Example Sciences Essays (Page 15)
Guyana; solid waste management
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Introduction: 1.0 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION
1.1 Background
As a developing country, Guyana is faced with the basic problem of solid waste management. According to Gonzalez (2009)[1] “solid waste” refers to all ...
The Effects of Cell Phones Radiation
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Introduction: Even though the radiation cell phones emit is negligible, as a principle people should take precautions, and therefore cell companies should provide some sort of heath warning.
Cell phones have to emi...
Eye diseases
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Introduction: 1. Introduction
1.1 Glaucoma
Eye disease such as glaucoma, cataracts, age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy are some of the common causes of reduced vision and blindness (Short, 20...
The use of Microwave Remote Sensing
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Introduction: INTRODUCTION
Microwave remote sensing at wavelengths ranging from 1 cm to 1 m has gained a lot of importance over the plast decade for a wide range of scientific applications with the availability of ...
characteristics of Thailand
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Introduction: Culture has long been a topic of interest in the academic world and has been written extensively on by many sociologists and ethnographers. As individuals from different countries have their own cultu...
The Issues Challenges Facing Modern Medical Environments
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Introduction: Modern medicine has been impacted by advances in science and technology. These advances have extended the doctor’s professional capabilities. Technology advances have also made modern medicals...
About Cervical Cancer
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Introduction: Abstract:
Cervical cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death in developing countries. The cause of cervical cancer is the human papilloma virus (HPV). Cervical cancer has other risk facto...
Biodiversity conservation
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Introduction: Abstract
India’s biodiversity encompasses a wide spectrum of habitats that include tropical rainforests, alpine vegetation, temperate forests, and coastal wetlands. Traditional societies have pa...
Metabolic pathways for Diclofenac
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Introduction: Diclofenac (2-(2,6-dichlo ranilino)phenyl acetic acid)
Diclofenac is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) widely used to reduce inflammation and pain in conditions which include, but not limi...
Examining The Enzyme Amylase And Its Uses Science Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Introduction: A catalyst is a substance used to speed up a particular reaction and remain unchanged at the end of the reaction. Reactions that are sped up by catalysts can range from making sure maximum ammonia is ...
The Effectiveness of species reintroduction programmes
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Introduction: Introduction
Reintroduction programmes were created to reintroduce captive bred species back into a habitat. These are species that are originally endangered and at the risk of extinction. However the...
Failure analysis report on the chernobyl power plant
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Introduction: 1. Introduction
This memo is a failure analysis report on the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant located near the city of Pripyat, Ukraine. On April 26, 1986, a reactor at the power plant exploded, releasi...
Causes and effects of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Introduction: Introduction
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic condition that is characterized by persistent inflammation of a number of joints. Over a prolonged period of time, this inflammation results in irreversi...
Importance of medical fungi
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Introduction: Classification of fungi is done so that fungi with similar characteristics and structures can be grouped together and thus making identification easier. Fungi are classified on the basis of their abil...
A Stars Life And Death Sciences Essay
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Introduction: When we look in the sky at night and see all the stars your eyes can see. We think they are permanent although we may think this technology has given us the chance to see otherwise. Massive telescopes...
Prevention of disease
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Introduction: Introduction:
Prevention of any disease causing agent at livestock farm by managemental mechanisms and operations is known as biosecurity.Due to increased incidence of many foreign and emerging diseas...
Cattle breeding: Sanitary practices and perceptions
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Introduction: Chapter 1: Introduction
Cattle are raised mainly for meat and dairy products in Mauritius. Cattle breeding are an essential component of modern agriculture. According to norms, safe food of animal ori...
The Haber process for optimum performance
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Introduction: Research Question: What are the conditions for running the Haber process for optimum performance
In this essay I will find out what are the best conditions for the production of the maximum ...
The positives and negatives of Mold
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Introduction: When you hear the word “mold”, what comes to mind? Is it something green, fuzzy, and squishy? Do you immediately want to throw it away? Do you run screaming from the room or duck and hi...
Principles and implications of scientific management
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Introduction: The beginning of 20th century saw significant developments in technology that allowed, for the first time, mass manufacture of products. At the same time large corporations were established requiring ...
Effects of technology on society
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Introduction: Today, use of technology is widely available and aggressively promoted throughout society. However; while technology makes life easier for people, it also creates some problems for our society. Nearly...
Ethical and legal level of counseling
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Introduction: 1. The concept of ethics and legal
Ethics is generally defined as a philosophical discipline that is concerned with human conduced and moral decision making (Van Hoose, 1985). Ethics are normative in ...
Seed priming technique
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Introduction: Abstract
Seed priming is a technique by which seeds are partially hydrated to a point where germination processes begin but radical emergence does not occur. Priming can be found effective both for le...
Looking at the history of Bleaching
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Introduction: Since 5000 B.C., people have had knowledge of bleaching fabrics. Bleaching has the definition of “whitening by exposure to sunlight or by a chemical process.” People have had knowledge tha...
What factors will affect the time of a falling paper cone
Example essay. Last modified: 1st Jan 2015
Introduction: The issue raised is the motion of paper made cones within air as they are released. The time that the cone will take to reach ground level from the moment of its release depends on several variables, ...
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