A Database Design and Report on the Impact of Databases in the Work Place

Modified: 23rd Sep 2019
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A Database Design and Report on the Impact of Databases in the Work Place

Table of Contents


General Description of the Doctor’s Office Database

Visio Design of the Database

Access Design of the Database

A Database used in the Work Place

Impact of the Database on the Work Place

Business Benefits of Queries

Forms and Reports

Security Concerns and Mitigation



Appendix A: Noodletools Sources Window Screen Shot



Why are Data bases so important to for Businesses? Databases are condensed information that are put into tables, columns and rows. This makes it easier to retrieve and manage data. Data gets deleted and updated in these systems on a daily, weekly or quarterly basis. All businesses use some sort of database daily to store information to be retrieved for later use.

General Description of the Doctor’s Office Database

 The most common form of database used in healthcare is the relational database. Relational databases can be used to track patient care in the form of treatments, outcomes of those treatments, and critical indicators of a patient’s current state such as blood pressure, heart rate, and blood glucose levels. Relational databases can also be used to interconnect with multiple informational systems throughout a healthcare facility. For example, a relational database in a cardiac care unit can be directly linked to a hospital’s registration system. Upon registration, a newly admitted patient’s demographic information is sent automatically to the cardiac database. This eliminates the need for cardiac care clinicians to input patient information into the database, freeing them to concentrate on providing the patient with the best care possible.

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Relational databases have the potential to eliminate paper storage and transfer of information and to answer important questions about healthcare efficacy rather than merely serving as an accounting mechanism. For example, diabetic patients sharing similar health risk factors (for example, slightly overweight, high HbA1c and fasting blood glucose readings) can be closely monitored to determine how different drugs (for example, Glucovance) help to control those factors. From an administrative and prevention standpoint, relational databases can be used to identify at-risk patients, for example, those who have a family history of aneurysms. Once identified, patients can be screened to prevent them from succumbing to a particular disease.

Visio Design of the Database


Access Design of the Database


A Database used in the Work Place

Thousands of companies depend on the accurate recording, updating and tracking of their data on a minute-to-minute basis. Employees use this data to complete accounting reports, calculate sales estimates and invoice customers. The workers access this data through a computerized database. A proven method to manage the relationships between the various database elements is the use of a relational database management system. A fully-functional relational database management system allows users to enter new information, update current records and delete outdated data. As an example, when a salesperson sells 1,000 units, that person will enter the transaction information into the relational database management system. The data can include the salesperson’s name, the customer information, the product sold and the quantity sold. The relational database management system enters a new record in the customer table, updates the salesperson’s record and subtracts 1,000 units from the inventory record.

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Impact of the Database on the Work Place

There are many different types of Databases on the market today. They all have a major influence on how a business operates. A business or corporation would suffer if they did not have some sort of database. Without some sort of organization, a business that uses a database system would become disorganized and hard to manage. Databases are made to help keep a business organized and structured. This is what they are designed to do. There are several popular Databases out on the market today. One such widely used Data base is MySQL. It is a database used by many people because of it is free. There are several editions that you can pay for that are for commercial use. With this database version you get a broad array of features. Each company has customized features to suit their specific needs. There are a multitude of storage engines that this database permits you to choose from. This helps you change the functions of a device that handles the data. This system also lets you process large amounts of data with ease and has an easy to use interface. This is the reason it is used widely by multiple consumers and has been rated very reliable.

Most businesses today use a personnel database. This database is used for controlling benefits, rate of pay, payroll, deductions and W-4 and I-9 forms. Making sure your employees get paid on time is key. No one wants to work for free. That’s why this database was designed to help all business owners. Personnel data system helps a company when they have an abundance of employees. This database system also helps the company stay in compliance with State and Federal mandated regulations.

Databases can have a positive or negative impact on a business’s operation. The impact that a strong database can have are Improved Management of Workflows, Increased Operational Intelligence, Manage Risk More Proficiently, Improved Overall Business Process Analysis and will Centralize Your Operations Management Efforts. Basically, Databases are the main reasons that businesses are successful. They cut the operation times in half for processing a greater result for a company managing their time more efficiently.

Business Benefits of Queries

Queries are questions that you ask the database that to help you find specific information. This gives you the power to request materials from the database that contains multiple tables. There are numerous database benefits that come because of a business using query in their daily operations. They are comprised of multiple data views, using interactive languages to make it easier to learn and understand. It is a fact that using a correct database in a business can have multiple positive effects on a workplace. Queries help you make less mistakes when performing daily tasks. If the information is correct it helps minimize the possibility of an error occurring. If the queries bring up the information and it is not correct, you can fix it then. Reducing the amount of time using queries for specific item in a database is a time saver. Database queries help companies Improve Data Security, Improvement on data sharing, Effective Data Integration, Database Management Systems Minimize Data Inconsistency, Better Access to Data, and Increase in Productivity of The End User. This is just a few ways queries help save businesses time and money.

Forms and Reports

Reports offer an actual way of collaborating with difficult materials. The reports can use pictures, graphs, and other visual aids. These reports help relay specific material to your company, competitors, investors and others. Reports are used to form a record of your business’s activities. There are several types of Business reports such as Analytical reports, Feasibility reports, Progress reports, and Conference reports. Analytical reports are used to show how well a business is doing or where they need to improve. It is a useful tool to help find out why your company has decreased in sales. It is a financial report that includes sales data, financial results and effective strategies to help isolate the issue. A Feasibility report is a report used to see if a business adventure is worth the effort or not. This report data that is gathered and presented in several formats with a conclusion. Progress report are reports given to a client or a director of a company. This report shows how a project is coming along. It helps the company estimate the time it will take to finish an existing project. Conference report are reports detailing a business’s daily or weekly outcomes. As you can see reports obtain many important facts that a company needs to stay on top of their business. Forms are created to hold the reports. The form is created by putting in all the information such as name, address, phone number, and date along with others. Without the forms you will not be able to make a report.

Security Concerns and Mitigation

There are many security issues and concerns that businesses have. One such issue is Excessive Privileges. This is where employees have privileges that surpass their job functions. These privileges give them the ability to make changes to personal or business accounts. This can cause a problem if the wrong person is in that position. Account information could be changed on purpose or by accident. The employee possesses the right to people’s personal information such as social security number, date of birth, credit card information, and bank records. There are dishonest people everywhere in this day and time.

Another security issue would be the human factor. People are prone to make mistakes. We become careless in a rushed society. Thirty percent of all data breaches come from human carelessness. This is due to lack of experience in one’s position. We all live in a fast-paced environment these days. Our bosses want things done now not tomorrow. This makes people rush throwing their processing skills off. Rushing causes us to forget steps and start making mistakes. The only way you could mitigate these issues are more training before leaving a person alone to do the job by their self. Another way is to put a security device on the computers that alerts a person that would be monitoring everyone’s job. They are many other ways but here are two that I would put in place.


In conclusion, Databases were made to make our lives a little easier. Databases help us maintain information needed daily success. Another reason why Database systems were made, so that companies could keep up with massive amounts of information in a singular place. Queries help find this data faster by punching in key words. This helps out productivity in a work place. Forms are made to store the reports, so we have the information required to present to others. There are serious threats out there. Without proper monitoring these issues can become major problems if companies do not catch them in time.


Appendix A: Noodletools Sources Window Screen Shot

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