Bibliography On Person Centred Planning Social Work Essay

Modified: 1st Jan 2015
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This annotated bibliography contains valuable information about Person Centered/Directed planning. Person centered planning is a unique and beneficial approach to assist a person in achieving ones dreams and goals. Person centered planning has been found to be beneficial for those with a developmental disability as they often face additional barriers in their lives. Person centered planning is a very intricate project concentrating on the persons specific goals, necessities and desires. A person with developmental disabilities often faces difficult and unique challenges just to reach their goals and plan for their future. Person centered planning for those with a developmental disability include wills, estate planning, Henson trust, funding, passport initiative, social skills, community, risk management and above all respect. The information provided in this annotated bibliography is useful to everyone and especially those with developmental disabilities and their families. The foremost idea of person centered/directed planning is empowering people with disability labels. It focuses their needs by placing them in charge of defining the path for their lives, not on the organisations that may or may not be obtainable to serve them. This leads to greater inclusion as respected participants of both community and society.

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The Role of the Office and Public Guardian and Trustee. (2010, December 9). Retrieved January 27, 2011, from Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General:

This article comprises of information regarding the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee (“OPGT”) which delivers a unique and diverse range of services that safeguards the legal, personal and financial interests of certain private individuals and assets. Occasionally, the court will mandate the OPGT to make choices of a private nature for an incapable person in order to guard them from life-threatening physical risk. OPGT is sanctioned to appoint a client’s relation to act in its place as guardian of possessions. The OPGT locates lawyers to act for people who are the focus of a proceeding under the Substitute Decisions Act, 1992 if ordered to do so by the court. The OPGT examines accounts when they are submitted by private guardians of property and estate executors to the court for consent. The OPGT then notifies the guardian, estate trustee and the court of any matters or concerns that may need to be addressed. Acting as Litigation Guardian or Legal Representative, the OPGT may be selected by the court to make decisions on behalf of individuals who are involved in lawsuits but who lack adequate capacity to suitably instruct a lawyer or to make pronouncements about weighty issues such as a potential settlement. The OPGT acts in this role, which is referred to, as ‘Litigation Guardian’. This is only in situations where there are no suitable alternatives. In this role, the OPGT does not make resolutions for the individual, but instead acts as an advocate, ensuring that the person’s legal rights are protected and that his or her wishes are put before the court. This information is very important when providing person centered planning to an individual as there are many rights and services available and it is key to know which help is the best and how to get it.

Beatty, H., Dickson, M. L., & Stapleton, J. (n.d.). How Henson Trusts can support people who receive ODSP Benifits. What you can do to enhance the quality of life for a family member with a disability?: Consider Henson Trust, 4-6.

  In this booklet, which can be found online at contains material regarding Henson Trusts. Henson Trusts are to ensure individuals with a disability receiving family benefits are not cut off from benefits if they are getting money from a trust set up to assist them. This is only so long as the trust gives whole control to the trustees about when to make payments from the trust. The Ontario Court says that the assets in a trust set up to support that person should not be considered as that person’s assets. This is because someone else made verdicts about how to spend the money in the trust. In July of 2005, the Social Benefits Tribunal established that a person receiving ODSP could be supported by money in a Henson Trust. The Tribunal found that the person receiving ODSP could not force the trustees to give the individual the money from the trust. You can set up a Henson Trust while you are still alive, or you can put a Henson Trust in your will, to be set up after you die. The present law says ODSP cannot count the money in a Henson Trust when they do an asset test to decide if your relative is eligible for ODSP. If the trust offers it, the trustee can spend both the capital and the income in a Henson Trust. When you are planning for an individual’s future and have their relatives involved, it is very important to ensure that the money you wish to leave to your loved one does not affect their ODSP entitlement.

Ontario, I. F. (2006). Our VISION for a Direct Individualized Funding Approach in Ontario. Retrieved February 3, 2011, from Modeling Community Change :

This document encompasses information about individualized funding. Individualized funding delivers the resources necessary for a person to meet their individual objectives by outlining what supports will be attained with funding entitled to them, and by directing those supports. Individualized funding is based on the values of residency, inclusion, self-sufficiency, community, and requirements for a whole life. Individualized funding also looks at the whole person. Additionally, the idea of individualized funding is founded on the standard that the person is the decision maker, and the person’s voice is being honoured in the process. It is also significant that membership and contribution in community is a given, and the community is the first resource. A very significant principal is also that the dreams of the person and the assets of the person, family, and support network direct the process. Furthermore, the planning and facilitation is a detached utility in the system, and connection building and networks of people are key. Funding must be transferable which means that it can be moved within to a different agency, to another part of the province, and out of province, whatever is needed. Individualized funding means that the person chooses what the money is needed for with the guidance of person directed plan and the “system” is not choosing for them.

Passport: A program to help you become a part of your community. (n.d.). Retrieved February 12, 2011, from Ministry of Community and Social Services:

This guide is for an individual with a developmental disability to acquire knowledge about their right of entry to their community using the Passport initiative. If an individual is still in school, Passport can give them a mentor. Once the individual leaves school, Passport will help persons make a plan, and assists them to participate in their community. Once an individual has left school, they may meet the requirements to receive money, which will pay for support, include the individuals in community activities. Passport will also support individuals in finding a job, undertaking volunteer work, learning skills to work, and volunteering in the community. With passport individuals have the opportunity to learn more by taking a course; learning how to use the library, and find out what can they do at their local community centre. An individual will need to complete the Passport application form if it is their first time applying for Passport funding, or if there has been an immense change in their necessities including support networks, or services. The individual will receive a letter that states if they have been accepted for Passport support. If they have been approved for Passport, the individual and/or their family will sign a contract with an agency. If they have not been approved for Passport the letter will tell they what to do next. It is possible that the individuals name will go on a waiting list and that they will get Passport funding later. If they have been approved for Passport funding and decide to move to another home or place in Ontario, their Passport funding will follow them to their new community. The passport initiative should be a part of all person centered planning as it the key to the community. A valued role in the community is something that everyone deserves.

Swanton, S., Walsh, S., O’Murchu, R., & O’Flynn, P. (2010). A tool to determine support needs for community life. Learning Disability Practice, 13(8), 24-26. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

This journal article covers material about the Supports Intensity Scale. The information explains its background as well as a project designed to evaluate its use in planning support for people with intellectual disabilities and challenging behaviour. The Supports Intensity Scale (SIS) was designed in detail for people with an intellectual disability. The SIS measures the level of support necessary for an individual with an intellectual disability to fully partake in community living. Scores are used to decide the supports need ratings; an overall supports needs index and a graph, which depicts a profile of the individual. The graph contains information about supports needs like sexual behaviour and aggression. Additionally the index will also contain tantrums, emotional outbursts, wandering, substance misuse, etc. Maintenance of mental health treatments is included as well. Each indicator is scored as 0 = not any support needed, 1 = a number of support needed, 2 = extensive support needed. When undertaking Person-centred support planning, the scale provides assistance to postulate the various supports needed for everyday life. The SIS can also point out what may be inhibiting specific life goals from being accomplished. These indicators would include such things as the requirement for support with skills expansion, or any unmet medical or mental health needs. In some occurrences, a person may require support recurrently but for a short interval each time, or substantial support only once a week. SIS is used to evaluate the patterns and intensity of an individual’s supports need, and the type and intensity of support essential for realization of the goal. To use the scale as a basis for planning meaningful supports requires much supplementary insight and resourcefulness to break the gap between recognizing an individual’s supports needs and making a genuine difference to their life. The SIS has the potential, if used insightfully, to document the supports required to make a good life a reality for the people we serve. When laying out an individual’s plan the SIS is, an indispensable tool to achieve the goals set out by the plan.

Goforth, J. L. (2007, February). Planning Your Future: A Guide to Creating and Leading Your Personal Support Team. Retrieved February 15, 2011, from San DiegoState University :…/PlanningYourFuture- Aguidetocreatingyoursupportteam.doc – United States

This resource guide is about the Circle of Support for individuals with developmental disabilities. People that should be included on this intricate team are those from the workplace, school, home, and leisure areas an individuals life. Support team participants may include members of family, friends, neighbours, teachers, co-workers, advocates, roommates, case managers and/or service coordinators. An individual’s team can support them with problem solving, goal setting and planning for the future. Additionally, the Circle of Support will assist with learning new things, attainment information about an individual’s community, offering support to be successful in the workplace, at school, and living in the community of choice. A picture of an individual’s life would comprise of how the individual desires their life to be in the future. This includes, looking at where the person lives now, and where they want to live. Some planning ideas might include more money, training, or possibly getting an assistant. This is only one aspect of a very thought out and detailed plan to be created by the individual with assistance of the circle of support. An individual’s team members can also share their vision or dreams for the person’s future. What are any concerns or worries that the person or their team have about the individuals future, or reaching the goals have been set. Using this information provided it becomes evident that the circle of support is a key aspect in an individual’s person centered planning.

Galloway, C. (1979). Conversion to a Policy of Community Presence and Participation. Retrieved January 26, 2010, from The Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities:

This article contains information on community presence. The strategy that allows persons with developmental disabilities to join humanity and rests on two central expectations having to do with the nature of the person and the nature of the person’s place in society. These c assumptions,-neither more important than the other, produce certain captivating questions: like if persons share involvement in the same human and national association, how can those things valued by most are deprived to some? The dominance of the strategy of community presence and participation proposes that a change in basic thought, in our fundamental edifice of beliefs and values, takes place. A shift feasibly linked with alterations in our system of law and our acceptance of the nature of human performance is essential as well. Community presence is the key to person centered planning and assisting the individual to remove the stigma of having a developmental disability.

Office of Disibility Employment Policy: Communicating with and About People with Disabilities. (2002, August). Retrieved February 13, 2010, from United States Department of Labour:

When we think about person centered planning we undoubtedly must to think of respect. This web articles does just that. Individuals are sometimes concerned that they will say the incorrect thing, so they say nothing at all. This further segregates people with disabilities. When writing or speaking about people with disabilities, it is significant to put the person first. Further, words like “normal person” imply that the person with a disability is not normal. Whereas “person without a disability” is, descriptive but not negative. When acquainted with to a person with a disability, it is fitting to propose to shake hands. To show respect look directly at the individual when speaking to them. If you do not comprehend something the individual says, do not pretend that you do. Try to ask questions that necessitate only short responses or gestures. If you are having difficulty understanding the individual, contemplate writing as a substitute means of communicating. To show respect a person should also take time to understand the individual and make sure the individual understands them. All of these points are very important when assisting an individual with developmental disabilities with their life plan and ensuring that it fits them.

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Ylvisaker, M., Hibbard, M., & Feeney, T. (2006). What is Social Competence. Retrieved January 27, 2011,from Learn Net:

This article contains specific information regarding social competence, better known as social skills. We use the term “social competence” rather than the more commonly used term “social skills” because the term “skills” suggests that rehearsal of certain socially positive behaviours is all that a person requires being socially effective. In addition, the precise abilities or actions associated with social competence differ from one social setting to another and from one social group to another. Social competence includes, but is not reserved to effective social communication. Critical to social accomplishment is having knowledgeable, empathetic, and capable communication partners. A natural and reasonable value for effective social behaviour is maintenance of a satiating social collaboration. Social competence is essential to a person with a developmental disability reaching their goals. When you are partaking in person centered planning it is extremely important to ensure the individual you are assisting includes social skill development into their life plan.

Rose, J. (2006). Individual Risk Management Planning (IRMP). Retrieved February 12, 2010, from Irwin Seigal Agency Inc.:

This section of an article is about Individual Risk Management (IRMP). IRMP is a procedure that is exclusively built on an individual’s capabilities and objectives. It is a balancing of risk and reward. Risk management should highlight safety measures and tactics that will address concerns and generate circumstances where risk is accomplished and equitable whenever possible. A risk management system is constructed upon a strong process for detecting unreasonable risk. A risk management structure must evaluate the ability of an individual to make knowledgeable choices and to learn from those choices with the obligation of supporting an individual to be safe. The goal of risk management planning is to classify possible risks and to implement practices that will eradicate or diminish loss effect. The role of the provider and the individual’s team is to detect those potentially ‘bad experiences’, to implement an individualized risk management plan. Liability is a part of everyone’s life and it should not be excluded from an individual’s life plan.

Blaney, J. B. (n.d.). Closing the Gap between Vision and Reality: Building Person-Centered Organizations. Retrieved January 19, 2010, from Reinventing Quality:

This document contains pronounced information on leadership in person centered planning organizations. In the person-centered organization, authority and accountability must be distributed throughout the system of person-centered teams. The issue is not of position or title of the leader, but of what authority, information, resources and accountability does this team or team member require in order to support life changes for the individual that make a difference. One of the genuine roles as described above is that of the Direct Support Professional (DSP). The DSP becomes an empowered leader within a person-centered team. The DSP will work closely with the individual to ensure the planning process is going, as they want. If team members have trouble in making decisions or taking responsibility, the DSP pursues verification of the concern as well as accountability of the team. Leadership is essential for Developmental Service Workers when implementing person centered planning in the organizations they work with.

Smull, M. W. (1946). Positive Rituals and Quality of Life. In J. O’Brien, & C. L. O’Brien, a little book about Person Centered Planning (pp. 51-54). Toronto: Inclusion Press.

This section of the book about person centered planning contains information about rituals and a person’s quality of life when living with a developmental disability. Conceivably, it is the absence of mindful thoughtfulness that has led us to negligence in the role of ritual in the quality of life of people with disabilities. It is necessary for those of us who support people with disabilities to wilfully contemplate the role of ritual and to insure the presence of positive rituals. Rituals begin every day with our morning routines. Support workers also need to remember that some rituals are rituals of comfort. For Individuals with a disability support worker often forget that rituals are normal. Not only are rituals apart of normalization but they directly affect a person’s quality of life. A person with a developmental disability has the right to have rituals and a persons desired rituals must be considered in person centered planning.

In conclusion, this annotated bibliography contains key points, ideas, and processes for person centered/directed planning. I have learned so much while writing this bibliography, and now have an awareness of the different types, area, specialties, and sources to assist a developmental service worker to ensure they are educated and able to provide the best assistance with person centered planning. With this information, I have learned just how very important person directed planning is, as well as how intricate and important the entire process is. Person centered/directed planning is an essential tool for people with a developmental disability.


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