Training Program Executive Summary Management Essay

Modified: 1st Jan 2015
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The Leadership Training program for z-Vision Incorporated is describes the process of the training program being design and how the training officer planned for it. This training program considers the impacts of business process changes for the eyewear industry and z-Vision Incorporated employees and provides a framework to equip and prepare end-users with the skills and knowledge necessary to perform efficiently in their respective “to-be” roles in the new business environment resulting from the implementation of this training program.

Employees to be Train

This Leadership Training program is designed for all the store managers.

Objectives for the Training

The main objective for the training program being designed is to ensure each store managers can be able to conduct training of staff in their respective store. In the mean time, it’s also to enhance their knowledge and skills in daily management for their respective store.

Budget for the Training

The total budget for the three days leadership training program is $ 36,000. In terms that each day of training need $12,000.

Learning Evaluation Approach

Once the training program has finished there will be a learning assessment will be conduct to the trainees and trainers to overview the training result. The evaluation results will be analyzed to determine if adjustments need to be made in the training approach and/or materials in order to maximize the learning environment for trainees.

Table of Content

1.0 Introduction

This report is written to provide suggestion for training officer at z-Vision Incorporated. And it is prepare a comprehensive Report to the management on the importance of training and proposed Training Plan for z-Vision Incorporated store managers. This training is intended to ensure each Store Manager has the knowledge of and basic skills to conduct training of staff in their respective store.

It will include the importance of Training analysis, Conduct of Training Needs Analysis & Planning of Training, Conduct of Training Needs Analysis & Planning of Training, Program Budgeting analysis, Design and Development analysis, Delivery of Training, and Assessment of Learning Outcomes.

2.0 Importance of Training

2.1 Definition of Training

Training can be best understood as planned, structured, and often formalized learning experiences that seek to develop specific skills and knowledge needed for effective job performance. Historically employees have learnt many of the competencies they need to perform effectively by be trained. (Author: Jannifer Gregory Encouraging Organizational Learning through Pay after a Corporate Downsizing)

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2.2 Importance of Training

If Z-Vision Incorporate consider its Z-Vision Incorporate store managers to be human assets, training and development represents an ongoing investment in these assets and one of the most significant Z-Vision Incorporate can make. Training involves Z-Vision Incorporate store managers acquiring knowledge and learning skills that they will be able to use immediately; Z-Vision Incorporate store managers’ development involves learning that will aid the Z-Vision Incorporate and Z-Vision Incorporate store managers later in the Z-Vision Incorporate store manager’s career. Many organizations use the term learning rather than training to emphasize the point that the activities engaged in as part of this developmental process are broad-based and involve much more than straightforward acquisition of manual or technical skills. (Author(s): Ajay M. Pangarkar, Teresa Kirkwood Strategic alignment: linking your learning strategy to the balanced scorecard)

Optimum Utilization of Human Resources -Z-Vision Incorporate Training and Development helps in optimizing the utilization of human resource that further helps the Z-Vision Incorporate store managers to achieve the organizational goals as well as their individual goals.

Development of Human Resources -Z-Vision Incorporate Training and Development helps to provide an opportunity and broad structure for the development of human resources’ technical and behavioral skills in an organization. It also helps the Z-Vision Incorporate store managers in attaining personal growth.( Human resources development, employment and globalization in the hotel, catering and tourism sector.)

Development of skills of employees – Training and Development helps in increasing the job knowledge and skills of Z-Vision Incorporate store managers at each level. It helps to expand the horizons of human intellect and an overall personality of the Z-Vision Incorporate store managers. (Aliance Traning and Consulting. INC )

Productivity – Training and Development helps in increasing the productivity of the Z-Vision Incorporate store managers that helps Z-Vision Incorporate further to achieve its long-term goal.

Team spirit – Training and Development helps in inculcating the sense of team work, team spirit, and inter-team collaborations. It helps in inculcating the zeal to learn within the Z-Vision Incorporate store managers.( Team Spirit Leadership Training

Organization Culture – Training and Development helps to develop and improve the Z-Vision Incorporate store health culture and effectiveness. It helps in creating the learning culture within the Z-Vision Incorporate.

(Asim Khan, CEO Business Management Group, Inc “Matching People with Organizational Culture”)

Organization Climate – Training and Development helps building the positive perception and feeling about the Z-Vision Incorporate store managers. The Z-Vision Incorporate store managers get these feelings from leaders, subordinates, and peers.

Quality – Training and Development helps in improving upon the quality of work and work-life.

Healthy work environment – Training and Development helps in creating the healthy working environment. It helps to build good employee, relationship so that individual goals aligns with organizational goal.( Ron prewitt Signs of a healthy work Environment)

Health and Safety – Training and Development helps in improving the health and safety of the organization thus preventing obsolescence.

Morale – Training and Development helps in improving the morale of the work force.

Image – Training and Development helps in creating a better corporate image.

Profitability – Training and Development leads to improved profitability and more positive attitudes towards profit orientation.

Training and Development aids in organizational development i.e. Organization gets more effective decision making and problem solving. It helps in understanding and carrying out organization policies

Training and Development helps in developing leadership skills, motivation, loyalty, better attitudes, and other aspects that successful workers and managers usually display.

3.0 Conduct of Training needs Analysis Planning of Training

A Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is used to assess an organization’s training needs. The root of the TNA is the gap analysis. This is an assessment of the gap between the knowledge, skills and attitudes that the people in the organization currently possess and the knowledge, skills and attitudes that they require to meet the organization’s objectives. The training needs assessment is best conducted up front, before training solutions are budgeted, designed and delivered. The output of the needs analysis will be a document that specifies why, what, who, when, where and how. (Author: Arman E. Manlalangit Training Needs Analysis)

The training plan is for the store manager. They need to study leadership skills. Such as: knowing and using the resources of the group, Communication, Controlling group performance, take Ownership and Responsibility and so on.

The six ‘Es’ of training-why Z-Vision Incorporate train Z-Vision Incorporate store managers


Effective training provides the opportunity for Z-Vision Incorporate store managers to connect with the Z-Vision Incorporate, and its policies and methods of working. It helps to ensure that Z-Vision Incorporate store managers ‘buy into’, or engage with, Z-Vision Incorporate’s culture. It helps to make Z-Vision Incorporate store managers feel valued and develop working relationships with their colleagues.


Training can help to educate or increase the knowledge and awareness of individuals and terms.


Training can help to enhance or improve the skills and competence of individuals and terms within an organization


By properly training employees, an organization can increase the accountability of teams and individuals, and can ensure that faster, better quality decisions can be made, while avoiding the need to pass decision making unnecessarily up to the organizational chain.


Participation in training can help to energize, motivate and inspire Z-Vision Incorporate store managers. It provides an opportunity. To take a step back and allows people to consider how they can best contribute towards the effectiveness of the Z-Vision Incorporate.


Training can also be an effective means of helping Z-Vision Incorporate store managers to see things in a different way. It can help Z-Vision Incorporate store managers reach an often sudden conclusion that there is a better, more effective way doing something and can help to unlock previously untapped potential

(Anthony Henry Understanding strategic management)

4.0 Developing program and Learning Objectives

4.1 Developing program

In order to prepare a comprehensive report to management on the importance of training and proposed training plan for Z-vision incorporated store managers. Here make the plan of training for the store manager is the leadership training for the store manager. The leadership training will take three working days.

Leadership Training for the store manager (activities schedule)

Date & Time


20 May 2010 10.00-12.00 am

Communication skill

2.00-5.00 pm

Coaching and Development

21 May 2010 9.00-11.00 am

Decision Making Practice

11.00-1.00 pm

Teamwork Building

2.00- 4.00 pm

Sales & Marketing

22 May 2010 9.00-11.30 am

Vision/strategy skill

1.00-3.00 pm


* Refer to Appendix 2 for Details

4.2 The key of Learning Objectives

Training involves some kind of change for Z-vision incorporated store managers: changes in how they do their jobs, how they relate to others, the conditions under which they perform, or change in their job responsibilities. ( Ford,D.J’Benchmarking HRD’ Training Development, Vol.47,No.6(1993):36-41)

Z-vision incorporated can benefit from training, beyond bottom line and general efficiency and profitability, when they create more flexible workers who can assume varied responsibilities and have a more holistic understanding of what the Z-vision incorporated does and the role they play in the Z-vision Incorporated’s success.( Broadwell, M .M’ how to train experienced supervisors’ Training, Vol. 30, no 5(1993))

Z-vision incorporated that take a strategic approach to human resources can find that Z-vision incorporated store managers training can be much more efficacious as part of an integrated approach to HR. For example: training and development are greatly assisted by having appropriate and well-thought-out staffing strategies. (Andersen companies, Training Development, Vol 47, No.1 (1993); 30- 35)

5.0 Program Budgeting, Design and Development

5.1 Training Design

Training design involves adapting the learning environment to maximize learning. Training design issues include the conditions of practice that influence learning and the factors that impact retention of what is learned. Recall Gagne’s (1987) arguments there is no substitute for conducting a thorough task analysis and clearly specifying what is to be learned.

As the training officer for z-Vision Incorporated I decided to use spaced practice sessions to enhance the effectiveness for training program. In general, information and skills can be learned either way, but spaced practice sessions with a reasonable rest period between them lead to better performance and longer retention of what is learned than a massed practice session. Although using spaced practice sessions may increase time and resources but series of spaced practice training would be more effective.

5.1.1 Selecting the Trainer

Since now the organization has made the decision to design our own training program, and purchase the attitudes training program, the trainer must be selected. There are three trainers included two internal training officers and one trainer from the outsourced training centre.

Organization training officer will conduct the teaming program which included knowledge and skills session for the trainees. On the other hand the trainer from the outsourced training centre will deliver the attitudes talk for the trainees.

5.1.2 Selecting Training Methods

Up to this point the organization have coming out with the preliminary steps involved in the design and implementation for the training program. Our next step is to select the appropriate training methods.

On the Job Training Method is the most suitable method for the program as this method can absolutely improve the trainees work performance and can enhance their knowledge in order for them to train their subordinates.

5.1.3 Training Budget

Training Budget













z-Vision Incorporated


















Human Resource

Submitted by:

HR Training Officer













Annual training allotment:


















Day 1 Budget:



Day 3 Budget:


Total Budget:














Day 2 Budget:










* Refer to Appendix 3 for Details.

Based on the annual training allotment from the Board of Directors. The training officer has planned the training budget well in order to minimize the cost but can maximize the training result. The training budget is designed based on the needs of the training activities, trainer fees, rental for venue and some other expenses.

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6.0 Training delivery methods

Training delivery methods consist of the techniques and materials used by trainers to structure learning experiences. Different training delivery methods are better or worse at achieving various learning objectives. During the design phase the different methods are examined to determine their appropriateness for the learning objectives. Once appropriate methods have been identified, they are applied to the training plan in the development phase.

There are three categories of learning objectives: knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs). Knowledge objectives are of three types: declarative, procedural, and strategic. Declarative knowledge is the person’s store of factual information. Procedural knowledge is the person’s understanding about how and when to apply the facts. Strategic knowledge is used for planning, monitoring, and revising goal-directed activity. Skill reflects one’s proficiency at specific tasks such as operating a piece of equipment, giving a presentation, or making a business decision. Attitudes are beliefs and/or opinions about objects and events and the positive or negative affect (feelings) associated with them. Attitudes affect motivation levels, which in turn influence a person’s behavior. Most training programs have learning objectives for knowledge, skill, and attitudes; these programs need to combine in house training method and public training method into an integrated whole because no single method can do everything well. (source: › Training)

7.0 Evaluation of Learning Outcomes

Training evaluation is the process of connecting results to objectives from a training program. The criteria to determine this training program success or failure is based on the performance of the trainees, the conditions under which they must do it and the evaluation from the trainers and feedback from trainees after the training session. The evaluation results will be analyzed to determine if adjustments need to be made in the training approach and/or materials in order to maximize the learning environment for trainees. It is also recommended that knowledge retention be measured at three months, six months, and one year after implementation.


Jennifer Gregory Encouraging Organizational Learning through Pay after a Corporate Downsizing

Ajay M. Pangarkar, Teresa Kirkwood Strategic alignment: linking your learning strategy to the balanced scorecard

Arman E. Manlalangit Training Needs Analysis

Henry Understanding strategic management

Ford,D.J’Benchmarking HRD’ Training Development, Vol.47,No.6(1993):36-41

Broadwell, M .M’ how to train experienced supervisors’ Training, Vol. 30, no 5(1993)

Andersen companies, Training Development, Vol 47, No.1 (1993); 30- 35

Human resources development, employment and globalization in the hotel, catering and tourism sector.( Report for discussion at the Tripartite Meeting on the Human Resources Development, Employment and Globalization in the Hotel, Catering and Tourism Sector Geneva, 2001)

Team Spirit Leadership Training, Online. Accessed march 31, 2010

Asim Khan, CEO Business Management Group, Inc “Matching People with Organizational Culture”

Ron prewitt Signs of a healthy work Environment

Aliance Traning and Consulting. INC, Online. Accessed April 5, 2010 › Training, Online. Accessed April 5, 2010, Online. Accessed April 10, 2010 , Online. Accessed April 10, 2010, Online. Accessed April 10, 2010

R.F.Mager(1997). Preparing instructional objectives 3rd edition

www. training hrd process model, Online. Accessed April 10, 2010, Accessed April 10, 2010


Appendix 1

Source: www. training hrd process model

Appendix 2

Training Program Schedule

20 May 2010 – 22 May 2010

Program Title: z-Vision Leadership Training

Objectives of this program:

To enhance store managers management skills.

To ensure each store manager be able to conduct training of staff in their respective store.

Environment: In house training and train at outsourced training centre

Trainers: Organization training officer & outsourced training consultant

Trainees: Store Managers from all stores.

Date & Time


20 May 2010 10.00-12.00 am

Communication skill

2.00-5.00 pm

Coaching and Development

21 May 2010 9.00-11.00 am

Decision Making Practice

11.00-1.00 pm

Teamwork Building

2.00- 4.00 pm

Sales & Marketing

22 May 2010 9.00-11.30 am

Vision & Strategy Skill

1.00-3.00 pm


Appendix 3

Training Budget













z-Vision Incorporated


















Human Resource

Submitted by:

HR Training Officer













Annual training allotment:


















Day 1 Budget:



Day 3 Budget:


Total Budget:














Day 2 Budget:










3 Days Training Budget





Unit Cost/Rate



Courseware development






Courseware purchase

Purchase training course from training centre

















Hardware purchase






Facility rental

Medium Hotel Meeting Room





Instructional materials






Technical equipment






Consulting fees

Advice from consultation company





Instructor fees

Fees & Allowance for internal and external trainers





Content acquisition







Travel Allowance





Lunch & Tea

Food & Beverages
















Grand Total



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