication model is a tool used to According to Husain (2013), change
communication should focus on addressing the issues of employees and provide a humane touch.
Some employees may have personal or environmental issues that affect the way they communicate with
others or with their superior. The change communication model lists attributes such as trust, employee
commitment, job security, and lack of uncertainty. Having a solid foundation with these things will make
employees happy and will be willing to change. In addition to the change communication model,
the Conceptual Model for Effective Leadership was developed to also create good
communication. With this model it starts with the leader. It showed that with the right leadership
and communication style, employees will have more satisfaction and better attitudes when it
comes to their work environment..
Workplace Communications Framework
Communication framework is a tool utilized to communicate with your staff, customers,
or anyone that is affiliated with the organization. when leaders communicate effectively, their
employees experience high levels of satisfaction. A solid foundation is imperative in contributing
to the operations of an organization. To facilitate productive operations within the
organization, one must have a workplace communications framework in place. The design of this
framework is to provide structure as well as having a means of effectively communicating. In
addition to the framework, self-assessment tests will be used to help employees identify their
strengths and weaknesses. It will also allow them to learn about themselves. This
framework will go as follows:
Purpose: To allow a means for communication and to enhance communication processes
Target Audience: Managers, Nurses, Assistants, Physicians, and other essential staff
Goals: To allow staff to communicate with each other, To foster the ability to work together as a team
Communication Channels: Face to face interviews, meetings, email, flyers, in-service training classes
Feedback: For all staff as well as those in leadership to provide constructive and be receptive to receiving feedback.
This paper discusses the importance of workplace communication and ways to improve
it. Effective communication creates better environments for employees and leaders. As
previously mentioned, without communication, things cannot get accomplished. Great leadership
with the ability to effectively communicate can be a positive asset to an organization. It promotes
motivation, builds confidence and character, and fosters team work.
In conclusion, it is evident that communication in the workplace is and will be an
important issue. Communication is the transmission of information and common
understanding from one person to another. The key components of the communication process
are the sender, encoding the message, transmitting the message through a medium, receiving the
message, decoding the message, feedback, and noise (Lunenburg, 2010, p.11). Communication
is the number one factor in aiding an organization or company with growth and success.
Effective communication is a two-way process that requires effort and skill by both sender and
receiver. Whether in a healthcare setting or corporate office, having the
ability to communicate in a clear and easy to understand helps the receiver better accept the
message. effectively communicate with others will go a long way. When communicating well
with employees, they tend to work harder and are inclined to work harder. Anchal &Dahiya,
(2015) states that when working in such a good, healthy, positive and congenial environment
employees get motivated and enthusiastic to work much harder”. The dedication towards doing
their work makes it easy to achieve their targets quickly and hence their productivity increases.
As a leader one should seek opportunities to better improve communication skills.
With communication comes many barriers. Some are good and some are bad. Barriers
can be the focal point as to why an organization is succeeding or failing. As mentioned before, to
overcome these barriers, it should be recognized that they do exist. Every leader does not possess
the capability to communicate well. This leads to low employee satisfaction, lack of motivation,
and a sense of low self-esteem. To be successful, managers should maintain open lines of
communication that lead others in completing goals. It means accepting responsibility that is,
adapting to change and decision-making (Odine, 2015, p. 9). As a leader, one would want their
organization to be successful. It starts with the employees but leaders and managers must be able
to communicate in a professional and respectable manner. The same goes for the employee as
Lastly, there are two models of communication discussed in this paper. The Change
Communication model and The Conceptual Model for Effective Leadership are both tools
mediums in showing that effective communication is key. After exploring the information on this
topic, it shows that leadership and communication are closely linked. Both go hand in hand as
for as running an organization or business. With all of the different barriers such as language,
and cultural differences, communication is a vital part in reaching others. Communication will
definitely be an ongoing factor with any
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