Firstly, the part of the practitioner in caring for children contains the practitioner meeting the single necessities of children. Examples are, that providing food and drinks to the children which meets their dietary necessities. Furthermore, care plans are formed by the early year's practitioner to help to see the child's necessities which are unsimilar from all other toddlers. Refer to appendix one which is a care plan of a child, within a child care setting formed by an early years practitioner. As when referring to the Early Years Foundation Stage, under "Food and drink" "Before a child is admitted to the setting the provider must also obtain information about any special dietary requirements, preferences and food allergies that the child has, and any special health requirements. (Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage) (pg.22). In addition, these care plans will help the practitioner to confirm that the child's individual necessities are seen through this care plan. Refer to Appendix 1 which is an example of a care plan which a setting in Wales uses which is produced for the ages of 0-2. These care plans aids the practitioners to give out a day-to-day arrangement for children's and their respective families.
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Examples from my placement are that, child I is not allowed normal milk as they have an allergy to it. In turn, for the child's dietary and nutriential necessities, soya milk is replaced and used within the setting, when the rest of the children have normal milk according to their individual necessities or parents' necessities which have been set out. Furthermore, the practitioners within my placement e.g. childcare practitioners have met the child's individual necessities of not being given the normal milk to child I, and giving the child soya milk which is permitted.
Lastly, the Children's Act 2004 legislation aids promote the necessities of children to be established at all times to help a child's well being. This is as, under the Children's Act 2004, a child's well-being has to be seen and the food necessities which is a part of their care necessities has to be obeyed too. In turn, this includes a child's food necessities such as dietary necessities being seen within any child care setting. In conclusion, this legislation aids to develop children's necessities and any special necessities, as children's individual dietary necessities to be accurately met.
Secondly, ensuring the rights of the children are being established which it's a statutory responsibility for the practitioner to follow whilst working with early aged children. This right is the Children's Act 2004 which is the highly regarded legislation which has been set out within the UK that supports the single rights of early aged children. This act provides the national Framework for all children's services and is identified in the Every Child Matters five outcomes for early aged people and children which all Professionals regarding to any child care job would need to follow.
Refer to Appendix 2, which is the copy of information about the Children's Act 2004. Examples are, such as the childcare practitioners at my placement, school teacher, after school club teachers, early year's practitioner. The Government aim for every child regardless of their upbringing or situation, in which they have been brought up to, is to have the support they require. Also, a significant policy change in relation to the Green paper is the introduction of the five outcomes that are considered key to children's on-going progression and well-being. Furthermore, Refer to Appendix two which is a document of the Every Child Matters act which the practitioner practices during their development practice. Inturn, from the every Child Matters act under "Being healthy" Evidence will include ways in which providers promote the following: physical, mental, emotional and sexual health; participation in sport and exercise; healthy eating and the drinking of water;". (Every Child Matters (2012) < [online] <
In conclusion, practitioners would be compulsory to offer food which is strong for the children and at the same time meets their single special dietary necessities.
Examples from my placement is that, children are provided with healthy meals daily which are different from each day. As one day the cook would prepare tuna pasta, and at another day the cook would prepare rice with curry. In conclusion, the staff e.g. childcare practitioners at my placement are ensuring that children are getting all the fuels from the nutrients from the healthy balanced diet sheet chart to benefit majorly with their improvement of development.
Thirdly, working with their families and obeying their wishes. Examples are that a parent for any reason would not want their child to eat biscuits within the setting. Furthermore, the early year's practitioner would be essential to ensure that parents' necessities which have been set out to the child care provision type of setting are obeyed too and the child does not be given any biscuits. As when referring to the Early Years Foundation stage, under "Food and drink" "Providers must record and act on information from parents and carers about a child's dietary needs". (Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage) (pg.22). In conclusion, listening to parents' requirements and responding on them is vital as the statutory piece of framework states that. Refer to appendix 3 which has nutrition information for early year's practitioners to obey and know.
Examples from my placement is that, child S is not allowed chocolates or biscuits according to their parent's requirements for any of their snack or as a part of their dinner meal. In addition, my placement listens to child S parents and ensured child S does not be provided with that food. In addition, when the rest of the children have a chocolate treat or a biscuit, child S is given another food to swap the chocolate treat, such as crackers. This ensures that the parents' necessities are being obeyed, and the snack replacement is a healthy type of food which child S likes which is highly important and is according to child S's parents necessities which has been set out, which allows child S to have.
Fourthly, working in a team and with other professionals is vital for the early year practitioner to do when caring for children. This is as, each child has unsimilar individual necessities and own unique weaknesses and strengths. Furthermore, it is the duty of the early year practitioner to ensure that they work with other professionals to help overcome the difficulties which could alter their learning or improvement of development and boost it in whenever possible. As when referring to the Early Years Foundation Stage under "Progress check at age two "If there are significant emerging concerns, or an identified special educational need or disability, practitioners should develop a targeted plan to support the child's future learning and development involving other professionals (for example, the provider's Special Educational Needs Co-ordination) as appropriate." (Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, (pg.10). In addition, refer to Appendix 4 which is a copy of the Disability Act 2001 Act's Information which early year's practitioners could be compulsory to follow and accurately use when it is vital, whilst working with children.
Examples from my placement is that, child K has special needs in which they have difficulty speaking. Furthermore, my placement referred him to a speech therapist that visits them daily and my placement and helps to enhance child J's speaking skills. This involves the whole family and the setting, in which the setting has to build up on it from the tips being given by the speech therapist. In conclusion, by working with other professionals early year's practitioners can get effective help to help stop any obstacles on the child's learning and improvement of development.
Fifthly, compliance with legal requirements which a must for early years practitioners to follow whilst caring for children. The EYFS is a statutory framework meaning it's a legislation that provides the standards for the care, learning and development of children from the small birth of a child to the growing age of toddlers of five years old. Furthermore, as it's a statutory framework all providers/practitioners must use the EYFS to make sure that which ever type of setting a Parent decides to choose for their child, they can be assured that their child will receive a satisfactory experience that will help and support them in their learning, development and care. In conclusion, practitioners and registered providers in childcare in the UK who are caring for children under the age of five years old are required to use the EYFS, which are then dealt in two processes. In turn, they are registered and then are inspected to see if they match the standards of requirements of the EYFS by the Ofsted.
EYFS framework provides the standards for the care, development and learning of children which are from small birth of a child to the last stage of foundation stage of a child's learning. The purpose of the EYFS is to help each child to achieve the five Every Child Matters outcomes which are the follows;
Early Years Foundation Stage ( birth to five years old ) < (online) England - "To be healthy".
Early Years Foundation Stage ( birth to five years old ) < (online) England - "To be safe".
Early Years Foundation Stage ( birth to five years old ) < (online) England - "To enjoy and achieve".
Early Years Foundation Stage ( birth to five years old ) < (online) England - "To make a positive contribution".
Early Years Foundation Stage ( birth to five years old ) < (online) England - "To achieve economic well being".
EYFS has 4 themes which are the follows;
A unique child = Early Years Foundation Stage ( birth to five years old) < (online) England "every child is competent learner from birth can be resilient, capable, confident and self assured" which means that every child is able to do something well and is able to do many things as well including, they can quickly return back to a previous good condition, also is able to do things effectively and skilfully and to achieve results, and finally having confidence in their own abilities.
Positive relationships = Early Years Foundation Stage ( birth to five years old) < (online) England "children learn to be strong and independent from a base of loving and secure relationships with parents/or a key person". This means that Children start to understand that they must change the way they behave, by not being weak and not influenced or controlled in any way by other people, things or events from a bottom part of an event or thing by showing a lot of love and being in a protective relationship with their Parents/or a key person.
Enabling environments = Early Years Foundation Stage ( birth to five years old) < ( online) England "the environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children's Development and learning". This tells us that the environment plays a major part in helping and developing the learning and development process of Children's.
Learning and development = Early Years Foundation Stage ( birth to five years old) < ( online) England "children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates and all areas of learning and development are equally important and inter-connected". This indicates that Children grow and learn not in the same way and not in the similar rates and all areas of development and learning are very important and are if two or more things.
The EYFS applies to:
Every Child Matters is also another legislation which supports the rights of children to a healthy way of life. It's a programme which is a statutory framework which is essential to be obeyed. EYFS applies to Early Years Foundation Stage (birth to five years old) Early Years Foundation Stage ( birth to five years old) < ( online) England " early years providers in the private, voluntary, and independent sectors caring for children from birth to five must use the EYFS". In conclusion, it applies to all sectors which are provided for children's care from small birth to young age of a child or a toddler being five. Examples could be, Playgroups, Childminders, Day Nurseries, After school clubs, Breakfast clubs, Sure Start Children's Centre, Holiday Playschemes. The EYFS makes sure that Parents are kept updated with their Child's progress, child care based settings providers working closely with parents, and Children study complete play.
Refer to Appendix five, which is a job description of an Early Years practitioner which has all the abilities and approvals stated an early year's practitioner would need within themselves such as their abilities, and approvals which they have took before to work with early aged children.
Examples from my placement is that, the setting at the staff room has a poster of the Early Years foundation stage with each of the five outcomes on it. This shows how important this document is for any child care setting and my placement. Also every nursery nurse, whilst doing observations or planning any education progress activity for the children practices it. Examples are, child care practitioner H did an observation on child L, which they then sat down and looked through the EYFS. By looking through the EYFS, it helps them see what period a child is at. Examples are, a child care practitioner would look and establish their observation around it, such as a toddler and do an observation on their fine motor skills which is a development of their major stage of physical development, which could not be very good. In turn, it shows the nursery nurse how the period of a child is improving on development as they are growing up. Furthermore then produce more activities around it, which involves practising different strategies and doing one to one support with the child's respective families, for them to encourage their knowledge of how to help support their child's progress of development and the different ways they can aid it, this why working with families is vital.
There are many different ways in which how care for children may be provided within families and society.
Firstly, a child could be cared for within families and society by a Day nursery type of setting. This is as a, child is cared throughout the day within a day nursery. Inturn, a child is cared in a day nursery as all of their care necessities are met. This includes the main basic care needs of children which are Play, Food, Care and access to pure water which is a child's right. Furthermore, examples of care necessities of children being met, such as play would be met by having set routines such as free play for babies such as mornings and set times for outdoor play and indoor play for pre-schoolers. This is important as, by ensuring that children have set times of play will allow to promote children's social development and independence skills which is an obligation for an early year's practitioner to do. In turn, when children play together, they're communicating with each other which helps with their social development as they're communicating with other children and other different children, by doing different types of activities such as playing cars with each other, or another example could be an activity which could help develop children's physical development of an running game, such as tag rugby with pre-schoolers. Inturn, it would encourage their gross motor skills, which is the child's body increasing correctly as when children run, their body metabolism is working and putting their body into the correct type of practise which helps a child with their overall body's development growing.
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In conclusion, a day nursery cares and helps promote children's development such as social and physical development of children, as using the milestones of development for children as a guide and basing correct types of different activities around it. As when referring to the Early Years Foundation Stage "Providers must provide access to an outdoor play area or, if that is not possible, ensure that outdoor activities are planned and taken on a daily basis (unless circumstances make this inappropriate, for example unsafe weather conditions). (Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, pg.24). In conclusion, by children participating in activities which helps promote their physical and social development, it's a Head Manager's and a duty of a statutory setting, such as a Day Nursery.
Examples from my placement, is that my placement ensures that every child's care necessities are seen. As, my placement has a set routine of how to meet children's care necessities such as foods. This is shown and understood by parents, as it's placed within the main room. In turn, my placement provides snacktime in the morning, which is a selection of milk and biscuits. Secondly, my placement provides lunch to food which meets each child's dietary necessities and a tea time. Also, outdoor play for children, which aids children's physical progress of motor and gross skills. In conclusion, my placement ensures that children's care necessities are being seen through a certain structure of a day's timetable of small snacks, big meals such as lunch, and play provided to children at all times or when it is required.
Secondly, a child could be cared for within families and society by an After-School clubs. This is as After school clubs; offer care to early children. Examples are, when a child finishes any child care setting, e.g. Private day nurseries, schools periods, they could join straight to an after school club location. In turn, by having after school clubs ensures that children are being cared for the rest of the remaining day, by proper staff members of child care practitioners. This rest assures parents, who jobs are all day long, that their child are in safe hands and are being observed and meeting their necessity's properly after such as always being kept a watch that they're safe and carefree. In conclusion, after school clubs offers good care to children throughout the extent of time period a child is at. Also, after school clubs help build children's social and emotional development. This is as, a child would be taking parts in a wide range of varied events which is placed infront of them and which interests them.
Furthermore, this would promote a child's self-esteem, as they are being given an selection of different choices as to what they like and would like to do, which they can choose from, without any one else telling them what activity they think should the child participate and give a try according to them, such as staff members which could be teachers.
In turn, this is self-reliance abilities and qualities being established within early children's. Also, a child's social and emotional development is occurring as when a child is contributing in activities they like, they would meet and began to communicate with other children which could be new to them. Furthermore, by doing an activity of their choice would help build their friends circle to get huge, as they would meet new different children with the same taste alike to them. In turn, friendships could occur, which would help promote a child's self-confidence and ability to begin communicating with different children, with different personalities.
As when referring to children's Development Milestones, "Encourage children to choose to play with a variety of friends from all backgrounds, so that everybody in the group experiences being included". (Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Positive Relationships: what adults could do, (pg.9). In conclusion, children's social development and confidence should be encouraged all times, within any types of child care settings meeting single children's rights, of meeting single children's care necessities.
Examples from my placement, is that the setting has an Afterschool club which is delivered for children to join and share, which could be a child attending an statutory school type of setting and Tea time lunch is already provided for them with an range of activities to do such as free times, this includes drawing, paintings, writing, computer time. In conclusion, after school clubs are delivered within my placement, and appeals to majority of all age ranges.
Thirdly, a child could be cared for within families and society by Preschools. Firstly, as child care practitioners provide intense care throughout the day meaning a Parent can leave their Child there and be assured their Child is going to be in safe hands as they're in the hands of a qualified child care practitioners who know what and how to do their job rightly and properly. Secondly, same as a statutory school setting which offers care for children; it provides meals to children which are adjusted to a child's single dietary necessities or parents necessities being given out to the setting. Examples are, a parent might not like their child to eat certain foods, which could be provided within a Preschool, e.g. Chocolate/Cheese.
Therefore, the Preschools makes sure that that certain child does not eat that type of food and swaps it with another piece of which is not a related food, an example would be mini cheddars instead of Chocolate in which the child does not feel left out and the Parents voice is listened too. It develops to care children's improvement as some Pre-schoolers have a daily learning plan, however on the other hand the early years practitioners use learning plan and plan activities such as hand painting which means the child can go and try-out and progress their skills such as some Pre-schoolers have play normally throughout the day or at a specific time meaning that play would help the child's cognitive development to increase.
Also, it keeps the parents updated with their child's progress throughout the day as some Pre-schoolers have a board in which they could write each child's name and tick against if they ate some, or full or none of their dinners and writing what they had against the dinner which let's the parents know what exactly their child ate throughout the day. Therefore if the parents not happy with it, they can talk about it to the child care practitioners. Each Child has a designed Key Worker in which has a job of keeping an eye and developing a certain child Development therefore each child needs are being met and are tried through observations meaning the child's progress is being monitored and discusses with parents through one to one tutorial sort of meeting. Lastly, it helps the child's physical development as for children/babies use play to work all their vital body parts such as hard inside muscles therefore when they play it helps develop their gross motor skills. As "controlling their large muscles". (Tassoni, P, (2007), pg. ) and their fine motor skills, "controlling their smaller muscles of their hands and feet". (Tassoni, P, (2007), pg ). In conclusion, it helps practice a child's physical development which includes their hands in fine motor skills, and their body, gross motor skills.
Examples from my placement is that, they keep parents updated about their child's health and well-being throughout the day, through post it notes which includes their Lunch/Snacks/Nappies information on it. This includes how much or how little their child has eaten and what exactly they ate. As child T, was not feeling well and ate very little for their lunch which was Tuna pasta. In conclusion, the post it notes was given to Parents and explained to the parents when coming to collect, child T that their child has had not ate enough and they're ill. In conclusion, by settings having an policy of post it notes will ensure and prove, how the child got cared throughout that one day and if there was any accidents, parents can fill an accident form, and be aware of how and where exactly their child has an accident within the setting.
Lastly, such as a signing in policy meaning all Visitors will sign in and sign out. My placement also has a signing in policy in which I always have to make sure I do also. The signing in policy is a sheet of register paper with all the staff's name and the date written. It also has a space for students and volunteers in which I sign in. As I'm not a member of staff I have to write my names unlike the permanent member of staff who already have their names printed. This helps a lot as if an serious emergency happens then the building has to be evacuated immediately therefore the visitor safety will be ensured, as a whole the students, volunteers, staff's and for example an electrician came to my placement the other day, he also had to sign in. This ensures if a crisis happens or fire, their safety will also be ensured in this way, no one will be missed in numbers and so will be mine as I am working as a student there.
The attendance of any visitor, student, staff, of which time they came in and out of the building will be recorded therefore my setting will have the correct date and time for their own assurance. Therefore for example, if a crime crops up or if the college requires seeing if the student really went to their placement for example me. I could say that day I was at placement, when I might not truly have been therefore, the placement could show their record as a proof.
Statutory, private, voluntary and independent settings, all have different roles when caring for children.
Firstly, statutory types of settings are those types of settings in which the Legal Law is involved with and confirming it's provided to all early children and early aged people. A popular example of an statutory service would be a School. School's is necessity for all parents to join and make sure, that a parent ensures that their child goes to school as it's a statutory type of legislation which has to be listened too. In turn, all children are obliged to attend school. Refer to Appendix six, an plan of promoting the well-being of children within a within a statutory place of a school which delivers education to different abilities and aged groups of children, such as a plan which meets the individual necessities as when giving out or meeting parents' wishes of providing medicines to their child. These guide plans are for settings to use properly and consider if a child requires any type of medical help which could be in a form of medicines, pumps, tablets according to a child's group of age. In turn, these care plans are based on what a child requires according to their necessities and how they could aid them. Furthermore, these guide plans of health would be within the statutory type of setting with the Head Manager within the office, as it's necessary for them to know any kind of medical problems which have occurred or are being occurred recently and, if there was an issue to arise, the office would know immediately know what action to take or who should be the first and utmost priority to contact when an emergency arises. In conclusion, these guide care action plans are vital for a setting to have, and know beforehand about a child, this could also include staff members being aware of also beforehand, as this helps them as an Head manager within an office, as to what action or what allergy's a child has and the immediate action plan for that.
As when referring to the Early Years Foundation Stage, under "Health-Medicines", "They must have a procedure, discussed with parents and or/carers, for responding to children who are ill or infectious, take necessary steps to prevent the spread of infection, and take appropriate action if children are ill". (Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage), (pg.21/22). In conclusion, as its legal for schools and vital staff members, such as Teachers,Head Manager, Head Teacher to be aware of, and organised a way of dealing with giving medicines to children who are poorly.
Examples from my placement, is that Child O has an allergy to many different types of foods. Furthermore, a guided plan of his medicines and care within a setting, e.g. class is placed on the board which is completed. This ensures, that Teacher W knows when how to prevent any issues from occurring. As once, a child was giving chocolate with nuts on, which Child O is not allowed. Immediately, Teacher W did not allow Child O to have it. In conclusion, it's vital for the setting, and staff members to have a guided plan of health for the child as it benefits, the staff members and Head manager majorly.
Secondly, private types of settings are those types of settings which earn money at all times. An example, of a private service would be Private Day Nurseries. Private Day Nurseries are places for Parents who normally work full time to leave their child in a safe environment in the hands of a skilled Nursery Nurses who help the development of the Children and provide them with regular requirements with the Parents agreements on food/sleep time or other kind of similar activity's. Refer to Appendix seven, which is a Policy of Behaviour within a Private Day Nurseries. A policy of behaviour is very important within all categories of child care settings who look after small age types of children. A policy of behaviour is different within each child care settings, however it is essential as it inboards instructions and guidelines within the child care settings of what is accepted through behaviour and what is not accepted. As when referring to the Early Years Foundation Stage, "Managing behaviour", "Providers must have and implement a behaviour management policy, and procedures. A named practitioner should be responsible for behaviour management in every setting". (Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, pg.23). In conclusion, a policy which stresses the importance of accurate behaviour, and inappropriate behaviour amongst children's is vital.
Examples from my placement, is that my placement has a policy of what behaviour should be and how children should meet that criteria. Furthermore, this includes the classroom as well, as when a child is not behaving well or disturbing the class, Teacher R writes the child name on the board, amongst the sad face. This is a type of a warning for the child, for the child to calm down and relax, however if it continues another tick would go amongst the child's name. In turn, if it's continues, it could go serious and the child misses their break and lunch time. In conclusion, a policy of a behaviour structure will enforce and promote good understanding amongst children's of what a right, accurate behaviour is.
Lastly, Human Rights Act 2000 is a development of the importance of meeting children's care necessities, as it gave single obligatory rights to early children which includes that whenever any conclusions on early aged children and grown-ups are built around using the Human Rights Act 2000 guidelines. In turn, this Act provided children with having general basics rights, such as being treated alike with each and as single human being in a positive way which resulted that, children are required to be respected and being objectively treated when child care practitioners communicate with early children.
Thirdly, voluntary types of settings are those types of settings which contain certain types of charities behind the voluntary types of settings, which include major kinds of organisations. Playgroups help children's with their cognitive development as cognitive skills are based on learning and thinking and play is a form of way in "children research the world, playing allows children to test and develop these skills". (Tassoni, P, 2007, pg.) as whilst they are learning as they're discovering new things by playing with differ
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