Crew Resource Management Training Program Implementation for Chongo Airlines

Modified: 8th Feb 2020
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Crew Resource Management (CRM) Training Program Implementation

 Genesis Consulting Firm is an organization that strives for client excellence via proactive project management services. It deals with versatile projects varying from development of information technology infrastructures to strengthening human resources of different industry such as healthcare, education institutions, airlines, retails, and others. It provides different training services certified by recognized federal organizations to the agencies that are looking for certified training program. One of the main service firm provides is Crew Management Resources training to airlines and different aviation operations in military, federal, and private flight operations. It is world recognized CRM training provider which provides different CRM training program such as CRMT – CRM Trainers Core Course, CRMTR – CRM Trainer Refresher Course, CRMHPL – CRM Human Performance and Limitations, and CRM – Initial and refresher training for aircrew.

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 Chongo Airlines is a startup company that is located at Harrisonburg, VA. It is in the initial phase of setting up airlines business. It aims to enter the fractional jet ownership business and to provide contract aircraft for corporate use as defined by 14 CFR Part 135 Air Carrier and Operator Certification. Right now, it has secured leases for three Boeing 737-800 aircraft and employment contracts for ten pilots who hold type ratings for the 737-800 aircraft. Once pursuing CRM training, the operation of airlines can kick off. This will yield increased profitability by lowering insurance costs and increasing customer loyalty. In addition, it ensures high safety aircraft operations.

Purpose for the project

Chongo Airlines, to be an established airlines business, is required to incorporate a Crew Resource Management (CRM) training program for all pilots and other aircrew by federal law. This is one of the integral components for airlines. The CRM training should be in complaint with Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs). The main purpose of the project is to kick off the operation by completing initial CRM training to the existing air pilots and crew.

CRM program is to optimize available resources along with promoting safe and highly efficient aircraft operations. It is to reduce aircraft accidents due to ineffective communications between aircrews, wrong decision making, and loss of situational awareness.

Project Scope Statement

CRM training is the training provided to aircrews to maximize the utilization of available human factor for high safety operations. The project is to start the operations of Chongo airlines’ aircraft after implementing effective CRM training. CRM training program will be provided to initial cadre of pilots by CRM instructors. Once that is accomplished, the same contract instructors will begin to train internal staff to become certified CRM instructors. 

CRM will not provide any technical skills to operate aircraft. It is more focused on interpersonal and cognitive skills. CRM will encompass different skills and knowledge that focus on effective communications, proper discipline, problem solving, decision making, and teamworking attitude. CRM training along with integration of simulation validation training will be incorporated for demonstrating CRM principles in response to real scenarios. This will include Line Oriented Flight Training (LOFT).


Project objectives and success criteria

The major objectives of the project are as follows:

1)               To develop efficient plan of action and get approved from stakeholders.

2)               To implement CRM training program that complies with all Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs).

3)               To develop CRM training that set an industry standard for flight crew safety. 

4)               To ensure CRM training instructors are qualified, well trained, and certified.

5)               To promote safer and efficient aircraft operations training that provides competitive edge to the client.

Project requirements

The project is to adhere with the following requirements:

1)               The CRM training instructors should be certified.

2)               All the classroom training should be organized within Chongo airlines.

3)               Training should be carried out with simulator revalidation training.

4)               It should involve all the existing pilots and aircrews.

5)               The training program should be Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved.

6)               To run training courses based on predefined course catalogue.

7)               Ensure all the trainee get equal attention and resources required for training.

Project risks

Given the high overhead expense of operating an airline, Chongo faces significant financial risk if this project fails to meet timelines. Any delay to initial operational growth potential or internal training program establishment and certification results to potentially significant financial burden to the company.  However, none of those cost could equal to the cost of one preventable mishap.  The biggest risk to the company is inadequate or improper training. 

1)               Initial cadre training not completed on time – delaying initial operations and profitability.

2)               New hire training is delayed – limiting the company’s operational growth potential.  Additional delays cost more as the contractor must remain on contract to finish training.

3)               Internal training program does not achieve federal certification – Additional costs as contractors must be hired to provide initial and recurrent training.

4)               Preventable mishap attributable to inadequate CRM training.

Project schedule and milestones

 Timeline adherence is of top priority to the company, but not at the expense of safety.  Every effort will be made to meet the following milestones/schedule.  At no point will training be curtailed to meet a deadline if safety would be jeopardized.

01 February 2019 – 1 May 2019:  Initial cadre training. 

1)     01 May 2019:  Operations begin

2)     01 May 2019 – 31 Jan 2020:  New-hire initial training

3)     01 August 2019 – 1 August 2020:  Begin building internal training program.

4)     01 August 2020 – 1 February 2021:  Internal selectees begin instructor training.

5)     01 February 2021 – 31 October 2021:  Internal training program begins federal certification process.

6)     01 November 2021:  Federal certification of internal training program received.

Budget summary

Corporate management has determined a $1M US budget for this project.  Given the airline already owns the requisite simulator, no large hardware purchases will be required to achieve federal certification.  Contractor costs and smaller purchases such as training room supplies, tables, chairs, and computers are the only anticipated costs for the project.  Corporate CFO approval is required for any budget increases.

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Criteria for project approval

 Chongo Airlines Chief Operating Officer (COO) is the approval authority for project approval and initiation.  Approval will occur at the completion of an adequate project plan and training contractor selection.  Additionally, the COO will be the overall determination of project completion/success based on federal certification and the project objectives.  The COO is the approval authority for all project modifications that may be required during the project.

Project Authority

Project manager and authority level

The project manager for this project will be Greg Newlin. Below is the project manager authority level:

1)     Staffing – the project manager will determine the team members for the project depending on the skillset required for the project by 1 December 2018. The project manager is authorized to have one clerical person and one cost analysis to assist him. Because of other project priorities, the project team is limited to no more than 5 technical members without specific authority from the President.

2)     Budget – the initial estimate of the project cost is $1,000,000. This budget cannot be exceeded without authority from the Chief Financial Officer.

3)     Communications – status reports will be provided to the President, CFO, and the Sponsor twice a month.

4)     Planning/Tracking – this project will be tracked using MS Project management software. A value analysis will be provided in every other status report beginning with the second report.

5)     Document/System Access – the project manager is authorized access to any company document or system in the pursuit of this project completion.

6)     The project manager – will provide a project plan to the Sponsor no later than October 22. The project plan will include a description of the work, schedules, budget, spending plan, resource utilization charts, risk management plans, and a quality plan.


Project customer and authority level

Chongo Airlines is the customer and Dana Kuncaitis-Rouse will act as a point of contact for the project. She is a project manager at Chongo Airlines and she will have ultimate authority on analysis of project progress, milestones, success and completion of the project. She will be responsible to present project progress and milestones to corporate stake holders.


  • Crew Resource Management. (n. d.). Retrieved from
  • Crew Resource Management Training in Part 135 Training Programs and OpSpec A037 and A038 for Basic Part 135 Operators. (2013, Feb 26). Retrieved from
  • Wagener, F., & Ison, D. (2014). Crew Resource Management Application in Commercial Aviation. Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering, 3(2), 2-13. doi:10.7771/2159-6670.1077


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