Example Geography Essays (Page 15)
National Flood Insurance Plan: Efforts in Reducing Flood Los
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Sep 2017
In this report, the City of St. Petersburg has several contingency plans set to reduce the risk of flooding. First and foremost, they advise through a statement of warning. According to the St. Pete...
Geography of Environmental Injustice and Health Inequalities
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Sep 2017
Geography of Environmental Injustice and Health Inequalities in the Nigeria
The unfair distribution of toxic wastes and other acute and chronic health hazards on vulnerable populations, whi...
Treatment of Labourers of Banana Workers
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Sep 2017
Bananas are one of the most common food in our today’s world, they have a lot of nutritional values like vitamin C and A, also calcium. Banana is one very essential food because of its nutriti...
Yosemite: Rights to its Legacy and Name
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Sep 2017
The planet Earth is an endless landscape of natural beauty, populated by people of many different cultures, races, and ethnic groups, each speaking various languages and practicing numerous religion...
Vietnam Country and Culture
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Sep 2017
Vietnam Essay
Vietnam has a huge population and it measures to be around 95,414,640. That is way more than california’s population only being 37,253,956 as of now. The capital of vietnam is ca...
An Introduction to Sweden
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Sep 2017
When people hear about Sweden, they think about IKEA. However, there is much history and depth behind the country besides a large home goods store chain. The relationship between the US and S...
Food in the United Kingdom
Example essay. Last modified: 4th Sep 2017
Food of United Kingdom (UK)
United Kingdom is a composition of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Each part of UK has different culture, symbolism and the popular food item...
Impact of Climate Change on the Arctic Circle
Example essay. Last modified: 11th Aug 2017
Oil, as a globally valuable natural resource, remains the focus of major international disputes and economic challenges spanning over recent decades. As climate change begins to open up...
Have Discount Retailers gone upmarket in the UK?
Example essay. Last modified: 10th Aug 2017
Preliminary Information
Working Title of Dissertation: Have Discount Retailers gone upmarket in the UK? If so, how and why?
Research Question and aim:
To investigate location of Aldi and Lidl store...
The Impact of Globalization on Poor Countries
Example essay. Last modified: 5th Jun 2017
Introduction: Globalization refers to integration of regional societies, cultures and economies through reduction of state enforced limitations on exchanges between different countries thereby enhancing a globa...
What is the Difference Between Biosphere and Ecosphere?
Example essay. Last modified: 2nd Jun 2017
Introduction: Explain the difference between Biosphere, Ecosphere and Gaia and argue a case for adopting one of these descriptors for discussions of the earth
Biosphere, Ecosphere and Gaia are used names of the glo...
The Effects of Earthquakes
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jun 2017
Introduction: Abstract
The occurrence of earthquakes is unpredictable and they are characterized by widespread loss of life and damage. They also cause a lot of panic to the affected people with some experiencing a...
Multiculturalism in Melbourne
Example essay. Last modified: 17th May 2017
Introduction: INTRODUCTION:
It is indeed true that the world is getting smaller nowadays. More and more people are moving into different places for a myriad of reason, mostly for seeking greener pastures and findin...
Role of port pricing
Example essay. Last modified: 12th May 2017
Introduction: Introduction
Port pricing plays important role in the growth and prosperity of the ports. It influences port competition, investment decisions, development strategy etc. This paper presents the cur...
Poor communities' relocation to Braamfischerville
Example essay. Last modified: 12th May 2017
Introduction: Chapter 1: Introducing the study area
“There is a crisis in housing in the third world. Large increases in the urban population of third world countries have dramatically increased the ...
The Lynmouth Floods
Example essay. Last modified: 5th May 2017
Introduction: Case Study: Lynmouth
Lynmouth is a village in Devon, England, on the north edge of Exmoor. The village is on the converging point of the West Lyn and East Lyn rivers, in a gorge 700 feet (210 m) below...
Canada: A contemporary biligual country
Example essay. Last modified: 4th May 2017
Introduction: Canada is one of the few countries in the world that is bilingual and is trying to stay that way. The government and its people have tried to give both languages equal status, but hardships ensue. The...
Africa’s Physical Geography
Example essay. Last modified: 4th May 2017
Introduction: Africa’s Physical Geography
Africa is a continent rich in beauty, culture, and wealth. It has several diverse and singularly captivating landscapes including vast savannah and desert, lush rainf...
Mount Etna: History and overview
Example essay. Last modified: 2nd May 2017
Introduction: Mount Etna is also known as Mongibello in Italian. To ancient Greeks Mount Etna is known as the god of fire. They also believe that Cyclops, who is a one eyed monster, lives there. People can go skiin...
Agriculture industry: Development of country
Example essay. Last modified: 2nd May 2017
Introduction: Agriculture is a very important industry to every country; most countries start with agriculture before further economic development. Agriculture as it provides the resources for; the basis basic of h...
Marco Polo - The Travels
Example essay. Last modified: 2nd May 2017
Introduction: Marco Polo is inarguably the most famous medieval European traveler, despite the heated controversy among modern scholars surrounding his adventurous travels. In The Travels of Marco Polo, Polo has cl...
Urbanization: An analysis
Example essay. Last modified: 2nd May 2017
Introduction: 2.1 Urbanization
2.1.1 Current discourse in urbanization concept
Urbanization is growing in most part of the world in line with technological discovery and human civilization. The rapid urbanization b...
Egypt country, the continent of africa
Example essay. Last modified: 2nd May 2017
Introduction: Egypt, is a country located in the far north-east of the continent of Africa, bordered on the north south-east coast of the Mediterranean Sea on the east coast of north-west of the Red Sea and an area...
The Marxist Critique Of Capitalism
Example essay. Last modified: 27th Apr 2017
Introduction: Marx critique of capitalism has been, and in certain respects, remains important in the development of global economies. Marx’s theory stems from his view that capitalism is a wonderful innovati...
Urban design and Cites
Example essay. Last modified: 27th Apr 2017
Introduction: How cities be improved by urban design? Comment on the difficult of new project.
In this essay I will look at the ways in which urban design might be useful by pre-existing cities in an effo...
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